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2014 IM Canada Official Introductory Thread

Welcome to the IM Canada Sign In Thread!

Please use this thread to introduce yourself to your fellow teammates, telling us a little bit about you, your goals for the race, etc!


  • This will be my first IM. My wife, Missy ( who will be racing too), and I picked Canada since we will be going on a family cruise to Alaska the following week so we thought it would be a great 2 week vacation. Somewhat nervous about the IM distance, I feel like I still have so much to learn regarding nutrition, proper pacing, special needs bag, etc. No goals yet at this time. I'll set those as we get closer to July and when I can reflect on all the training. 

  • Like Jan said, this will be my first Ironman distance race. I am more nervous about the bike elevation maps for this course than anything else! At least the move from FL to Philly has given us a better chance to get used to some climbing. We will definitely be relying on help from the team mojo to carry us through both training and racing. Can't wait to see you all out there!
  • Howdy Fellow IMC Peeps!

    IMC will be my sixth IM.  IMs # 1-3 were a nice progression of Endurance Nation trained execution from a self-graded C in 2010, B in 2011 and finally B+ in 2012 with a solid (for me) marathon, 1.03 VI and an PB 11:35 finish. 

    Unfortunately 2013 (IM #4) brought multiple life crisis and although my training went relatively well I took a huge step back in my mental preparation. The ultimate result was a race day nutrition SNAFU.  In short: I didn’t give race day nutrition proper focus, practice or planning + lost my concentrated bottle of Infinit within the first mile of the bike = only 500-700 (?) calories taken in on the bike = blew up at mile TWO of the marathon.    Head hanging in shame.

    IMC will follow IMCDA (hopefully #5) four weeks earlier. Lots of reasons for that that I won’t get into but if you’re interested (won’t hurt my feelings if you’re not!) the most recent post on my blog has those deets.  And yes, I’ve enlisted some 1-1 help from the coaches so I’m not just winging it.

    So….. in addition to the run durability hack my primary focus this year is on nutrition. That has two components: 1 - Arriving at race weight and #2: Executing according to plan (including nutrition) on race weekend.

    In any event, I’m REALLY looking forward to getting back to Whistler.  I’s GEORGOUS and I have I have some unfinished business. 

    Can’t WAIT to meet everyone and between now and then I’m excited to hear more about your journeys as we make our way to the start line.

    Viva lo MOJO!

  • I'll be signing on for Canada in a few minutes. This will be IM #17, and I'd like to earn a Kona spot in M45-49 Age Group.
  • Hi Everyone! This will be my 7th IM, and 2nd in Whistler. I never repeated the same IM before, but made this an exception as the timing of the race works perfectly with my daughter's schedule, and my hubby (non-ENer) will be racing as well. It's such a gorgeous place to race, and I loved it so much last year. My goal is to fix the nutrition issue I had last year, and improve time on all three if I can image I highly recommend to do the bike course prior to the race if you can. It helped me tremendously to have the prior knowledge about the course.

    Looking forward to meeting with you all!
  • Hi all!

    This will be my 7th IM and first one at Whistler. I've done the old IM Canada 3 times. I had a great EN race in Penticton in 2011 - a PB 11:17 at age 49. 2012 I found myself injured for most of the year and went in to the race in Penticton that year having started training from zero in mid May. Given my prep I was happy enough with my 11:50 that year. I have high hopes for this year. I like hills and I like heat. Whistler will have the former, but unfortunately not the latter. As long as it is not cold, I'll be happy.

    I am looking forward to racing out west and look forward to meeting you all!

  • Just transferred from IMCdA to Whistler so I'm in!

    I dd Whistler last year so feel free to ask me whatever you want about the race.

    Here is my race report from last year: http://members.endurancenation.us/F...fault.aspx

  • @Bob, looking forward to having you race IM Canada again. As we get closer to race day, I am sure I'll have lots of questions

  • Hi Everyone! IM Canada will be my first IM. I have been a member of EN since November, but have used it mostly as a training plan resource, and to read up on nutrition, race execution, etc. I am feeling great about the training, but would love to get some team mojo, as I have been training alone for this race INSIDE until this week (I live in lovely Winnipeg). I look forward to the next several weeks of training, and seeing you all in Whistler!
  • Hi everyone, this will be my 7th IM too. I did IM Canada (Penticton) in 2011 and have never been to Whistler. I did this race because a friend signed up and so too a few from the local tri-club. I've been with E.N. for a little over 4 years.

    I've NEVER been able to get the bike nutrition working in preparation for the run.  The 3 IM's I did last year were brutal at times and I'm still working on getting over the injuries acquired from last year. Improvise, adapt, and overcome.....cramps during the swim, a tipped over bike in T1 and no water to start the ride, flat tires and non-working electronics (Garmin monitor,  HR strap, Powertap), bonking on the run with nausea or dry heaves, leaving nutrition at the hotel, falling on left knee while walking out of the airport after an IM (swollen and used a knee brace for last race), broke rear spoke during last race and then being ran into by a fellow racer and being knocked to the ground and bloodied. I just now being able to start to run since last May.

    I'm just looking forward in going out and just enjoying the day and finishing a little faster than my last race.....I was the final finisher before midnight.

  • Do we have a team captain for this race? 

    Was hoping to see a IM CA training thread going by now. Ive been jumping in the IMLP for some mojo. 

  • Hey Everybody! I agree with Jan, we need more action happening in the IM Canada Forum! We are only 9 weeks out, and I need all the support I can get (I am training solo in COLD Winnipeg). How did everyone's Big Day go this past Saturday? I ended up doing a 3800m swim (90min), transitioned to a 4:05 cycle (136km), transitioned to a 65min run (8.0mi). I felt really good afterwards, and feel like I am firing on most cylinders (hopefully I have another one to tap into!)! I want to keep the momentum going, and would love any advice and mojo as this is my first IM!
  • Hi Everyone! My hubby, my training partner and I did a local half marathon race (Capital City Marathon in Olympia, WA) on Sunday. We talked about doing it as a training run, NOT! Both of them took off and left me behind image I kept the steady pace, caught my training partner at mile 11, and finished in 1:48. It was warmer than anticipated, and I got dehydrated and had to take Tuesday off as my body was so exhausted. Not good. I used Cliff bloks during the race for the first time (have been using them during the training runs), and found out that when you are putting some efforts, it is really difficult to chew those things. I might have to go back to gels for the IM race... We just signed up to do 70.3 Victoria on 6/15. I am hoping that would be a good prep for IMC. First OWS planned for this Friday. Have a great and safe training, everyone!!
  • we too have our first OWS planned for this weekend as part of the big training day. Long run today, but weather does not look promising. May have to be done on the treadmill again, although I told myself after winter was over that would never happen again. Never say never I guess. 

  • Did my long run tonight. 12.2 miles. Unfortunately had to do it on a treadmill because of a storm outside. Its difficult to maintain zn1 pace on a TM. 

  • Had a good first OWS this morning in the rain. The water temp was comfortable 68. I wore booties and felt really slow. Jan, good job getting the long run done on TM. I can't imagine doing the long run on TM. You are a hardcore.
  • Sounds like everyone is getting good workouts in! I agree Jan is hardcore- because of the rain I flipped Thurs and Fridays workout so did the long run outside today. It was warmer than expected but was good to get some afternoon training in. Jan and I are doing our first open water swim tomorrow as part of the race rehearsal workout. We will let you know how it goes! Neither of us have ever swam in wetsuits so it should be interesting image Hope everyone has a nice 3 day weekend!
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