Training level?
Hello, simple question regarding loading the next plan. I will start January OS tomorrow and now sure if I should load intermediate or advanced plan? Is there any guidance? My gut says to load advanced based on what I have done but appreciate the guidance. Thanks!!!
If not I'd choose the plan depending on your actual PR on IM, HIM or Olympic distances ... I think there is some guidance around based you your actual PR times but I don't remember where to find it
I'd say if you can do a HIM in around 5:15 the advanced plan should be ok. If your HIM is above 5:30 don't even think of the advanced plan - it will kill your mentally and physically!
The advanced plans are no-joke for sure so get ready to suffer bad here ... It may be another choice to use the intermediate plan and do the run/bike hack but than you loose one day of recovery (typically friday).
I think this is what you are looking for:
Sorry folks, I'll do a better job of indicating which level of plan to load up when I do these season plans.