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Dan Conway's Micro thread

Hi Patrick,

I am a trial member.  I recently purchased the long IM Season package and earlier this week made the decision to get an early start on the Outseason - with grandchildren visiting during the week of Jan 5, I figured it was better to get the time trails out of the way.   My bike TT on the trainer went well and I have no questions there (FTP of 190 and 5 minute test result was 228 which is exactly the high end Z5 number the calculator spits out).   My run TT went about as I expected it to and I want to get your inputs on how best to set my vdot.

First some background:  I'm 55, about 5'4" 130 pounds.  Until this past summer I had close to zero experience doing speedwork.  My only speedwork happened during the various races I did over the years (10 K races and HMs prior to getting into triathlons).   Whether the distance is 5km or 21km, my "fast" is about the same.  I have the endurance, but I feel like I am running as fast as my little legs will go.  I'm thinking my "ceiling" is bumping up against my "roof".   Anyway, here is a summary of my recent results and my question:  

   - This summer I did follow a program for two months that included interval work similar to what I see in the first 8 weeks of the Intermediate Outseason plan.  That included two 5km time trials.  The last one was at the end of July (22:38) and done in my neighborhood (not flat, but on a 1 mile loop that has about 10 meters of up/down.   For my training paces, I ended up using vdot based on the 5km.   In my near-HIM on Sept 1, I did the 20km run in 1:41:59.

   - My most recent half marathon was on 11/24 and I did it in 1:39:53.   I did the same course in 1:40:45 in 2012 and 1:41:08 in 2011.  So my most recent race gives me a vdot of 45.   I can provide splits if you want to see them. 

   - My time trail on 12/25 (yep, Christmas day is kinda slow here in Japan) was done on a 400 meter track.  It is the first time I have attempted running on a track.   I did the TT in 22:48 (km splits: 4:26, 4:38, 4:36, 4:36, 4:32) which translates into a vdot of 42.  

I am thinking that for the first 8 weeks of the Outseason I should use vdot 45 to drive my pacing.  Based on my experience, I know I can manage the Z1-Z4 times associated with vdot 45.   Do you agree that is the right approach or do you think I should go with vdot 42 numbers or something else?




  • hmmmm....I spoke too soon. I tried to hit 2 X 1 mile @ a TP of 7:26 today. I managed the first mile in 7:24, but it was really hard and my second mile took 7:39. This was not done on a track, but rather on a loop that includes about 50 feet of up and 50 feet of down. So, I will amend my message above to say "I know I can manage the Z1-Z3 times associated with vdot 45".

    Looking forward to your advice....
  • Dan -

    Thanks for the info!!! I hear you on the one speed fits all...hopefully how we have built the plans will help you define that new speed but, BUT, remember staying healthy is paramount. To that end, I'd rather have you run at say a 44 or a 43.5 for a few weeks. This will help you bridge your fast vDOT to the far vDOT you have already established...maybe after 4 wks you can go to 44, then 44.5, etc...

    Please keep me posted!
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