How often do you delete activities off Garmin 910
Just curious - how often do you guys delete activities off your Garmin watch? Does anyone know if having a bunch of activities on there affects performance?
Just curious - how often do you guys delete activities off your Garmin watch? Does anyone know if having a bunch of activities on there affects performance?
Sounds like this is not an issue with the Garmin.
So curious about this syncing with a new computer issue (I've actually experienced this on a few of my workouts - where it got hung up or something and a single activity took over 40 minutes to sync) .
Syncing the watch pulls the data into the cloud via the ANT stick (that is, onto Garmin Connect servers). None of the data is stored locally on the machine (at least I don't think any files are stored locally).
So why would it take that long? Is that a software design flaw?
So to answer the question...about every 3 months or whenever I think about it, I will delete all the data on the watch (and it certainly holds more than 50 workouts). I do the same thing with my Garmin Edge 500. There are only a few rides that I like to look at in depth, my RRs, my actual IM races, etc. But most are just noise once you have finished the bike ride.
@David - I depends on the watch, but yes, all of the Garmins introduced in the past few years that use ANT+ create a file on your machine. I don't use a PC, but on a Mac it creates a folder here:
Macintosh HD > users > "user name" > Library > Application Support > Garmin > Devices > "select your device ID if you have multiples" > Activities
In the activities folder you will find all your .FIT files. In the "History" folder you will find all the .TCX files.
The reason it takes so long with a new machines is that it is copying all files on the device to this folder. Then it compares from this folder to your Garmin Connect account and identifies the new workouts. It doesn't appear to do this from the watch straight to the cloud.
So far, the 620 does not seem to create a folder on the computer. It shows up as a drive like a USB drive when you connect it. You can grab your files from there for non-Garmin Connect uses. I think reason is that 620 does not use ANT+ to send your files in. It connects to your home WiFi and goes straight to the Garmin Cloud. Slick!
I wonder if, when setting up a new computer, you could copy all the data in the Garmin folder over to your new machine and that would save you the ultra-long initial download headache.
I have used my old data on rare occasions to go back and look at old bike routes and run routes to remember what they were like to plan for future rides/runs. I also like to run reports sometimes to see how much time I'm spending on particular activities.
Dino, thanks for the explanation on the data transfer stuff. That 620 sounds great. I like the fact that it's WiFi, such a better protocol than BT or ANT (of course I'm pretty biased on that front). Certainly waaay faster
I have seen your opinions on white watch bands after all....