Week 11 Nov OS Injury Hack
Any suggestions on how to modify the plan for a foot injury that keeps me from running. This is a recurrent injury (plantar fasciitis) probably from running back to back days and too many hill strides. PT recommends that I take another week off running. I have tried water running in the past but I seemed to loose too much fitness besides it's a boring as watching grass grow. I was thinking of substituting less intense (Z1-2) bike for running to recover and burn calories for body composition since I'm in the fat boy dog house from the holidays.
And, when I resume running how should I hack the plan so I'm not running back to back days?
Thanks, George
Also, plan on week 1 of running to just do 15' on Wed / Fri / Sun after some z1-2 biking. Week 2 can be 30 minutes...then you can go from there!