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2014 70.3 Eagleman Official Sign In Thread

Welcome to the IM 70.3 Eagleman Sign In Thread!

Please use this thread to introduce yourself to your fellow teammates, telling us a little bit about you, your goals for the race, etc!



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    Hi, my name is Carla and Eagleman will be my first HIM.  My goal is to finish feeling decent.  I'm hoping to get my nutrition figured out during my training, feel more comfortable wearing my wetsuit and feeling more confident on the bike.

    Looking forward to meeting other entrants/team members.

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    Hi Carla, I'm in for my second shot at Eagleman.  First was a couple years ago and I didn't do any half's last season, so I'm cautiously optimistic that I'll be able to improve over my first attempt.  1st time didn't go the greatest because of the hot n humid conditions, primarily.  I lost it in the last third of the bike and really lost it on the last half of the run.  Gotta respect the course even though its flat and perceived to be fast.  Its easy to overcook the bike and have a meltdown on the run unless you stay within limits and get the proper liquids / nutrition along the way.  Also have to be prepared that it won't be a wetsuit swim.  

    Regardless, hope you're training is going well.  The good news is that there's plenty of time between now and then to set yourself up for a strong race!



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    Hi all, it will also be my second round at Eagleman. I second the heat and humidity. I overlooked the bike and had an awful run/walk.

    Steve, are you in Wilmington, DE?
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    William did you do the race last year?  How was the swim?  I hear it can be choppy.

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    Hello everyone. This is my first year with EN and Eagleman will be my 3rd HIM. I completed my first two last summer. After Eagleman, I'm doing IM Mont Tremblant.
    With the colder winter we're having this year, hopefully Eagleman will not be as hot and humid as in past years. This is not an "A" race but after EN OS and training, I hope to improve on all three legs over last year.

    Good luck!
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    @Carla - I raced it in 2012. The swim was wetsuit legal (barely) and it was not bad. It was very hot and humid and once you are out of the water there is no shade on the course. I felt great getting off the bike and then the heat hit me and I struggled with the run. It was pre EN for me and looking back I know I did I not execute properly and overlooked the bike.

    @Derrek - my wife and I raced the HIM and IMMT last year and loved it. We are going back in 2015.
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    Do any of you know how to access last years' group? I was hoping to see some of their comments.

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    Not sure how many were aware of the recent troubles of Columbia Triathlon Association which ran Eagleman. Here is the latest: http://www.slowtwitch.com/News/WTC_to_purchase_produce_CTA_events_4214.html

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    Slow board, but I like to have a place to go. Today is the official start of my HIM training. I am both nervous and excited. I have a lot of hopes, but doubts also. I am hoping my family will be supportive, that I will not be injured. Doubting about my ability to follow my plan, but very hopeful at the same time?? Got my bike out of the shop yesterday-new chain, front tire and tune-up; two pairs of running shoes already broken in, but not old; swim gear has been holding up, but may get new goggles before the race.

    I've given my family my weekly plan and when I plan on doing the days' workout, so we will see how that goes. Coach P reassured me that I can do 90% of the bike on my trainer since I really hate road biking. I do it, I just don't enjoy it. Also as the weather improves I plan on getting at least two bike rides in near or on the race course.

    Plan to do my first sweat test on Saturday. That will be a new experience. I hope I do it right.

    Here goes......
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    Two days in and two workouts done. Feeling pretty good, but the real test will be my first 5 AM bike workout. Wednesday is my long work day and I'm booked in the evening, so there you go. Bed early tonight...

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    Did it!  Feeling good too.  Will see how I feel after tomorrow's scheduled long run though
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    I was so discouraged this winter after illnesses and a foot injury I was doubting if it was realistic to do Eagleman as I've never done a HIM.  With much encouragement from other EN members I decided I'd at least try and it was doable if I gave it a chance.

    Today was my fourth straight day of completing my workout.  I was pleasantly surprised at how well I did on a long run AND then was able to do a swim workout without crashing.

    I need to work on my nutrition a bit more as my protein powder seems to make me very gassy 

    I know its early, but my excitement is back!  How is anyone else doing with their WO plans?


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    Carla, glad to know your excitement is back...I know that's a great feeling. My workouts are going great. I'm actually do the Balanced Marathon plan right now as I prepare for the Boston Marathon. The Balanced Marathon plan has me doing two bike workouts, about 4 runs a week and I added on 3-4 swims a week. After Boston I'll jump into a HIM plan and after Eagleman, jump into an IM plan for IMMT.

    I just bought my first tri bike and really need to get used to being in the aero position...that's my main concern right now.

    I use Infinit for all my nutrition on the bike...very gentle on my stomach and it worked well during my HIM last year.

    This is going to be a busy and fun summer.

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    @Carla and @Derrek - very glad the workouts are going well.

    I just finished a marathon and am taking an unstructured week. I will try to resume workouts next week. I fell on the ice two weeks ago and hurt my shoulder/neck. I can run but cannot swim or bike without a lot of pain. I plan to see a doctor next week to see if I will make it worse by using it and then will decide how to proceed. I know I still have plenty of time to get ready for Eagleman so I am not overly concerned right now.
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    @Derreck, you sound BUSY!  Good luck with the aero bars.  I was debating trying them, but since I'm not sure how "into" the longer races I'll be getting into the future I've decided to hold off for now.  I feel the training for my first HIM is about my limit, for now....

    @William-hope you have a quick recovery.  This weather hasn't been helpful with outdoor workouts, that's for sure!

    I woke up 3x in 6 1/2 hours, so I am taking today off in prep for my first sweat test tomorrow.  I'm both dreading and excited if that makes sense.  It's not the sweat part, but the time on the bike.


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    @William, sorry to hear about your injury...I hope you have a quick recovery.

    @Carla, how did the sweat test go? The good part is you'll be able to dial in your hydration needs.

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    Well, I don't think I did it right in the fact that it was a gorgeous spring day here, so I had all the windows and door opened.  I did stay on the bike as long as I should and didn't love it, but was happy that I could do it.  The next day I had another bike WKO, and did it with the windows closed and without the ceiling fan on and did a LOT more sweating.

    I was so hungry at the 90 minute mark of my biking that day, but only had gels and sport drink.  I definately need to figure on what nutrition will work for me. 

    Does anyone know what products are used at Eagleman?  I can't seem to find it anywhere, plus since TriColumbia isn't doing it they may be using something different anyway.


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    @William-saw you are out for a few weeks (Body Challange)-wishing you a quick recovery! great job on the weight loss.
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    @Carla - Thanks. On the mend and optimistic I can resume training in a few weeks. How is your training coming along?

    I do not know what nutrition will be available at Eagleman, but I switched to Infinit for the bike last year and am very happy with it. I use water and e-gels on the run. I come from a running background and the e-gels have always worked for me.
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    @William - I also started using Infinit on the bike. I'm able to carry 3 bottles for the HIM but how do you carry enough for IM races (5-6 bottles?) on the bike leg.

    Also, any tips/advice for IMMT? I know the bike and run are very hilly courses. Thanks.

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    I'm still doing it.  I had to be at the hospital yesterday due to a family member having surgery, so I did my Wednesday bike workout on Tuesday.  I did miss a 30 min run, but figure if I am going to miss anything that is the one to miss. 

    I have a 100 min run scheduled for today plus I do an hour swim tonight, so we will see how that goes.  The weather isn't as nice today as it was last week for my long run, but I'm committed to doing it!

    I belong to a Cancer 2 5K group for cancer survivors (I'm a sherpa not a survivor) and we started last night with our kick off meeting.  There is another sherpa who is doing Eagleman, so we got to "network" which is also helping keeping me focused.  Now I will be actually seeing another Eagleman athlete twice a week, so another way to keep me on my plan

    Thanks for asking.  I need all the accountablilty I can get!


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    @Derrek - I keep three pre-mixed bottles in my bike special needs bag and refill the bottles on my bike.

    IMMT is a great course. The only truly difficult section in the bike course is the climb around mile 50. Of course, on the second loop it is twice as fun. However, if you execute the EN way, you will not have any issues.

    The run is great. The hills are in and out of town. Once out of town, the run in on a gravel path.

    I was a DNF at Lake Placid in 2012 before I joined EN. The training plans and race execution advice at EN is top notch and helped me get through IMMT.

    @Carla - I am glad you found someone local to keep you on track. My wife and I race the same races so we keep each other honest. I need the accountability far more than my wife.
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    Thanks William...I'll work that into nutrition plan.
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    Good news!  World Triathlon Corporation (WTC) is taking over the races from Columbia Triathlon Association (CTA).  Eagleman is already on the WTC website.  Link to article:  http://touch.baltimoresun.com/#sect...-79789182/

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    @Derreck thanks for the link.  I went to Ironman, but there really isn't any info yet

    I missed four days of workouts, no reason to get into why though it does take the winds out of my sails a bit.  I did my run WKO yesterday, but it kicked my butt!  The plus 20 degrees since my last run was a major difference and a big eye opener, but for me I was at least out there.


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    I understand about missing workouts. Four days shouldn't set you back...just think of it as a recovery break. You should feel back to normal after a couple workouts. I'm still on my Balanced Marathon plan preparing for Boston Marathon, which is going well. A couple weeks after Boston, I'll jump to HIM plan and join you in the fun.

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    Thanks for the pep talk Derrek.

    ? for you veterans: what does "3 miles @ z2/MP/Steady PLUS 30 seconds per mile" mean? I know the zone part, but not understanding the PLUS 30 seconds per mile part.

    It is part of my Big Training Day, which I obviously have not done before. Looking forward to it.

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    @Carla, take your Z2 pace / marathon pace and add 30 seconds to it. If your Z2/MP is 8:30, do the 3 miles at a 9:00 pace. Makes sense?

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    @Derrek- thanks for clearing that up and for the smile   example 8:30 mile, hee, hee. 

    I just did my first sub 10 during a one mile zone 4 last week.  No desire to go that quick, but don't mind moving a bit faster than I do.


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    So I was all looking forward to my first Race Training Day and was all prepared.

    Did the swim fine, got home and on the bike in a good time. Got all but 5 minutes in, but then had to take my son to the doctors' (unplanned visit.)

    So four hours later after everything that was originally planned AFTER I would have done my run is complete, my run was not done.  I'm so sure it is not a big deal, but I was really looking forward to seeing how I was going to feel and see if my nutrition plan was going to work.  I felt really good after the bike with my nutrition which I'm really pleased with.  

    I'm over thinking....this is my first HIM and to be honest most people around me are very doubtful that I can do it.  I feel I can get it done, and I'm really amazing myself with keeping up with the training despite bumps here and there.  The fact that I was able to walk after the hour swim and 3 hours on a bike and feeling as good as I do (and the fact that my hands haven't swelled since switching to Powerbar products) is amazing to me.  I know this is going to be really tough, but so do-able.  I guess I need to chill about the missed run.

    Thanks for letting me vent! 



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