Dawn Piburn's Here's Another Fine Mess Macro Thread
Hi Coach Rich and Coach Patrick!
I'm considering the ToS this month, but see that it falls during the last week of the NOS. Since I've made positive gains in both the run and bike (mostly the run, which were I needed to), I'd appreciate your advice on if the ToS would be beneficial for my HIM training, or if I should stick with the NOS plan as is.
My other question is how soon after the NOS should I start my HIM training? Thanks for your advice and insights into both my questions!
Your SP is below, did it for you in October. Is this still accurate, ie, we're still talking about the same races?
Yup. This is still the plan. I've added some running events to it since then - https://www.tcmevents.org/events/ra...challenge/
The 5K I'm not worried about - with the weather here in February being either dumping snow, or false Spring, anything is possible. The 10 miler and 1/2 Mary I figure are good training for both HIM events. Thanks for your help.
Not a problem adding those runs to your calendar, no real changes required to your season plan.
Please go here to read my thoughts on ToS, as many other athletes are considering doing this: http://members.endurancenation.us/Forums/tabid/57/aft/14304/Default.aspx
Hi Rich,
Thanks so much for that advice. I was having second thoughts about ToS anyway, and your experience sealed the deal. Another time.