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2014 Half and Full Ironman Training Plans are Now LIVE!

IT'S ALIVE!! (2014 Long Course Training Plans)

The 2014 Long Course plans are available in the Move/Change My Training Plan tool at the top of your Training Plan page. If you had the 2013 version of one of these plans loaded into your training plan account it has automagically been swapped out for the 2014 version.

Below are the changes we made for 2014: 


  • Added ~400-600 yards to most workouts, especially in the last 16 weeks.
  • Advanced and Intermediate: included an optional Main Set of about 400-600 yards to select workouts.


  • Beginning in week 10, replaced some FTP time with sub Vo2 intervals, similar to the OutSeason plan.
  • Removed “ON/OFF” guidance for bike Vo2 workouts and replaced with easier to understand and implement guidance.
  • Retained and tweaked Race Pace Plus intervals from 2013 Saturday long bike.
  • Added 30-60′ of weekly volume to most of the last 10 weeks.


Advanced Plan:

  • Adjusted Monday Hill run schedule. Wks 9-20
  • Expanded Monday Tempo runs for Week 1-8
  • Capped FTP run at 2×1 mile of effort.
  • Midweek brick runs as progressive intensity from Z2 to Z3
  • Weekend Second Runs (Weeks 1 to 8) to progressive intensity from Z2 to Z3; then added a Threshold Mile in Weeks 9 to 20.
  • Tweaked Strides to include some Uphill strides and only z2/MP/Steady running as a remainder.

Intermediate Plan:

  • Reduced overall run duration from Advanced levels.
  • Made FTP runs more gradual build and forgiving in longer weeks.
  • Removed Monday hill run session, cutting weekly total down to five runs.
  • Reduced Run Strides time each week as well as cut back the total number of Uphill Strides.

Beginner Plan

  • Reduced overall run duration from Intermediate levels, as well as duration of intensity.
  • Cut second run intensity from 1x1mile to 2×800 on Saturdays.
  • Made all Wednesday second runs optional; four runs with an optional fifth run.
  • Removed run tempo workouts from Monday, weeks 1 through 8.
  • Moved strides to Pre-Sunday Run for friday rest and bike / run strength development.
  • Made FTP runs more gradual build and forgiving in longer weeks.


  • Nice! Cant wait to take for a spin. I think the sub-Vo2 additions will be a great boost. I had really good results hacking my FTP wko with this approach!

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