Porridge pre-IM, what to have post-IM ?
Hi all
I have 2 questions for the elder statefolk of EN:
1) Applesauce vs Porridge
I'm not 100% sold on the applesauce idea (mine would be home made) pre-race. My normal pre-race (HIM x4,IMx1) breakfast is large bowl of porridge, blueberrys, honey, banana, followered by 750ml Hi-5 and another banana. Can someone explain the advantages of the applesauce breakfast vs the slow release goodness of porridge!!!
2) Post IM race nutrition
For my 2014 IM I'm lucky enough to have secured a 1 bed apartment with fridge and cooker so I can have some nice goodies waiting for me (if I can stomach them that is!!!). I'm planning to have 2x For Goodness Shakes Chocolate (recovery milk) within an hour after the IM but am unclear as what to have 1hr / 2hrs / 3hrs afterwards and then the next morning to support my recovery?
Thanks wise-old owls!!
@ Graham, I don't know if I'm a wise old owl, but I'm pretty sure I'm getting to resemble the old part. I don't know the advantages of the applesauce breakfast. I usually have muesli with almond milk and a bagel with almond butter for breakfast and then a powerbar or other bar 30 minutes before the swim to eat and coffee and OSMO pre-load before. I have also done UCAN superstarch 30 minutes before the start of a HIM if I'm using UCAN throughout the race.
As far as after, I usually can't eat for an hour or more after an IM, so I take whatever liquids I can. I've done Endurox, muscle milk, protein drinks for the nutrition part and water and ice tea for the hydration part (I know, ice tea might make me pee more, but having been raised in the south it tastes so good and it does pick me up). When I finally feel like eating I eat whatever I feel like. The last couple of IM's that has been a hamburger with fries and a beer. The next morning I usually go out for a big omelet with veggies, hash browns, and toast. Later in the day I start to eat more like I normal which for me is lot's of veggies, some type of protein, and some carbs in the form of grains or pasta.
Not an elser or experienced triathlete but my .02 cents anyway.
Applesauce is easier to digest and is out of the system faster.
I don't care for applesauce at all, taste or texture and stayed with my tried and true bowl of oatmeal .If something works why mess with it.Post race, well I had some chocolate milk then a martini and a margarita with some Mexican food.
Lots of water.
Re the applesauce...it's absorbed more quickly as noted above and is another source of pre-race hydration. Porridge, by contrast, is not hydrating the body. You are supposed to have a protein shake with the applesauce and I add a banana to that. You could include blueberries in the shake also if that works for you.
@Paul, didn't realize about the hydration aspect of applesauce.
Which also reminds me Graham, there is a second option the coaches have to wake up at some unearthly hour and glug down two bottles of Naked Juice smoothies. Go back to bed and then have some lighter stuff in the morning. Experiment to see what works for you.