I'm really liking the treadmill for these speed workouts- I know exactly what pace I am hitting, assuming the treadmill is calibrated which might be a big assumption, but much better than when I do them outside and stare at my garmin jumping around and end up with intervals usually way too fast and then too slow when I fade. I did a 1.25 mile warmup, then hit 7x400 at 7:35 pace, with an easy 400 between each, 5 miles total. I had to do the recoveries a bit slower than last week, but who cares, I did the work. As I just posted on the dash, I keep starting these workouts in the past week or so feeling like they are impossible and I'll have to alter them, but then I get through it. Awesome feeling!
Had everything prepped for an early morning run in Central Park before work this morning. Set the alarm for 5am, woke up, checked emails and weather on my phone. Saw 9 degree temp and promptly went back to bed. Got up a bit later with the rest of the family, drove into work and got on with my day. Was able to get out a bit earlier than normal, so I headed to the track with my flash/reflective vest and headlamp since it was dark out. Took it very easy on the way to the track to avoid a slip & fall (only a few icy spots that I was able to navigate around). The unlit track was empty, but my headlamp lit it up nicely allowing me to hit my 8x400s at or slightly faster than Z5 (6:06-6:13 pace) with a Z1 recovery lap (8:00-8:16 pace) in between. RPE was substantially lower than previous Z5 intervals, so that felt great. Not so great were the numb hands after the COOLDOWN run back home. ~1hr and 8 miles total.
@Joe and Brenda, Thank you! I asked because Tuesday's bike looked, dare I say, interesting! I've been pretty faithful to the training schedule, so I am going let it go!
OK, I am just going to put it out there that this made the old guy feel good.
So I ran a mile over to the track to do my 7x400 intervals today. I arrived to find the varsity girls soccer team from the high school where my daughter played keeper (until she graduated) practicing on the field. One of the recent grads who is now off at Marquette recognized me and came over as I was starting my intervals. She wanted to run with me since she was now in ROTC and "in the best shape of her life" She hung pretty well for the first 3x 400 at pace but decided to take a rest while I continued. I did the next 3 intervals at pace and 3 recovery intervals and was coming to the line as the entire team lined up to do a 100 yard sprint. They saw me coming around the track and held off until I was even before they started. Of course, I tried to sprint with them. I would love to tell you that I beat them all but one girl just got me by a nose so I came in second. It made me feel pretty good but it screwed my 400 interval so I had to do another to make up for it. 6:03, 7:00, 6:56, 6:56, 6:48, 7:04, 7:35. My Z5 pace is actually 7:56 so I was a little too fast but it felt OK. New max HR of 166 up from 163 during that last sprint.
Anyway, thanks for letting me brag. It made me feel less old. Have a great day and I am not looking forward to the bike tomorrow
Still cold here in Ohio but doable...25F tonight (feeling like 19F), so I was happy to do the Wed run (8x400) outside (being very careful of the icy spots and remaining snow)
It got painful as the 400m intervals advanced but was able to maintain very fast (in comparison with my Z5 of 6:39) pace as last week. I managed by slowing down the pace of my recovery (800m in between each interval)
-Int#1 - 400 m - 5:33 pace -Recov#1 -800 m - 8:10 pace -Int#2 - 400 m - 5:45 pace -Recov#2 -800 m - 8:50 pace -Int#3 - 400 m - 5:40 pace -Recov#3 -800 m - 9:56 pace -Int#4 - 400 m - 5:26 pace -Recov#4 -800 m - 9:55 pace -Int#5 - 400 m - 5:24 pace -Recov#5 -800 m - 10:20 pace -Int#6 - 400 m - 5:20 pace -Recov#6 -800 m - 10:37 pace -Int#7 - 400 m - 5:31 pace -Recov#7 -800 m - 10:14 pace -Int#8 - 400 m - 5:33 pace
Run done; targets hit on the treadmill. Officially tired now. Is it wrong to look forward to the day off Friday when we still have the Thursday bike? Maybe!
So it wasn't raining as I rode home from work and there was even a little blue sky so I hurried in and got changed into running clothes and headed to the track. By the time I got to the track I was warmed up but it had started raining again and the wind was picking up. I hit the first interval right on the money at a 6:45 pace (goal pace 6:47). Last week the intervals felt a little easy with a 400 recovery interval so I decided to try a 200 recovery interval instead (besides it was starting to rain harder). The second 400 was a 6:23 pace so I decided to keep the 200 recovery intervals and see what happens. Here are the results:
3 - 6:15
4 - 6:27
5 - 6:23
6 - 6:20
7 - 6:22
I started a 400 interval that I had to abort at 200 meters between 5 and 6 so I really got in 7.5 intervals. By the time I finished it was raining really hard and the wind was blowing about 20 miles an hour so even though it was in the 40's and I was working hard I was getting cold so I ran home without any further ado. Total time 41:58 and 4.77 miles.
@Mark, I had slightly better luck than you with the Pacific NW rain finally arriving just at the end of my run and had the car waiting for me at the track. Motivation was a bit low going into today's run as my feet were a bit sore last night and this morning and was wondering if I needed to not run for a few days. They felt ok during the day so I decided I would go and abandon if I felt anything during the run. That said, my feet felt fine running. My Z5 target pace is 7:02, last week I over achieved by quite a bit, averaging 5:54. I was really trying to hit my targets this week, but still ended up running 6:30ish pace. It did feel like a more reasonable effort than last weeks. I guess it is a good problem to have We'll find out tomorrow on the bike if I overdid it. Good night all, David
Had a bit of drizzle this morning in norcal, which we definitely needed. The sky dried up in time for my run, though and it was a bit warmer than it has been lately. Hit my pacing a bit better today thanks to the comments from the team from last week's workout. Hamstring started to bother me again on the next to last 400, so my last two repeats were a bit slower as I eased off to try not to aggravate it any further. Guess more stretching and foam rolling is required .
Yeah, you guys running outside in the midwest / east are pretty amazing. I've been watching some of the weather reports and it looks like a fun time... NOT!
Completed the run workout last night but did not get to post until now. I was able to hit my numbers and felt good during the run. Total time was 1 hour and total distance was 7.6 miles.
Things I Learned Yesterday (TILY) - Running in -1F temps, with some breeze, on hardpacked snow/ice, even with grips on the Hookas, does not mean I will be successful. Made it 5 minutes before the cold got the better of me, and this is with a balaclava, running pants/gloves/hat/pullover on!
@Ralph - great story! Wonder what the talk was at the dinner table around town, "...there was this old guy who could really run. He was your age dad and he could beat us!" Priceless!
@Dawn - kudos for even trying. A few years ago in the NOS someone in Massachusetts actually put screws in the shoes to run on ice. Impressive what the NOS makes you try to do just to get the workout in!
@Mark - bike, then run in the rain in those conditions with those kinds of splits. Talk about mental six-pack! Well done.
@Mike - you still aqua-jogging? I felt a few twinges that reminded me of some tendonitis I had (anterior tibialis) a few years ago. So, it was aqua-jogging for about 40 minutes.
Did my 7x 400 today as the Run Focus plan dictates. Hit all targets, felt much easier than on my treadmill at home. Weird. Then Had stuffed shells and turkey meatballs at Mom & Dad's for recovery. Not a bad day.
???plantar fasciitis??? My left foot has been in a wee bit of a snit this week, and I fear I may have increased my Sunday runs too quickly. The pain is not directly on the bottom of the foot, but more on the inside of the heel. Any suggestions? I plan to do the ride tomorrow, not the run. Time for medical or ice, heat and the Strasbourg sock? Thank you!
@Beth, I've had some minor problems like that myself lately and I had a wooden roller that I use that helps. I've also had aPT take an ice cube and massage the area with it and that's helped in the past to. Easing back on the runs is probably a good thing as well but I know how hard that is to do. Good luck.
I have tried everything possible for PF including new $700 custom orthotics. What a waste.
I also tried dry needling WITH an electric current going through the needles to stimulate the muscle. Almost like jumping a car battery. Nothing other than ouch!
The only thing that helped me was diclofenac 75mg which my doc prescribed for a shoulder injury! I am getting a cortisone shot on Monday to see if that will alleviate it.
My foot doc stresses ice immediately after any workout and towel grabbing exercises. Sit in a chair with a hand towel under your foot and grab the towel with your toes repeatedly.
PF is one tough injury to get rid of and no one really knows how to treat. There is so little blood flow to the PF that it makes it very difficult to heal. Make sure you have good arch support as well.
The run off the bike was a real treat today - changed from previous runs with the full 30 min at Z3. Some discomfort, but I came out ahead! Good start to the day! Have fun out there!
Got out this morning and did the run before the bike because there was a lull in the rain. It's a good thing I did because it started raining again the last half mile of the run and it's raining and blowing hard now. I was a little slower than my Z3 pace but not by much. I did 3.88 miles in 30 minutes.
I doubt that I'll run tomorrow. The mountains are getting dumped on today and I'm taking my skate skis and heading to the hills and trails!
Have a great evening!
I am just going to put it out there that this made the old guy feel good.
So I ran a mile over to the track to do my 7x400 intervals today. I arrived to find the varsity girls soccer team from the high school where my daughter played keeper (until she graduated) practicing on the field. One of the recent grads who is now off at Marquette recognized me and came over as I was starting my intervals. She wanted to run with me since she was now in ROTC and "in the best shape of her life" She hung pretty well for the first 3x 400 at pace but decided to take a rest while I continued. I did the next 3 intervals at pace and 3 recovery intervals and was coming to the line as the entire team lined up to do a 100 yard sprint. They saw me coming around the track and held off until I was even before they started. Of course, I tried to sprint with them. I would love to tell you that I beat them all but one girl just got me by a nose so I came in second. It made me feel pretty good but it screwed my 400 interval so I had to do another to make up for it.
6:03, 7:00, 6:56, 6:56, 6:48, 7:04, 7:35. My Z5 pace is actually 7:56 so I was a little too fast but it felt OK. New max HR of 166 up from 163 during that last sprint.
Anyway, thanks for letting me brag. It made me feel less old.
Have a great day and I am not looking forward to the bike tomorrow
It got painful as the 400m intervals advanced but was able to maintain very fast (in comparison with my Z5 of 6:39) pace as last week. I managed by slowing down the pace of my recovery (800m in between each interval)
Link---> http://connect.garmin.com/activity/426927193
Total WO : 1hr8min , 8.21 miles
Breakdown :
-1.5 mile WU (8:10pace / Z1.5)
-Int#1 - 400 m - 5:33 pace
-Recov#1 -800 m - 8:10 pace
-Int#2 - 400 m - 5:45 pace
-Recov#2 -800 m - 8:50 pace
-Int#3 - 400 m - 5:40 pace
-Recov#3 -800 m - 9:56 pace
-Int#4 - 400 m - 5:26 pace
-Recov#4 -800 m - 9:55 pace
-Int#5 - 400 m - 5:24 pace
-Recov#5 -800 m - 10:20 pace
-Int#6 - 400 m - 5:20 pace
-Recov#6 -800 m - 10:37 pace
-Int#7 - 400 m - 5:31 pace
-Recov#7 -800 m - 10:14 pace
-Int#8 - 400 m - 5:33 pace
-Added 1.2 miles = 9:08 pace
So it wasn't raining as I rode home from work and there was even a little blue sky so I hurried in and got changed into running clothes and headed to the track. By the time I got to the track I was warmed up but it had started raining again and the wind was picking up. I hit the first interval right on the money at a 6:45 pace (goal pace 6:47). Last week the intervals felt a little easy with a 400 recovery interval so I decided to try a 200 recovery interval instead (besides it was starting to rain harder). The second 400 was a 6:23 pace so I decided to keep the 200 recovery intervals and see what happens. Here are the results:
3 - 6:15
4 - 6:27
5 - 6:23
6 - 6:20
7 - 6:22
I started a 400 interval that I had to abort at 200 meters between 5 and 6 so I really got in 7.5 intervals. By the time I finished it was raining really hard and the wind was blowing about 20 miles an hour so even though it was in the 40's and I was working hard I was getting cold so I ran home without any further ado. Total time 41:58 and 4.77 miles.
Good work everyone -- some angry gorillas waiting for us tomorrow!
Motivation was a bit low going into today's run as my feet were a bit sore last night and this morning and was wondering if I needed to not run for a few days. They felt ok during the day so I decided I would go and abandon if I felt anything during the run.
That said, my feet felt fine running. My Z5 target pace is 7:02, last week I over achieved by quite a bit, averaging 5:54. I was really trying to hit my targets this week, but still ended up running 6:30ish pace. It did feel like a more reasonable effort than last weeks. I guess it is a good problem to have
Good night all,
Yeah, you guys running outside in the midwest / east are pretty amazing. I've been watching some of the weather reports and it looks like a fun time... NOT!
Target pace 6:32 w/ 400m recoveries
Int1 6:14
Int2 6:21
Int3 6:02
Int4 6:13
Int5 6:14
Int6 6:10
Int7 6:04
Followed it up with 1mile @ z4 and 1mile @ z2
Total 60min / 7.59 miles - felt really good
I need to do Saturday's bike/run tomorrow. Should be interesting!
@Dawn - kudos for even trying. A few years ago in the NOS someone in Massachusetts actually put screws in the shoes to run on ice. Impressive what the NOS makes you try to do just to get the workout in!
@Mark - bike, then run in the rain in those conditions with those kinds of splits. Talk about mental six-pack! Well done.
@Mike - you still aqua-jogging? I felt a few twinges that reminded me of some tendonitis I had (anterior tibialis) a few years ago. So, it was aqua-jogging for about 40 minutes.
That run-focused OS is no joke for real ... these brutal 5x5' on Thursday followed by the Z5 run intervals on Friday aren't as fun as it sounds
Got them done somehow and hit all targets pretty exactly but NONE of these felt anything easier than Z5!!
I have tried everything possible for PF including new $700 custom orthotics. What a waste.
I also tried dry needling WITH an electric current going through the needles to stimulate the muscle. Almost like jumping a car battery. Nothing other than ouch!
The only thing that helped me was diclofenac 75mg which my doc prescribed for a shoulder injury! I am getting a cortisone shot on Monday to see if that will alleviate it.
My foot doc stresses ice immediately after any workout and towel grabbing exercises. Sit in a chair with a hand towel under your foot and grab the towel with your toes repeatedly.
PF is one tough injury to get rid of and no one really knows how to treat. There is so little blood flow to the PF that it makes it very difficult to heal. Make sure you have good arch support as well.
I literally feel your pain!
Got out this morning and did the run before the bike because there was a lull in the rain. It's a good thing I did because it started raining again the last half mile of the run and it's raining and blowing hard now. I was a little slower than my Z3 pace but not by much. I did 3.88 miles in 30 minutes.
I doubt that I'll run tomorrow. The mountains are getting dumped on today and I'm taking my skate skis and heading to the hills and trails!