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Joe Friel Interview in Washington Post


My wife sent this to me; her comment: "...you in nearly every sound bite!"

His comments on: training with intensity, not volume; his current high saturated fat diet; his philosophy of "waking up when you wake up" (I don't sleep with an alarm clock, even before races; neither does he), etc.

The main thing I take away - I should not be satisfied with my FTP dropping below last year's 220; I'm starting the OS from the same place as last year, @ 198, so I should be able to make it back up to where I was.


  • Great article and motivation for us Boomers! Thanks Al.


  • CHEESE with Paleo?
  • "Bacon. Butter. Cheese." - the trifecta of food!
  • Yes Robert-some nonpurists say if you are not casein or lactose intolerant dairy is actually good-for the fat content, not protein or carbs. So eat butter, full fat yogurt and cheese, and cream in your coffee. Galactose is particularly high glycemic and causes large insulin spikes and the protein content is negligible compared to beef and bacon
  • Thanks Al, great article. I just turned 57and I agree with his food restrictions, using the Paleolithic way of nutrition and exercise  .  I had several allergies to all the food I was eating and couldn't loose any weight, even with exercise and calorie restriction.

    Had extensive testing completed for food allegories, vitamins, hormones and gi issues.

    I changed my diet in November of 2013 and have lost 20lbs. Restrictions: protein, veggies,(no root vegetables, example- carrot) no carbohydrates ,no beans, no dairy, no processed food, only 12cup berries a day(no other fruit).

    My challenge that lies ahead will be fuel for the long workouts and races.

    If my workouts are under 2 hours I only drink water. Over that I have been using salt sticks, electrolytes in water and MAP pills.

    Does anyone have suggestions for longer workouts? The dr. I have been working with said to use MAP and take food with me?(he is in his 60s and still competes  the ironman races)

    Anyone in  EN on Paleolithic and have suggestions?





  • @ Yevette, I take real food with me on longer rides. I have The Feedzone Cookbook and use it for ideas and go from there. I don't know how it will work with your diet restrictions though. I've taken trail mix on long rides with nuts and dried fruits, egg and rice burritos, rice muffins, rice cakes, etc. My body does well with those things on long bikes. I've fueled with that type of food on my last HIM and IM and did well. I've also used UCAN for HIM and did well with that on the bike but I needed to take extra electrolytes with it. Ben Greenfield had a mix he used in his last two IMs that consisted of UCAN, MAP and some other stuff that I forget now. You can find it on his website I'm sure. He said it worked well until about mile 10 of the run then he had to switch over to more carbs.
  • Yvette and Mark-I have been paleo for the last two years (strict Zone prior) but eating/drinking the carbs around training /racing a la core diet and Cordain/Friels Paleo for endurance athletes. Other than training, my diet is 45-50% fat now. I've just run across Ben Greenfield's info-his latest blog lays out exactly how he eats in a Tri to stay in ketosis or nearly so and has links to many of his articles about high fat diet and the products. I'm looking into it more because even though the 'glucose drip' works I always cringe as to what it's doing metabolically (so far nothing-my labs are fine). And I get sick of the carbs-after AZIM last November, it sickened me to see everyone swilling pizza-when I got my hamburger patty at Rhula Bhula I thought I'd died and gone to heaven.
  • At Betsy - I typically cannot get past three paragraphs of anything written by Ben Greenfield before I roll my eyes and skip to the next article. I don't doubt he knows his stuff on nutrition, but then again he is the same guy who advocates the squatty potty and power bracelets.
  • @Paul-I will certainly let you know if I learn anything from him.
  • @ Betsy - I was on a 9 hour flight this past Saturday and finishing up a LAVA magazine. Skimming through I saw an article on tips for reducing jet lag. How timely! I start reading the first tip about "grounding" yourself after your flight...e.g., walking around the hotel barefoot, and immediately thought to myself -- "Did Ben Greenfield write this?" I turned back to the byline and sure enough it was his. Apart from the standard stuff, his list was ridiculous. Skipped to the next article while feeling sorry for the guy's wife.

  • Posted By Paul Hough on 25 Jun 2014 02:32 PM

    @ Betsy - I was on a 9 hour flight this past Saturday and finishing up a LAVA magazine. Skimming through I saw an article on tips for reducing jet lag. How timely! I start reading the first tip about "grounding" yourself after your flight...e.g., walking around the hotel barefoot, and immediately thought to myself -- "Did Ben Greenfield write this?" I turned back to the byline and sure enough it was his. Apart from the standard stuff, his list was ridiculous. Skipped to the next article while feeling sorry for the guy's wife.
    Same guy wrote this!    http://www.bengreenfieldfitness.com/2014/06/bulletproof-coffee-enema/
    And dont forget the magic bracelets.

  • Tim - I mentioned the power (magic) bracelets above along with his famous squatty potty endorsement, but neither of those can top the coffee enema! Holy crap ... to make a pun. I live Lava magazine, but Ben Greenfield diminishes their credibility.
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