Roy's 2014 Season Explosion or how I became a Pacific Rim Sleeper Cell
So halfway through the NOS, my family and I are making some significant life altering decisions and adjusting the long term, big picture plan.
1. (back door brag) We recently found out that I was selected for promotion (to O5/LtCol in the Marine Corps). In all honestly, while the news wasn't totally unexpected, it makes a big impact when it becomes official. The first thing my wife asked after hugging me was what do I need to do to keep my self on the upward path. My last three years have been a desk job at the HQ level, so as an infantry doode, I need to get out back out to the operating forces and get my grunt on.
2. As it would turn out, I'm due to rotate summer of 2014 (we move every three years [if not more], welcome to the military). The guy that gives out the assignments gave me the right job to keep me on the upward path of career progression (Yea!!!!!). However, its in Okinawa, Japan (Boo!!!). (Context - somehow I've survived 22+ years in the Corps without going to Okinawa, any other Marine will tell you this is highly rare). So now the family has to have some serious conversation about what we want and are willing to put up with.
3. My wife is in the middle of a 4 year doctorate program at the University of Kentucky. She also has a very good job in middle management at her hospital. Bottom line: After some serious discussions and meticulous timeline planning, she's pausing her education and hoping to find work at the DOD hospital in Okinawa. (Again, welcome to the military, your spouse has ZERO opportunity to establish any significant career advancement if she plans on following you around the world on your assignments). Me going unaccompanied (separate from the family) is NOT an option, I do not willing chose to be separate from my wife and kids if the job allows it. Actual deployments into operations are one thing, assignment to overseas duty stations are another. Leaving the family (wife, 5 and 11 year old children) stateside is NOT a sacrifice I am willing to make.
4. While progression through the NOS went well for a few weeks, the entire family got bronchitis three weeks ago and I'm still unable to exercise with any serious intensity. I popped yesterday trying to do 4x7 minutes at FTP on the trainer (Sufferfest Fight Club). I need to reset. Additionally, I was registered for IMCDA, looking forward to going back to Couer D'Alene and racing in cool temps after three straight scorcher races (IMTexas and IMLouisville x2). I'm not going to try to train for an IM and pack out the family for a move to Japan at the same time. NOT a good idea from a SAU stand-point and probably less than ideal from a personal fitness point of view. So, scratch IMCDA. Time to start the google search.
5. So what now? I'm re-starting my Out Season at week 2 (sticking with my previous starting tests and zones). I'm going to race local and short here in northern Virginia (mainly the Virginia Triathlon Series-VTS races) til the move (sometime in July 2014). After making the decision to move, one of the next things my wife did was start to rattle off the pacific rim WTC races (Australia x a bunch, New Zealand (go meet the IMTalk boys) , Japan, Malaysia) and ask which I wanted to do (she's a trooper!). After I get my feet on the ground and get a feel for the new job/time allowances, I'm hoping to schedule one or two of the races on that side of the world for 2015. Never a better opportunity to do those races.
6. At the end of the day, we're going to make the most out of it. The wife is going to continue my 11 year old dive training. We're stopping by Hawaii on the way out. We'll spend three years being Asian tourists (mainland Japan, China, Australia, Great Barrier Reef, etc). We'll get to expose our children to a different culture and see things that a lot of folks only get to see on tv. It will be a blast!
Thanks for reading and allow me to put this all out there on paper. Its very helpful for me to be able to work through it.
Your a natural born leader....Look forward to your journey , races , and stories of Asia!
My goal is IM Japan in 2015 (taking a year to train for that climb). Maybe we'll have an EN team there.
Good luck with everything to come. Know we're always here - for triathlon & anything else. Kerrie
Hey Roy,
Congrats! One of my buddies is in zone for O-5, has been working at the Pentagon for a few years. 14yrs ago I was his XO and we were both 1LT's
Do you know what your billet will be?
@Kerrie, I'm definitely looking at that one. We may have to represent the Haus!
@Rich, my orders are for 4th Marine Regiment. In a perfect world, I don't get diverted by any HHQ and actually make it down to there and get either OpsO (1st choice) or XO. But you know how it goes, I won't get my hopes too far up til I actually kick me feet up on a desk on that end of my movie.
When I was stationed at Osan AB, Korea I had a number of buddies on Okinawa. They LOVED it! I am certain you will as well. Hopefully I will be able to scare up a TDY out your way....
Regimental 3 shop would be cool