2 x 1's done. Got a new treadmill that actually can handle running by a big guy (ie expensive), and that 2% grade running is kicking my butt now! I am seeing higher heart rates and earlier fatigue than previously. I know when I hit the outdoors I will be faster for it, but the running side of the pain cave is especially sucky right now!
As a side note, I feel kinda lucky that my Garmin foot pod calibration for the 910xt has started out with this new treadmill nearly zero'd in with distance, or at least matches the treadmill very closely. Its the little things in life....
I am in LA on business & it was sooooo nice to run outside in 75 F weather. I ran 6 miles total in 48:35 or 8:05 avg pace. After a 3 mile warm up, did 2 x 1 mile at 7:05 and 6:45. Then 2nd one a little fast, but I felt good and my HR was still in Z4 for me.
I did mine on the treadmill too. I'm with Ed…that 2% seems to be really kicking my @#$. 2 x 1.5 miles @ 8:20 seemed ridiculously hard. I'm honestly astonished at how poorly my run is these days. 2 years ago I was flirting with a VDOT of 50 and doing these intervals in the mid to low 6:00s…how could I have gotten so much slower? Clearly I wasn't doing enough FAST to go along with my far. Oh well, I guess I can hope for some rapid improvement, though.
After a frustrating day with technology trying to set up my pain cave (don't ask) I hit the gym....only to find I'd packed 2 left shoes. Nice. Of course, it was the gym 25' away from home, not the one 5' from home. :-/
Sooo, I broke a perfectly good non swimming streak of 10 weeks and swam. Wow. Just wow. Sooo slow! LOL! Added bonus...woke up with gunky eyes. I am blaming to pool! Hopefully I won't get sick like our fearless leaders! (Here's to a quick recovery ladies!)
I will run post ride today since I'm not really following the out season plan...just getting time in till I'm all healed up, and I ran on Monday.
More Treadmill geekizums... So you often read Treadmill "needs to be 2.5% to be equivalent to flat" or "at least 1%" or whatever %. I have always used 1.5% as it "felt" about right as far as musle engagement. This website has a great equivalency chart to help clarify:
Soooo.... 1% for us slow types, 1.5% to 2% for speed work
This chart is based on wind resistance etc. -however the momentum of track accounts for a significant reduction in required "pull" from hamstrings/calf. No data as to % to adjust further.....however I use a 0.5 increase to adjust for this. SO most of my work is at 1.5%.
BTW at >2% you may increase toe/shin discomfort if new to hill/treadmill running particularly at the beginning (I know I've been feeling it!)
@Kori,Sue, Kate- I hope you are all feeling better soon. @Joe- get yourself to a doc soon and get that checked out. Hopefully it's something that can be fixed quickly @Paul- what race are you doing? @Trish- nice way to make the most of the situation. I shutter to think how bad my swim is right now!
As for me, I did 10 minutes on the treadmill at 1% at the PT's office with no pain. So I got to graduate from PT today! I brought cupcakes to celebrate :-) I still have a lot of work to do and getting in all those exercises will be tough- but I gotta make it happen. As for running, the plan is to run 2 times per week starting at 10 minutes per run. I can add 5 minutes to that time per week until I am finally up to 40 minutes. All of that work has to be done on a treadmill. Once I reach the 40 minute mark I can start going outside and will build into a "normal" training schedule. While I dread the treadmill as much as anyone- that seems to be fine since it's wintertime anyway.
Did a 7 mile progression run yesterday. Weather was fantastic, 50 degrees, 5 mph wind, full moon, doesn't get any better than that. Doing my own thing run wise as a buildup for the marathon. Also plan to throw in the Newton hills simulation workout every other week which will have to be a TM run, not my favourite thing.
@ Nemo - just a local one ... St Pete Beach 10K .. a "C" race. Even so, I can push myself much harder when I have paid and there are others to compete against. The line up of training races for Jan and Feb follows:
Jan 1 - 5k completed
Jan 11 - 5K completed
Jan 18 - St Pete Beach 10K (this will be my 15 yr old daughter's first 10K).
Feb 1 - Best Damn Race 10K
Feb 9 - Chilly Willy Duathlon (3mi-10mi-3mi). This is a B+
Feb 22 - Gasparilla 15K
I have already entered all of these. They are sort of a running hack to make sure I am not shirking during this OS. Congrats on the treadmill milestone! I would love a cupcake but I am watching my weight!
So...I'm thinkin about running the NJ Frostapple 50 mile in FEB.....Not as an A or even a B event. Just for a <12 hr finish.</p>
BTW I haven't run > 13 miles since April Mt Lemon marathon except the Phili Marathon which I ran for shizzles in NOV (EZ-ish 4:15 moving time). Just wondering if anyone has run it and given the amount of planned walking etc what recovery was like. I plan on adding a few long treadmill walks to get legs used to that -post SUN runs (as I've done to prep for long Ruck marches) Haven't tried 50mile since running Tubac 50 back in '94 but think I have an Idea how to pace etc. just haven't had to balance follow up bike/run workouts.
Just...thinkin bout it ...suppose I could "just" do the 50K....or the 10 mile A race is July though....LOL
So...I'm thinkin about running the NJ Frostapple 50 mile in FEB.....Not as an A or even a B event. Just for a <12 hr finish.</p>
BTW I haven't run > 13 miles since April Mt Lemon marathon except the Phili Marathon which I ran for shizzles in NOV (EZ-ish 4:15 moving time). Just wondering if anyone has run it and given the amount of planned walking etc what recovery was like. I plan on adding a few long treadmill walks to get legs used to that -post SUN runs (as I've done to prep for long Ruck marches) Haven't tried 50mile since running Tubac 50 back in '94 but think I have an Idea how to pace etc. just haven't had to balance follow up bike/run workouts.
Just...thinkin bout it ...suppose I could "just" do the 50K....or the 10 mile A race is July though....LOL
Saturday run done, 4.25 mi in 36:45. (all I had time for before work). "Progressive" run (slowly increase effort level thruout) with mile paces @ 9:32, 8:52, 8:27, 8:02, 7:39
St Pete Beach 10K in 48:04. My Garmin had it at 6.26 miles which means I split the true 10K at 47:43. It was consistent with my Vdot from last week's 5K (and 3:10 faster than the same race last year). I need 47 flat to get another Vdot point and will try again in two weeks.
Saturday long run (marathon prep) kinda kicked my butt. I felt pretty good starting, but I could tell it just wasn't quite right. We were having light mixed rain/sleet/snow outside, so I ran at he gym. A few miles in, some marine ROTC guys did their 3 mile test, and I ran with them just a little slower than my MP (around 7:15). Maybe that contributed to the butt-kicking that I felt the last few miles. Anyeay, I held on and logged about 18.5 mi at an 8:07 average pace. I faded a bit the last 2-3 miles, but I haven't run more than 15-16 recently, so maybe that and the MP pace segment was why. Definitely in the "got it done" rather than the "crushed it" category.
I got in 35' on the mill today and actually incorporated some z3 work (10'). The run felt good we will see how the back to back goes with the TP run tomorrow.
I will be in Tampa visiting family and am doing the 5k best damn race for my first run test of this OS. Any advice on this course (where to park, how early to arrive, course elevation...flat I'm guessing (hoping!) would be appreciated! I'd love to meet up, but with your start time before 7 and mine at 9, I'm guessing you'll have eaten breakfast before I even start!
OK..since technology HATES me, and my power tap took a poop, AND my fabulous mechanic is off skiing this weekend, I ended up at my gym running today. I ran for Meg's Miles, in honor of a young woman killed by a drunk driver on 1/13. So sad. This gave me some perspective of not being able to ride, and let me really enjoy my time on my feet.
I am trying like to devil to increase my cadence which is horrible. So, I ran my ez pace (10's), and starting at mile 1 did strides for .10 of a mile at 8's every half mile. I tried hard to maintain a higher cadence and was successful in the first few miles, but then faded at the end. Overall I got in a mile of the faster pace. My mini TH type repeats. Baby steps, but all felt good and am planning on building to my 5k run test in Tampa on 2/1!
I normally run on the TM in the winter but I participated in the Meg's Miles run. So instead I did a trail run at my favorite spot. There was a light snow cover and a lot of ice so I just took it real easy and enjoyed the scenery. Even still, the run is no joke...800 feet of elevation gain for 6 miles.
Did my SAT Brick but accidently did SUN run 2x1mile Z4.
Starting to get more used to (still sucks) dreadmill. [why I can d 5 hr on bike trainer but anything over 10 min on treadmill is torcher escapes me].
5 min progressive WU to 8:32 (7.0) for first mile 8:20 (7.2) second mile 7.2 in "new" based on last 5K VDOT the 7.0 was splitting the difference from the best 10K time based VDOT which would have 6.7mph. I wasn't to sure I could trust the new #s as they represented 30-40 seconds less per mile and seemed overly optimistic about long race times (I doubt I could go <4hr marathon right now) </p>
But... at least for these short intervals, these new paces seem doable. And to be honest Id love to get back to my 6min/mile 10K pace from college (25 years and 45# less ago) so fast is good!
Good work everyone!! I was traveling for work this week so had to shift things around a bit.
Mon: 6 x 20 flights of stairs. Getting ready for Aon building stair climb (80 flights) next weekend.
Tues: rest, fly to SF in am, afternoon meetings.
Weds: am fly to LA, afternoon meetings, (and so nice to run in warm weather): 6 miles which included 2 x 1.25 mile @ 7:00 and 6:45 pace.
Thurs: 3 ez miles @ 8:50 in am. Catch plane back to cold Chicago. PM: computrainer bike class: 25 miles in 64', NP 239 which included 4 x 5' (5') @ 290 W. IF= .9, VI=1.06
Fri: am 8 x 20 flights of stairs.
Sat: 3 x 1 hour spin classes, including 2 x 10' @ 265W, 2 x 15' @ 230W, 3 x 30' @ 190W. Then ran 4 miles on treadmill @ 8:55 pace with 2 x 2 mile @ 8:00 pace @ 2% incline. I'm beat.
Brrr … it was chilly this morning, or maybe it just felt so because it had warmed up in the past few days .. Anyway, started building mileage to this run and ended up going 1:20, which is my longest run since Philly half marathon last November. Knocked out the two z4 miles towards the end. Felt good, to great, but I'll take it. Now to rest and lounge the rest of the day watching NFL
Sunday run done. I found a dreadmill and pounded out the 50 minute workout only. It's done. Now onto some skiing and sitting in the hot tub with a cold beverage, and then a Patriots victory! Oh yeah, and then onto Jan OS week 3!
Posted By Trish Marshall on 18 Jan 2014 05:34 PM Paul,
I will be in Tampa visiting family and am doing the 5k best damn race for my first run test of this OS. Any advice on this course (where to park, how early to arrive, course elevation...flat I'm guessing (hoping!) would be appreciated! I'd love to meet up, but with your start time before 7 and mine at 9, I'm guessing you'll have eaten breakfast before I even start! <img src='http://members.endurancenation.ushttp://members.endurancenation.us/DesktopModules/ActiveForums/themes/_default//emoticons/smile.gif' align="absmiddle" border="0" />
Trish - the 5K is mostly flat. If you are from a hilly area, you will think pancake, but I am sensitive to slight variations. I am looking at the course map and would say very slight downhill from the start for just a few blocks, then flatter than flat to 1 mile, slight rollers to 2 miles, mostly flat to 3, and slight downhill finish. There is a lot of parking in a dirt/grass lot under oak trees available in front of the spa by the start but the 10K racers will hog it. I think they are starting us early so a lot of folks will leave before the 5k. There is a lot of street parking all the way up main street, and a parking lot just behind main street where it intersects Pinellas. My daughter is running the 10K too and she did yesterday's race in 77mins. I might still be there depending on what time my daughter in law plans to arrive from out of state.
2 x 1's done this afternoon. Legs were a little tired and heavy but I got it done. 6.15 miles in 53:30
Mile 1 - 7:15 HR 162
Mile 2 - 7:29 HR 163 (Mostly up hill and into a fairly stiff wind)
2 x 1's done this afternoon. Legs were a little tired and heavy but I got it done. 6.15 miles in 53:30
Mile 1 - 7:15 HR 162
Mile 2 - 7:29 HR 163 (Mostly up hill and into a fairly stiff wind)
2 x 1's done. Got a new treadmill that actually can handle running by a big guy (ie expensive), and that 2% grade running is kicking my butt now! I am seeing higher heart rates and earlier fatigue than previously. I know when I hit the outdoors I will be faster for it, but the running side of the pain cave is especially sucky right now!
As a side note, I feel kinda lucky that my Garmin foot pod calibration for the 910xt has started out with this new treadmill nearly zero'd in with distance, or at least matches the treadmill very closely. Its the little things in life....
Good work everyone!!!
I am in LA on business & it was sooooo nice to run outside in 75 F weather. I ran 6 miles total in 48:35 or 8:05 avg pace. After a 3 mile warm up, did 2 x 1 mile at 7:05 and 6:45. Then 2nd one a little fast, but I felt good and my HR was still in Z4 for me.
Sooo, I broke a perfectly good non swimming streak of 10 weeks and swam. Wow. Just wow. Sooo slow! LOL! Added bonus...woke up with gunky eyes. I am blaming to pool! Hopefully I won't get sick like our fearless leaders! (Here's to a quick recovery ladies!)
I will run post ride today since I'm not really following the out season plan...just getting time in till I'm all healed up, and I ran on Monday.
More Treadmill geekizums... So you often read Treadmill "needs to be 2.5% to be equivalent to flat" or "at least 1%" or whatever %. I have always used 1.5% as it "felt" about right as far as musle engagement. This website has a great equivalency chart to help clarify:
http://www.hillrunner.com.com/training/tmillchart.php Things I noticed:
MPH Treadmill set Pace Equiv pace @ %
6 10:00 9:52 @1% less % than 1%= "flat"
8 7:30 7:30 @1% 1%= set pace
10 6:00 6:03@1% >1% but less than 2% ="flat"
Soooo.... 1% for us slow types, 1.5% to 2% for speed work
This chart is based on wind resistance etc. -however the momentum of track accounts for a significant reduction in required "pull" from hamstrings/calf. No data as to % to adjust further.....however I use a 0.5 increase to adjust for this. SO most of my work is at 1.5%.
BTW at >2% you may increase toe/shin discomfort if new to hill/treadmill running particularly at the beginning (I know I've been feeling it!)
@Joe- get yourself to a doc soon and get that checked out. Hopefully it's something that can be fixed quickly
@Paul- what race are you doing?
@Trish- nice way to make the most of the situation. I shutter to think how bad my swim is right now!
As for me, I did 10 minutes on the treadmill at 1% at the PT's office with no pain. So I got to graduate from PT today! I brought cupcakes to celebrate :-) I still have a lot of work to do and getting in all those exercises will be tough- but I gotta make it happen. As for running, the plan is to run 2 times per week starting at 10 minutes per run. I can add 5 minutes to that time per week until I am finally up to 40 minutes. All of that work has to be done on a treadmill. Once I reach the 40 minute mark I can start going outside and will build into a "normal" training schedule. While I dread the treadmill as much as anyone- that seems to be fine since it's wintertime anyway.
Doing my own thing run wise as a buildup for the marathon. Also plan to throw in the Newton hills simulation workout every other week which will have to be a TM run, not my favourite thing.
Jan 1 - 5k completed
Jan 11 - 5K completed
Jan 18 - St Pete Beach 10K (this will be my 15 yr old daughter's first 10K).
Feb 1 - Best Damn Race 10K
Feb 9 - Chilly Willy Duathlon (3mi-10mi-3mi). This is a B+
Feb 22 - Gasparilla 15K
I have already entered all of these. They are sort of a running hack to make sure I am not shirking during this OS. Congrats on the treadmill milestone! I would love a cupcake but I am watching my weight!
So...I'm thinkin about running the NJ Frostapple 50 mile in FEB.....Not as an A or even a B event. Just for a <12 hr finish.</p>
BTW I haven't run > 13 miles since April Mt Lemon marathon except the Phili Marathon which I ran for shizzles in NOV (EZ-ish 4:15 moving time). Just wondering if anyone has run it and given the amount of planned walking etc what recovery was like. I plan on adding a few long treadmill walks to get legs used to that -post SUN runs (as I've done to prep for long Ruck marches) Haven't tried 50mile since running Tubac 50 back in '94 but think I have an Idea how to pace etc. just haven't had to balance follow up bike/run workouts.
Just...thinkin bout it ...suppose I could "just" do the 50K....or the 10 mile
A race is July though....LOL 
So...I'm thinkin about running the NJ Frostapple 50 mile in FEB.....Not as an A or even a B event. Just for a <12 hr finish.</p>
BTW I haven't run > 13 miles since April Mt Lemon marathon except the Phili Marathon which I ran for shizzles in NOV (EZ-ish 4:15 moving time). Just wondering if anyone has run it and given the amount of planned walking etc what recovery was like. I plan on adding a few long treadmill walks to get legs used to that -post SUN runs (as I've done to prep for long Ruck marches) Haven't tried 50mile since running Tubac 50 back in '94 but think I have an Idea how to pace etc. just haven't had to balance follow up bike/run workouts.
Just...thinkin bout it ...suppose I could "just" do the 50K....or the 10 mile
A race is July though....LOL 
@ Paul nice work on the 10K run.
I got in 35' on the mill today and actually incorporated some z3 work (10'). The run felt good we will see how the back to back goes with the TP run tomorrow.
At Gordon ...the dreadmill takes mental toughness to stay on. Fortunately, they just are not essential in Tampa.
I will be in Tampa visiting family and am doing the 5k best damn race for my first run test of this OS. Any advice on this course (where to park, how early to arrive, course elevation...flat I'm guessing (hoping!) would be appreciated! I'd love to meet up, but with your start time before 7 and mine at 9, I'm guessing you'll have eaten breakfast before I even start!
I am trying like to devil to increase my cadence which is horrible. So, I ran my ez pace (10's), and starting at mile 1 did strides for .10 of a mile at 8's every half mile. I tried hard to maintain a higher cadence and was successful in the first few miles, but then faded at the end. Overall I got in a mile of the faster pace. My mini TH type repeats.
Did my SAT Brick but accidently did SUN run 2x1mile Z4.
Starting to get more used to (still sucks) dreadmill. [why I can d 5 hr on bike trainer but anything over 10 min on treadmill is torcher escapes me].
5 min progressive WU to 8:32 (7.0) for first mile 8:20 (7.2) second mile 7.2 in "new" based on last 5K VDOT the 7.0 was splitting the difference from the best 10K time based VDOT which would have 6.7mph. I wasn't to sure I could trust the new #s as they represented 30-40 seconds less per mile and seemed overly optimistic about long race times (I doubt I could go <4hr marathon right now) </p>
But... at least for these short intervals, these new paces seem doable. And to be honest Id love to get back to my 6min/mile 10K pace from college (25 years and 45# less ago) so fast is good!
Good work everyone!! I was traveling for work this week so had to shift things around a bit.
Mon: 6 x 20 flights of stairs. Getting ready for Aon building stair climb (80 flights) next weekend.
Tues: rest, fly to SF in am, afternoon meetings.
Weds: am fly to LA, afternoon meetings, (and so nice to run in warm weather): 6 miles which included 2 x 1.25 mile @ 7:00 and 6:45 pace.
Thurs: 3 ez miles @ 8:50 in am. Catch plane back to cold Chicago. PM: computrainer bike class: 25 miles in 64', NP 239 which included 4 x 5' (5') @ 290 W. IF= .9, VI=1.06
Fri: am 8 x 20 flights of stairs.
Sat: 3 x 1 hour spin classes, including 2 x 10' @ 265W, 2 x 15' @ 230W, 3 x 30' @ 190W. Then ran 4 miles on treadmill @ 8:55 pace with 2 x 2 mile @ 8:00 pace @ 2% incline. I'm beat.
Trish - the 5K is mostly flat. If you are from a hilly area, you will think pancake, but I am sensitive to slight variations. I am looking at the course map and would say very slight downhill from the start for just a few blocks, then flatter than flat to 1 mile, slight rollers to 2 miles, mostly flat to 3, and slight downhill finish. There is a lot of parking in a dirt/grass lot under oak trees available in front of the spa by the start but the 10K racers will hog it. I think they are starting us early so a lot of folks will leave before the 5k. There is a lot of street parking all the way up main street, and a parking lot just behind main street where it intersects Pinellas. My daughter is running the 10K too and she did yesterday's race in 77mins. I might still be there depending on what time my daughter in law plans to arrive from out of state.