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Team EN Update 12.20.13

TeamEN Update 12.20.13

In This Issue:

EN Wants You!

Call to Action

From the Blog

From the Forums

From the Podcast Channel

Race Update

From The Wiki

Sponsor/Discounts Update

Admin Update



EN Wants You!
If you haven’t done so already, please consider posting a picture of your family’s holiday card to the EN Forums here. Your families are the best part of you, so stop hiding them from us….besides, odds are they are going to see the rest of us parading around in spandex this year, so we might as well get to know them. That thread is here...

EN Training Camps
In light of the uniform sale deadline, we’ve extended the date of our price change for our Ironman training camps from December 31st, 2013 to January 31st, 2014, giving you another month to sign up and SAVE! Go here to learn more!

From the Blog: Approach Your First Time Ironman with R.I.G.O.R.
The journey to your first Ironman finish line is full of unseen challenges and amazing rewards. It’s one of the few times in your adult life that you will work really, really hard for something that matters to you. So much of what we do is focused on other people or other commitments. But signing up for an Ironman is 100% a personal decision that can positively or negatively affect the next twelve months of your life. Ask yourself—are you prepared to make the most of this opportunity? -- Read the Full Article Here

From the Forums
Ranging from inspirational to just plain funny, check out the Awesome quotables forum post. Pitch in and keep the ball rolling on this one, y’all.

Recent Webinars:

On Monday Coach Rich hosted the last webinar in his OutSeason series, this one on the OutSeason and Body Composition. Go here to download the webinar.  All of the webinars in the series are available for download here, in the Wiki.

Core Diet: Day to Day Nutrition Webinar Download HERE , Slides Download HERE

Podcast Channel
RIGOR - A First Time Ironman Approach
Join Coach Patrick for some insider tips on how to approach your first Ironman event. There's a lot to do and to consider, but if you use this simple acronym you'll save yourself a ton of time and energy and be well on your way to a great race!
Race Update
The amazing Brenda Ross, our intrepid race director, is not lounging around this OutSeason as you all are daydreaming about your finishlines from 2013. She has updated quite a few of our Race-Specific Information Pages in the Wiki (bottom of this page) with links to race reports, pictures and more. This is a great place to do research on your upcoming race, find EN Members to talk to and learn, baby, learn!

From The Wiki
New Beta MS Excel "Training Log"  version 1.02 is available for you to download via the EN Wiki; Downloads Section. This resource was just recently updated by EN Member David Leventhal! Get the updated training log here and START TRACKING!!!

Sponsor/Discounts Update
Team, one of our long-time sponsors, Rudy Project, has a special holiday deal going on: Using your special EN code you can save 55% off select items in their online store. Since Rudy sells helmets and glasses, you have plenty of awesome options here- whether they are for you or for that special someone. Visit Rudy Project online here: www.e-rudy.com/vip and use the code "endurnation" (no quotes) to save big this holiday season! Thanks for supporting our sponsors!

Admin Update
Endurance Nation is very please to announce that Grant Stauffer, our intrepid graphic designer and overall brand creative mastermind is joining “the team behind the Team” starting on January 1st. Now we can all sleep better knowing that we’ll look positively awesome! Welcome, G!!!

The core challenge is entering its 3rd week. If you ordered a set of washboard abs for Christmas then you should be getting just what you ordered. You can still join, even if you are late to the party. Click here for details.

Holiday Run Challenge 8 Days, Tuesday to Tuesday, 12/25 to 1/1 Stay fit and have fun this holiday season by joining your crazy EN teammates for an 8-Day Run Challenge!!! More info here.

There can’t be light without darkness, and so it is with Santa Claus, even if current popular culture has kind of left him behind. Who keeps the universe in balance on this one? Krampus. He’s a beasty thing with goat legs like a Satyr, has roots in Norse mythology, and he comes out on the eve of St Nicholas Day (December 6) to deal with the bad kids. He even gets an offering like Santa does, but he prefers liquid snacks, going straight for the good stuff: schnapps.  Bet he’s pumped about recent flavored vodka developments, eh?

Belated Krampusnacht, kids. If you just searched this up and found some images, you’re going to need some warm milk and a happy story to get over it. While you’re at it though, check out some of the creepy cards that Anne loves from the 1800s that feature the Krampus and the Krampus in the news!

Be good,

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