Hello, I am a brand new member to the EN team. I joined just yesterday . It's really overwhelming the amount of info . Prior to joining I purchased the OS and 12 week long IM plan for Lake Placid 2014 . I am a little confused where to start, should I start with Jan 6 OS group or am I supposed to start before that ? Also should I use this plan I purchased or wait to have my phone consultation which I requested for jan 4 ? Sorry for the lengthy post. Thanks Darren Herrling
Hi Darren,
Welcome to your trial! If you haven't already done so, please take the Season Planning Survey here and I'll plan it out for you.
Ok, yes, please plan to start the OS on Jan 6th. I'll likely get your Season Roadmap done next week, just got home from a trip to Atlanta.
All of our training plans come in Beginner, Intermediate, and Advanced flavors.
Patrick does the calls so you may want to reach out to him more directly to confirm your date/time with him.
Ok, thx, I'll look for it when I do your Season RoadMap