Susan Ogilvie's Micro Questions Thread
Hi Patrick,
I hope your shoulder is healing!
Quick question- and I know I didn't give you a lot of lead time on this, but it kind of snuck up on me between studying for a test and trying to solve weird electrical issues in our new house from the "hydroponic farmers" that used to own this place...
I am in Week 2 of RD 2 plan. I am doing a spinning instructor certification class tomorrow and I am wondering how that is going to affect my long bike/long run workouts this week. Some say you do a lot of riding at the cert class, but I don't know what their background is, so I don't know what a lot is to them, etc. Obviously, I will *probably* get my long ride in tomorrow in the class, but if it is actually a lot of riding, I am not sure how that will affect my long run on Sunday. My legs are actually kind of tired right now, meaning if I did my WOs as prescribed for the rest of the weekend, I would need a lot of rolling, hot tub, etc. by Sunday and for sure a rest on Monday. But if this cert class is intense, then I am not sure what I should do about the long run time. I am so happy that I am feeling no hip pain right now, and I dont want to screw that up, but I do not want to miss a long run either!
Any advice is appreciated! Thanks! Susan
I say if the class is intense, just cut the run in half...if the class is a joke, just get the run in. Remember, this is just a run right now...reducing/cutting it b/c you did more exercise elsewhere is no problem!!!
Hi Patrick!
Ok, I am trying to hack the OS "week" into something workable for my schedule. I feel like the busiest not working stay-at-home mom in the world (which makes me think I should find a job so I will be less busy...?) and I don't know why, but whatever.
I think I have worked how to stack the week's workouts across the week in a way that works for me and the family and wanted to run it by you in order to see if it's all good.
If T-W-Th are a "virtual brick", then can I do them Th-F-Sa, rest Sun, bike/run (orig Sat) moves to M, long run moves to T, rest wednesday? Also, if I get stuck without enough time Monday, which should I prioritize, the bike or the run? (Personally, although I am trying not to compare myself to others, my bike looks like shit now.)
So just let me know if I can do this schedule this way, and if I should I change it as I move to the end of the OS? I have a 1/2 marathon my last day of OS (March 30- Rich has me cutting it short to move on to swim camp because my 1/2 Iron is pretty early (June)). I can also check back in with you as I move closer to that 1/2 marathon if you think thats a good idea.
Ok...hopefully you understand what I am trying to say, LOL. Thanks in advance! S
I think your plan is totally FINE! I also do my long workouts on Friday so that I have more time / availability on the weekends...Very exciting!
Hey Coach P,
Happy Birthday and great job on your run yesterday! Hope you had plenty of cake and ice cream.
So, I am in week 9 of OS - about to be 10- and am scheduled to exit JOS on 4/1 to swim camp and then HIM plan. I scheduled a 1/2 marathon on 3/30- the Ann Arbor 1/2- and when I raised my hand to say I was running it at our Girls on the Run 5k event committee meeting the other night, there were a couple of surprised looks, so now I am verging on a serious moment of self-doubt! This is only my second half-marathon, and the first one was on trail and in a blizzard, so there was quite a good amount of walking. Not to mention I have a few things working against me (and for me too, I think!?):
PRos: I have been very consistent in the JOS prescribed runs 3-4 times a week, generally to the time limit given, but sometimes a bit short. I have been injury free since I started with EN, meaning no hip issues that I originally started with (YAY!) and when they started up again in January, I started working with a movement therapy guy and on my form and it has totally curtailed it.
Cons: I haven't been able to extend my long runs. I have done a ton of running inside (as have so many people) this winter, and I haven't really been making an effort to extend as long as I can.
I realized that this might be a problem like 2 weeks ago and have been really making an effort to make those 60 minute runs 60+, but the long run has been foiled by weather and the treadmill, well...yea, I just haven't. Yesterday I went 90 minutes because I had the time to and I was outside. I feel fine today, but the mileage was not there as the first 4 were thru mashed potatoes snow and I ended up with only 8 and change.
So Coach R in my season plan said I needed to hit you up for the hack to the half-marathon in these last couple of weeks of JOS for me. Now you kind of have a background on where my JOS has been. (I know I can finish the 1/2, I just am not sure what my expectations should be-- and I definitely have inside my brain expectations of trying to crack 2 hours or coming darn close---) Any advice, help, etc. you can provide to help me get there... or adjust my mindset/training before I toe the line would be super.
Hope the rest of your weekend was great! Talk to you soon! Susan
When I go to click on it in the Wiki, it goes to a blank page that says "Group Activity" -- both when I click on the "here" hotlink about OS 1/2 marathon guidance and when I click on 1/2 Marathon Race Execution.
I did get in 10.25 miles today outside. Mile 2 and 9 were hampered by the standing water/slushfest on the trail, but otherwise pretty consistent (for me!).
I feel good. I know I could run 13.1, but is the logic here that this half is really for training purposes rather than racing purposes? If so, I understand the logic, but I guess I am disappointed in myself that I didn't get the work done.
Let me know about the links. Thanks.
And here is the one from the OutSeason Page:
Sounds like you might have a funky web addess...please make sure that when you are logged in to EN, you are at this base URL:
The point of the Half Marathon is to help you confirm / correlate the OS work via a more accurate vDOT as it relates to your actual race season.
BUT, if life or evil powers or whatever have conspired against you, I don't really care. I am not mad. I just want you to give 100% in terms of pacing and execution. There is still PLENTY of goodness that can come from this event outside of "Being Really Fit For It So I Can Rip It Up".