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Team EN Update 12.3.13

TeamEN Update 12.3.13

In This Issue:

EN Wants You!

From the Blog

From the Forums

Call To Action

Race Update

From The Wiki

Sponsor/Discounts Update

Admin Update



EN Wants You!
...to be a Secret Santa and take part in our Annual Secret Santa Gift Exchange. Deadline to sign up is December 9th. Further details via the official sign up link.

...to consider the latest Early Registration Opportunity for TeamEN ONLY (no sharing!) at Ironman Princeton 70.3. You can submit a request for early registration via this form here. Learn more about Princeton 70.3 here.

Call To Action
The Second Annual National Rally is scheduled for April 3 to 6 in Tucson AZ. This is an all-access pass for a weekend of training and learning to kick off your 2014 Season with Coach Rich, Coach Patrick and a veritable "Who's Who" of Team Endurance Nation members. More details here!

The latest installment of Coach Rich’s OutSeason Webinar Series is in the books, with this week’s session on The OutSeason and Strength Training. Go here to view the complete schedule and to download this week’s webinar.

From the Blog
We’ve been posting race reports like crazy. Here’s another great one from Brian Anderson, including a podcast interview at the bottom!

First off, by way of introduction, here’s a little information about me. I’m married with 4 kids. The crazy part about that is that the 4th was born right in the middle of training (in July). But the great thing about the EN training plans…  Read More >>

From the Forums
Sentenced to pool running? Check this out.

Race Update
Congrats to all our IMCozumel peeps who raced on Sunday with a special congrats going out to Patricia Rosen who came 2nd in her AG. We can not wait to read your race reports. Keep an eye out for your Post Race Guidance email on Tuesday, to help you transition from Ironmans to Ordinary Citizens. If you want to see how they did, please check out the EN Tracker here.

From The Wiki
New Race Simulation Ironman and Half Ironman Runs added to the training plans this week, as part of our quest to make Endurance Nation the best damn place to train on earth. Also, this includes some modifications for athletes whose vDOTs are 31 or lower...plenty of long running goodness! Get all the details online here.

Sponsor Update: The Core Diet


Website: www.thecorediet.com


1-1 Nutrition Coaching - 5%

Mission Nutrition - 5%

Nutrition Plan - 10%

Race Fueling - 10%

Code: QT2-EN

The Pushup Challenge is complete. Congrats to all who toughed it out. Results will be posted in the challenges thread in the challenge forum here. Next up: Core Challenge starting 2 December. We have approximately 60 people signed up already. All you need is two days a week to be able to meet the challenge. Here is the link to sign up. This is a good one folks! We will also be putting on our Annual Holiday Run Challenge, and Brenda will post details to in the next newsletter. Lots happening in the house this Holiday season...hope you join in the fun!!!

On this day in 1976 Bob Marley was shot twice in an assassination attempt. He played a concert two days later. Next to a picture of the word “badass” in the dictionary, we’re thinking Bob Marley belongs there. ONE LOVE.

Peace, love, and joy,

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