Dave Hartman - 2014 Season Plan Adjustment
Coaches, I'm going to be making some adjustments and also opening up "negotiations" with the wife sometime this week regarding the upcoming months and training. I've got a couple of options in mind and would appreciate some thoughts.
Background/info (try to keep it short):
Completed SavageMan 1/2 in Mid Sept (great race, 2nd in AG) and while my original plan was to join the Nov OS, for a variety of reasons I didn't start with that group. I've been mostly doing the workouts in the plan until I had a more defined schedule/plan. Signed up for IMLP in 2014 - 50/50 chance I'm doing no half prep races (question below). Completed OS Advanced plans last 2 years and pretty stable in terms of injuries (I had some morton's neuroma, but it seems to be calm at the moment). I would consider myself relatively even across the events with performance rank probably being Run (Z4 pace about 6:25 currently), Bike (3.65 W/Kg), Swim (IM 1:08-1:10).
For next year I likely will do a "training camp" of some sort, either on my own or with the team. I've done these the past couple of years (300mi/40K climbing + 5 mi run over 4 days last year) and they have worked well for me.
Options I'm considering/Questions:
- Start OS plan on my own with W1 being next week (end mid-march), Then do GF Plan for 5-6 weeks and pick up IM Advanced plan with Week 9. Assuming I'm flexible, where would be a good place to put in a 4-6 day high volume block? I was thinking of 4 weeks out from IM to go into taper right after that. Maybe another option would be before the IM specific plan starts (early May)
- Right now, I'm not planning on doing a half IM. I've done enough half's and have been training long enough that I don't typically get a lot of new information from half's and as I'm borderline "racing" the IM (10:42 PR) distance, I'm thinking giving up ~2 weeks to fit in a half wouldn't be worth it. Down side is it gives no intermediate (race) goals and I wouldn't have that bench mark. That being said I've gotten pretty comfortable at dialing in my numbers (had fastest run in AG at last race). Thoughts?
- I considered not doing the GF block after the OS and 1-2 week transition (swim camp) and just going into the IM Advanced plan. Again with the thinking being that I'm not doing any halfs or any other races, would there be a benefit to just going right to the IM Plan?
I'll sprinkle in some core and swimming as time permits. I've got a very flexible schedule right now and with treadmill and bike trainer in basement and pool only a mile away, it's not too huge a cost. As my swimming age is "young" I tend to struggle to get back my swimming form at the begining of the season. I do have 2 private lessons left that I can schedule when I want with a coach. Thoughts on when would be good to fit those in? I originally thought I would like to get back in the water a couple of times before going to see him as it would keep lack of "swim fitness" out of the equation when he sees me (if that makes sense).
Thanks for any info,
Giddyup...Thanks for the advice.
BTW, Would it be okay to add a marathon in there some where, just for fun
(Only kidding)