Had to get up early to get these in today, but it went well. When the description for effort says "very hard", I am really feeling it. Had If's of 1.09,1.1,1.09, and 1.1, so I was pleased with the consistency. The zone 3 to finish was not kind either. Still had enough energy to cut 2 1/2 cords of wood after, but I am pooped and ready for a hot tub and bed. TGIF and rest day. I see some nasty temperatures down South, so good luck to everyone and stay safe!
Man, those were wicked! Kudos to everyone for doing this workout.
Here are my numbers IF 1.10/VI 1.02, IF 1.10/VI 1.00, IF 1.09/VI 1.00, IF 1.09/VI 1.02. There were more than a couple of times on the last two in particular that I wanted to quit since I did the 3X14 FTP workout yesterday, 5 minutes doesn't look all that long on paper but it was this afternoon. 5 minutes, how hard could that be?
Today was a really tough day. Started with little sleep as I had to wake up really early to drive to work before it snowed and roads became a mess and then deal with it when coming back for a couple of hours Was just tired all day... Because of how kids schedule worked and I had to adapt to it... I did the run first at the indoor track in the local YMCA (3.6 miles and 28.5 minutes including 5x20sec strides) because it was still snowing heavily and it would have been hard to run outside That felt good, but then back home to do the bike part....
5 x 5' at 110% Target = 231FTPx1.1 = 254W I hit them a little under that...
1hr10min total work out
Int#1 : 5 min @ 253W : 1.10 Int#2 : 5 min @ 253W : 1.10 Int#3 : 5 min @ 250W : 1.08 Int#4 : 5 min @ 248W : 1.07 Int#5 : 5 min @ 247W : 1.07 Added: Int#6 : 11 min @ 200W : 0.87
I think it was difficult to hit them consistently at 110% because of doing the run first but also in part due to overachieving in Wed run...lesson for next week...
@all - VERY impressed by this group team-spirit!! I really absorb that and throw it all in when it suffocation level increases from "are you fricking kiddin' me" to "this is just inhuman"
I see A LOT of very impressive efforts reported here ... absolutely impressed by Joe -> this is just INSANE you did there!! Everyone else hittin 1.1 or even higher for some of the repeats -> WOW - I hope I get to this point until the end of NOS - see you there
I did not have it for this workout! I ran two 10k's in five days and felt it bad in my legs. On New Years Day I ran a very hilly 10k with a bunch of wicked down hills that pounded the crap out of my quads. So I decided I would shoot for 100% of FTP just to try and get the workout in. These workouts are strange for me. I never ever hit the top end yet I can do longer higher power much easier. I have no problem with the 10 minute spins after the short gut busters. I guess I truly am SLOW TWITCH
IF 1.09. 1.08,1.08,1.12 and 11 min at .85. Killer workout, and I'm definitely feeling it in my legs this morning. Finally a day off since 12/24. The run challenge kept me going every day and I've been looking forward to a recovery day for several days now.
The mojo meter appears to be running high for the NOV OS thanks to the mentally tough peeps who just keep making it happen!
As I use today to try to get my head wrapped around Saturday's work I recall an analogy we used to speak of in the early EN days. In those days we would speak of the plan as if it were a Gorilla. By that I mean, that when you are fighting a gorilla, you don't stop fighting when you get tired, you only stop fighting when the gorilla gets tired!
That's about what its going to take to get this thing done for the remaining weeks.
........the inches we need are everywhere around us..........
Well I have not been reporting on my workouts like I want to BUT the mojo here has been keeping me going!! Been a little distracted with some stuff going on in my life, but all will be good and the team is helping me stay focused! Speaking of focus...Yesterdays bike required SO MUCH FOCUS..it was rough! But I got it done. Off to clear the driveway and possibly snowshoe with the hubby before he goes to work! Keep up the great work everyone, your numbers are AMAZING!!
And thank you for the video Shaughn! Love it (Apparently so does my husband...I started playing it and he knew the WHOLE speech by heart LOL he said he listens to it before he lifts. I told him he needs to share that stuff!)
Amazing workouts everybody! I am late with this post, but I did my Thursday Bike WO and am happy with it. After a week of struggling with my new FTP numbers and readjusting them, I finally found where I am: a hard but doable workout. Looking forward to the Saturday ride
@Ray - Man you are doing almost a full hour of warmup in front of those 5' to Hell ... you are insane
@Shaughn - "I don't stop when im tired - I stop when I'm done!" - Don't know where I heard this one but I love it!
@Sandro - great to hear that! Have fun with your new zones and enjoy building your mental sixpack fighting against your legs but getting it done somehow - That' one of the pieces that makes us faster!
Yesterday's workout was quite a challenge. It was the 10th straight workout day w/o a rest day. Incorporating the Holiday Run Challenge with the OS workouts has been a challenge, but it kept me motivated and on track with the weeks plan. The workouts and training pace are manageable, however, it was the three nights of only 4 hrs of sleep (sick kiddo) that wore me down.
I dragged myself into the gym and knocked out the ride. I like the line from above, " I don't stop when I'm tired - I stop when I'm done." That's exactly what went through my mind yesterday after completing the intervals.
Great work team! I did my Saturday wko today - skiing tomorrow. This was 2 x 18' @ FTP and I added an extra 30' @ z3. I mentally have a tough time with these long FTP intervals, but I think I'm feeling pretty good physically. I may bump up a few watts and see if I can handle it in the next few sessions. Here are my results:
It was 3F degrees outside and snow covered when I got off the trainer and decided that running out there was a bad choice. I may dust off the treadmill and do the run later.
good job on hitting your numbers brad. I've got to do saturday's workout today as well, which will be fun since i already had a 90' run before lunch. hope you dont mind if borrow some of your mojo to just do it today. looking forward to my rest day tomorrow.
I did Saturdays workouts today and doing Sundays tomorrow. I am gate judge at a slalom race on Sunday so no time Sunday. 2 x 18' at 100% was difficult, I just met goals. 1.0, 1.0, and .85 for 22 minutes at 85%. D'oh. http://tpks.ws/0eES
woohoo. finished workout #2 today. first was the sunday long run, followed by the saturday long bike. Hit the numbers (suprisingly) 1.02, 1.01, 0.84 http://connect.garmin.com/activity/424130819
<p>OK…So here's the deal. Major storm coming to summit county Colorado tonight and into tomorrow. That means at least 12" of powder tomorrow and some awesome snowboarding. That also means i need to do saturday bike WKO today. This afternoon i tapped into the team mojo and finished 18x2 at .98 for both sessions. I feel really good about today's wko especially considering i did it at 9000 ft. It was hard but manageable thanks in large part to the motivation coming from the Nov. OS Team. Thanks all!</p> <p>@Shaughn - today i fought the Gorilla and won. One day at a time, one wko at a time, is what it's going to take to make it through these final 4 weeks!</p>
big time wko this morning. woke up a bit early to get the Advanced Bike in -- 2x20' + 8' at 95-100%
ended up @ 96%, 95%, 99% for the intervals, so was glad to not completely burn out for the last one. added 10' @ 81% to finish off my longest bike of the OS @ ~85' total
legs felt like sludge at the beginning of Interval #1, which i attribute to the early hour and forgoing the standard EN w/u. will try it the other way next week and see if it makes a difference. was suffering for the last 5' of Interval #2, but was able to pull it together for a strong 3rd interval and built the wattage to the final whistle
have almost made it through Season 1 of House of Cards on Netflix and getting to the good stuff. highly recommend it if you're looking for something fresh
Mike- Nice, consistent intervals. Great job getting it done on a tough WKO
My buddies "MO" and "JO" didn't show up for my WKO today so I popped in a Sufferfest video and that pulled me through. Unlike Mike, I was not as consistent. 18' @ 1.01IF then 18' @ .93IF. Ooops. Towards the end of the first interval, I felt like I could keep going, so somewhere during the rest, I lost my momentum. That happens sometimes on the 2nd intervals... I can't seem to find the gear/cadence/groove I had on the first one. Perhaps I'm recovering way to easy and should keep cadence high? Not sure. Threw in another 7' @ .80IF and ready to hit the 'mill.
I rarely hit the Z2/Z3 paces on brick runs, esp. with new vdot,, so I just do the best I can. Today was rough with a lot of mental games, and even some walking. I decided to get the time in, even if it wasn't ideal execution. So I'd run a mile slightly faster than Z1, then walk for .05-.10mi. The short walk was the "reward" for keeping it up. I did end up doing some Z2/3 efforts as part of my "deal" with myself was if I was going to allow myself to walk I had to at least avg. Z1 pace. 4 miles in 45:40, avg pace 11;26.
The numbers may not be great, or the execution textbook, but I am happy with the effort and that I stuck it out. I have a tendency (esp on brick runs) to bail when it gets tough, but I think getting SOMETHING done (ie Z1) is better than nothing... usually.
Wife de-Christmased the house while I was working out. Massage @ 4:00. Wooohhoooo!
Finishing off my basement and I've been putting down the floor in the new pain cave all week. Of course it takes me only about twice as long to do as someone with experience and knowledge of such thing. I missed the 5 X 5 workouts but I easily did 1000 air squats over the past two days. Started the FTP work this morning and holy cow were my quads & hamstrings fried. Got through all of the intervals and was in the zone for each. Going to substitute a night time snow show walk with my wife tonight for the 40 minute MP run.
Tough bike this morning. Was not feeling it but somehow made it through the full 90'. Fell a bit short of the targets but overall happy with the workout. Got in 40' of run time too! Now a day of fun with the kids.
Good bike this morning. 2x 20 @1.0 & 1x8 @.99 + 10 @.82. Nice day outside today so I'm going to skip the treadmill run and get the snowshoes out before the cold temps move in. Good work everybody.
Outstanding WORK is going on in the NOS group yeeeehaaa!! Collected some MOJO from reading your posts here before heading down into my pain cave after a very short night of sleep and with a little scratchy throat. ... and it was a big fight again - holy cow - first 20' segment was HARD for the last 3-4' but the second was feeling insane even after 9' or so ... and there was a shadow behind me crawling out of the dark telling me to just split it up into some smaller junks but instead of this I just decided to do some big-gear-standings inbetween at the same power level and it helped me to push it till the end of that segment! Proud like a little boy I decided to go for the third 8' with the same plan -> Go as long as you somehow can then do a 60'' big-gear-standing and keep going!
Total workout: 1:26 / TSS 112 / IF 0.89 / NP 280 Intervals as (NP/IF): 1) 305/0.97 2) 304/0.97 3) 307/0.97
@Sandro - For these long Z4 segments I usually start on the lower end of 95% and see how my legs are responding. Try aiming for a 0.95 on the first segment next time and see how it turns out on the second and don't forget to feed yourself properly during and before the workout!! Nutrition and hydration is having a huge impact on my OS workouts!
So, my goal for getting a powermeter this year has been crushed by the possibility having to buy another car - pooh on these WNY winters - I am hoping my 2000 outback will make to '15, but I need to be realistic and set the powermeter $ aside for a new subie!
In other news, I got in an hour on the trainer with close to consistency on the two intervals. Truth be told, if I were paying more attention, I would have nailed it. I did not do the run as I am working on increasing the Sunday run in anticipation of doing a 1/2 on 3/23.
Have a great rest of the day and thanks for the opportunity to vent.
5 X 5 done. Starting to feel good at these "higher" numbers. Even the Z3 felt good.
1.09, 1.10,1.10,1.10, 1.09
@ Stefan - Wow! Those are some crazy numbers. You are going to crush your 2014 season!
@Kim - I'm right there with you. 5min at 110% is really hard for me as well. Nice job to get in the work regardless of the numbers on the dial.
@Mark - Great job nailing you numbers. That's awesome and i hope i can get there myself!
Way to go everyone!
Man, those were wicked! Kudos to everyone for doing this workout.
Here are my numbers IF 1.10/VI 1.02, IF 1.10/VI 1.00, IF 1.09/VI 1.00, IF 1.09/VI 1.02. There were more than a couple of times on the last two in particular that I wanted to quit since I did the 3X14 FTP workout yesterday, 5 minutes doesn't look all that long on paper but it was this afternoon. 5 minutes, how hard could that be?
Was just tired all day...
Because of how kids schedule worked and I had to adapt to it... I did the run first at the indoor track in the local YMCA (3.6 miles and 28.5 minutes including 5x20sec strides) because it was still snowing heavily and it would have been hard to run outside
That felt good, but then back home to do the bike part....
5 x 5' at 110% Target = 231FTPx1.1 = 254W
I hit them a little under that...
1hr10min total work out
Int#1 : 5 min @ 253W : 1.10
Int#2 : 5 min @ 253W : 1.10
Int#3 : 5 min @ 250W : 1.08
Int#4 : 5 min @ 248W : 1.07
Int#5 : 5 min @ 247W : 1.07
Int#6 : 11 min @ 200W : 0.87
I think it was difficult to hit them consistently at 110% because of doing the run first but also in part due to overachieving in Wed run...lesson for next week...
Now Friday rest !!! that I really need
I see A LOT of very impressive efforts reported here ... absolutely impressed by Joe -> this is just INSANE you did there!!
Everyone else hittin 1.1 or even higher for some of the repeats -> WOW - I hope I get to this point until the end of NOS - see you there
Can't wait for Rays # to read here
I did not have it for this workout! I ran two 10k's in five days and felt it bad in my legs. On New Years Day I ran a very hilly 10k with a bunch of wicked down hills that pounded the crap out of my quads. So I decided I would shoot for 100% of FTP just to try and get the workout in. These workouts are strange for me. I never ever hit the top end yet I can do longer higher power much easier. I have no problem with the 10 minute spins after the short gut busters. I guess I truly am SLOW TWITCH
Avg HR
Max HR
Avg Power
Interval Goal 110%
Interval Goal 110%
Interval Goal 110%
Interval Goal 110%
Interval Goal 85%
IF 1.09. 1.08,1.08,1.12 and 11 min at .85. Killer workout, and I'm definitely feeling it in my legs this morning. Finally a day off since 12/24. The run challenge kept me going every day and I've been looking forward to a recovery day for several days now.
The mojo meter appears to be running high for the NOV OS thanks to the mentally tough peeps who just keep making it happen!
As I use today to try to get my head wrapped around Saturday's work I recall an analogy we used to speak of in the early EN days. In those days we would speak of the plan as if it were a Gorilla. By that I mean, that when you are fighting a gorilla, you don't stop fighting when you get tired, you only stop fighting when the gorilla gets tired!
That's about what its going to take to get this thing done for the remaining weeks.
........the inches we need are everywhere around us..........
I'll be scraping for those inches during Sat's 2X20s...........enjoy your rest day!
Well I have not been reporting on my workouts like I want to
BUT the mojo here has been keeping me going!! Been a little distracted with some stuff going on in my life, but all will be good and the team is helping me stay focused! Speaking of focus...Yesterdays bike required SO MUCH FOCUS..it was rough! But I got it done. Off to clear the driveway and possibly snowshoe with the hubby before he goes to work! Keep up the great work everyone, your numbers are AMAZING!!
And thank you for the video Shaughn! Love it
(Apparently so does my husband...I started playing it and he knew the WHOLE speech by heart LOL he said he listens to it before he lifts. I told him he needs to share that stuff!)
I am late with this post, but I did my Thursday Bike WO and am happy with it. After a week of struggling with my new FTP numbers and readjusting them, I finally found where I am:
a hard but doable workout. Looking forward to the Saturday ride
@Shaughn - "I don't stop when im tired - I stop when I'm done!" - Don't know where I heard this one but I love it!
@Sandro - great to hear that! Have fun with your new zones and enjoy building your mental sixpack fighting against your legs but getting it done somehow - That' one of the pieces that makes us faster!
I dragged myself into the gym and knocked out the ride. I like the line from above, " I don't stop when I'm tired - I stop when I'm done." That's exactly what went through my mind yesterday after completing the intervals.
FTP goal = 225w
23' WU including 10' @ z3
18' @ 224w (1.00 IF)
18' @ 227w (1.01 IF)
20' @ 192w (.85 IF)
Total 132min / 203np
It was 3F degrees outside and snow covered when I got off the trainer and decided that running out there was a bad choice. I may dust off the treadmill and do the run later.
I did Saturdays workouts today and doing Sundays tomorrow. I am gate judge at a slalom race on Sunday so no time Sunday. 2 x 18' at 100% was difficult, I just met goals. 1.0, 1.0, and .85 for 22 minutes at 85%. D'oh. http://tpks.ws/0eES
<p>@Shaughn - today i fought the Gorilla and won. One day at a time, one wko at a time, is what it's going to take to make it through these final 4 weeks!</p>
ended up @ 96%, 95%, 99% for the intervals, so was glad to not completely burn out for the last one. added 10' @ 81% to finish off my longest bike of the OS @ ~85' total
legs felt like sludge at the beginning of Interval #1, which i attribute to the early hour and forgoing the standard EN w/u. will try it the other way next week and see if it makes a difference. was suffering for the last 5' of Interval #2, but was able to pull it together for a strong 3rd interval and built the wattage to the final whistle
have almost made it through Season 1 of House of Cards on Netflix and getting to the good stuff. highly recommend it if you're looking for something fresh
My buddies "MO" and "JO" didn't show up for my WKO today so I popped in a Sufferfest video and that pulled me through. Unlike Mike, I was not as consistent.
18' @ 1.01IF then 18' @ .93IF. Ooops. Towards the end of the first interval, I felt like I could keep going, so somewhere during the rest, I lost my momentum. That happens sometimes on the 2nd intervals... I can't seem to find the gear/cadence/groove I had on the first one. Perhaps I'm recovering way to easy and should keep cadence high? Not sure. Threw in another 7' @ .80IF and ready to hit the 'mill.
I rarely hit the Z2/Z3 paces on brick runs, esp. with new vdot,, so I just do the best I can. Today was rough with a lot of mental games, and even some walking. I decided to get the time in, even if it wasn't ideal execution. So I'd run a mile slightly faster than Z1, then walk for .05-.10mi. The short walk was the "reward" for keeping it up. I did end up doing some Z2/3 efforts as part of my "deal" with myself was if I was going to allow myself to walk I had to at least avg. Z1 pace. 4 miles in 45:40, avg pace 11;26.
The numbers may not be great, or the execution textbook, but I am happy with the effort and that I stuck it out. I have a tendency (esp on brick runs) to bail when it gets tough, but I think getting SOMETHING done (ie Z1) is better than nothing... usually.
Wife de-Christmased the house while I was working out. Massage @ 4:00. Wooohhoooo!
Finishing off my basement and I've been putting down the floor in the new pain cave all week. Of course it takes me only about twice as long to do as someone with experience and knowledge of such thing. I missed the 5 X 5 workouts but I easily did 1000 air squats over the past two days. Started the FTP work this morning and holy cow were my quads & hamstrings fried. Got through all of the intervals and was in the zone for each. Going to substitute a night time snow show walk with my wife tonight for the 40 minute MP run.
Some tough peeps posting completion of a very tough workout today!
Completed all targets on bike......need to run next.
The good news is, I beat my gorilla to a pulp today, the bad news is, Silverbacks are scheduled for weeks 11 - 14...... ...........
Did well on the first one, the second one...well, let's not talk about it
and the last 16 mins 0.66
the run afterwards was equally tough...
Collected some MOJO from reading your posts here before heading down into my pain cave after a very short night of sleep and with a little scratchy throat.
... and it was a big fight again - holy cow - first 20' segment was HARD for the last 3-4' but the second was feeling insane even after 9' or so ... and there was a shadow behind me crawling out of the dark telling me to just split it up into some smaller junks but instead of this I just decided to do some big-gear-standings inbetween at the same power level and it helped me to push it till the end of that segment!
Proud like a little boy I decided to go for the third 8' with the same plan -> Go as long as you somehow can then do a 60'' big-gear-standing and keep going!
Total workout: 1:26 / TSS 112 / IF 0.89 / NP 280
Intervals as (NP/IF):
1) 305/0.97
2) 304/0.97
3) 307/0.97
@Sandro - For these long Z4 segments I usually start on the lower end of 95% and see how my legs are responding. Try aiming for a 0.95 on the first segment next time and see how it turns out on the second and don't forget to feed yourself properly during and before the workout!! Nutrition and hydration is having a huge impact on my OS workouts!
In other news, I got in an hour on the trainer with close to consistency on the two intervals. Truth be told, if I were paying more attention, I would have nailed it. I did not do the run as I am working on increasing the Sunday run in anticipation of doing a 1/2 on 3/23.
Have a great rest of the day and thanks for the opportunity to vent.
Report later after stretching, shower, food, and a nap!