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New Year's Flu

Hi Patrick,

Happy New Year's to you and your family.  So, while on vacation in Disney last week, mother nature decided to drop the flu on me on New Year's Eve and obviously wrecked havoc on my training.  I haven't done anything in over a week and it looks like this week may be much of the same...lying around with zero energy!!  I am concerned about my fitness but realize I need to take care of my body for future workouts.  However, if I take this week off also and start back up next week, what should I do?  Should I just pick up in my OS as if I did the past two weeks or do I ease back into it.  If I have to ease back into the workouts, what do you suggest? I would prefer to pick up and struggle for a few weeks, but that's probably not the best thing to do either.  Any help would be greatly appreciated!



  • Frank...sorry to hear you are sick but you are doing the right thing for sure. I suggest you plan on returning to the OS but doing the following:

    * week 1 = just do the workouts for time, not intensity.
    * week 2 = do the workouts, but at 85% intensity (instead of Z4, for example).
    * week 3 = do the workouts as best you can...

    You won't even remember this issue come June...stay positive!
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