Carla T's Learning All About it Macro Thread
Hi Rick,
I sent you a reply to the message you sent about my training plan, but I guess the Macro thread is more approriate. Can you please direct me to the test's I need to take as I don't have the "Trial Week" loaded in my Training plan any longer. I joined last night and after the Webinar with Coach P I played around a lot. I will reload the Outseason Beginner plan on Monday so I am where I'll need to be.
Hi Carla,
Welcome to the Team! To be clear, you were supposed to wait to load up that plan until Monday. You jumped the gun early and those test, which were scheduled for this weekend, are no longer there because you changed the plan. Do this:
OutSeason Training Plan, Trial Members, January Drive
Do the tests this weekend.
On Monday or Sunday night, load up the plan that I indicated for you in your Season RoadMap email.
The Monday after I took my test's I came down with the flu and was out for an entire week
Last week I returned to the living, but the weather and family sickness as well as my own fatigue kept me from working out. I went to the gym today and planned on the run, come home for the bike. Coughing fit on the run-I felt fine, but the heavy breathing I guess would get me coughing. I stuck it out for 35 minutes with a jog/walk, but got off lightheaded and didn't feel it was ok to do 75 min on the bike.
Should I just keep with the 3rd week of Off Season or restart? What do you suggest? I am now a bit depressed with feeling two weeks behind, but I keep talking myself into getting back on track. Any guidance is appreciated.
Sorry to hear about your illnesses. Yes, reset, but don't repeat Wk1 (the tests). Instead, restart your OS by starting in Wk2. At the end of the day, this stuff happens, it is what it is, and you need to take care of yourself.
I am NOT a strong biker (as was apparent on my first RR.) Coach P said I could do most of my training on a trainer. I did go to a flat, safe area (hugh parking lots) for my RR as my race is flat (Eagleman.)
I have an opportunity to do a group bike ride on Sundays here where it is pretty hilly. If I do that then I probably will not do the prescribed WO exactly.
I can also do the Saturday bike rides in the parking lots (there are longer than mile loops. I do feel safe there) or on my trainer. It is getting to crunch time and I was wondering which you think would be better for my race prep? I do not have aero bars, but I do go low for some of the time.
I also have an opportunity to do an OWS on Saturday May 10th. Any suggestions to my WO schedule that week or should that be a Micro question?
Any guidance or suggestions?