GPS Watch For My Bride
My sweet bride's birthday is this Tuesday & I'd like to get her a GPS watch. She's recently rediscovered running and finished her first half marathon in October and is signed up for her first full marathon in April.
There are so many options and I've spent some time on DC Rainmaker's site reading his reviews. Right now I'm leaning toward a Garmin Forerunner 110. But before I pull the trigger I figured I'd leverage the intellectual & experiential horsepower of this awesome team and throw it out to you guys to see if you had any thoughts on the 110 or perhaps a better alternative.
If just running, of course the Garmin 910 is a lot more features then would ever get used....
One of the things I prefer about the Garmin products is the free Garmin Connect site, and how it displays the information....all of it. Whereas, the Timex uploads everything to, and you can not see all your splits and information with the free account...they wanted me to pay for Premium service to be able to display all the information.
Also for running.....the garmin can give you Lap Pace, giving you the overall pace for the lap that you are on. Whereas, the Timex if you ask it to display current pace it gives it to you for that exact moment and not the pace from the beginning of that mile or if you speed up or slow down I would drive myself insane try to follow that to keep pace for that interval....or mile.
Good Luck.
Okay...I did some more research & pulled a "Sarti" (
) - I went with the Forerunner 220 with the HR bundle. More than I originally was going to spend but I love the additional functionality (Bluetooth, vibration alerts, etc...) & the color (white/violet). Plus she's been SUPER supportive of my tri addiction so I figured this was a way to show some additional "I got your back" love for her running.
I used DC Rainmaker's 10% off code at
Can't wait to give it to her!!