I was NOT Happy with results of SAT Bike test the #s for the 20 min test...seemed well under my capabilities by 20w+ ....bad day? over did WU or VO2 test prior? Not sure... but I've used 220w from LOW average CTS 2x8' to use 200w as my FTP for last 6 months(July test -trainer#s)...and that was feeling low (improved) by my last race NOV 70.3(236w aveRoad#s). -yes I have done few significant rides since then, but that is why I expected no evidence of the prior improvements. I did a CTS test 1 month ago with 2x 8' ave about 230-240w... so my 20 min test had me at 206w ave and that was hard throughout. Haven't changed my Zones for EN....yet... will see how the next few rides go with "old" (higher #s) go. Cant say I've had enough hard/long enough rides to validate either test. My last long ride was post a high energy body weight WO then a spinnervals with 10x3' @200w/1'RI, 5x5'@200w/2'RI then all intervals repeated at higher Cadence....held watts fine for a bit over 1.5 HR till wheels came off due to skipping breakfast& lunch....so I cant use this ride to say 200 isn't "the right FTP" yet. I guess I'll see. (Run VDOT off of 5K ("test" was race) is opposite-seems way fast vs. what I used off of 1/2 IM run time or even 10K training results BTW)
legs where sore for TUES ride from the 1/2Marathon trail run so cant say the difficulty was "real"...they feel beter after the run yesterday and I hope tonights ride will rock out the POWER intervals
Thursday VO2 ride done. Hard, but it felt good, particularly since I feel like the work is helping blow this chest cold out of me! Here it is by the numbers:
Total - IF 0.86; NP 213; Cad 84 VO2 1 - IF 1.12; NP 277; Cad 99 VO2 2 - IF 1.13; NP 278; Cad 96 VO2 3 - IF 1.13; NP 279; Cad 94 VO2 4 - IF 1.12; NP 277; Cad 92 VO2 5 - IF 1.11; NP 274; Cad 90 VO2 6 - IF 1.11; NP 275; Cad 90 SS1 - IF 0.85; NP 209; Cad 86
Only the main set today; I began feeling a little dizzy after the final interval (and I'm doing Saturday's workout tomorrow afternoon, due to work on Saturday).
49 minutes, 9 x 1.5'(1.5') @ 1.22, 1.24, 1.21, 1.21, 1.2, 1.15, 1.21, 1.19, 1.27. Total for the whole set 0.99, max HR 140
Got mine done…seemed a little easier than last week, but still tough. 6 x 2:00/2:00 @ 237, 238, 238, 238, 242, 242 vs. a goal of 239. I'll take it. Did the 10:00 @ 89% too. Feeling a little better about things overall but still a long way to go!
Nice work, everyone. From the posts, it looks like we might all hurt a bit, but, the power and speed is starting to come back! Thanks to everyone for the encouragement. I got it in this evening after work.
6x2:00/2:00 1-3@270, 4,5@276 and 6@286. My zone says 262-286. I am up from last weeks 262 for 1-5. It must be my 30 years of swim intervals that I probably hold too much back, but, I'm getting there! Did 55 total w/ 12 in the WU and 10 after at 85%. Ran the 30 right after as a brick at nice/easy 10:00.
Enjoy tomorrow, all. Let's get after it again Saturday.
Because I felt that I may have under-tested last week due to the pre-season slacking, I took Coach''s advice on riding by HR and RPE and seeing where that put me. I rode by RPE and HR and was very consistent in numbers. My HR started and ended at the exact same values each interval of the V02max sets, and then during the SS 20' set, my HR was dead on in the middle of my SS HR zone. My watts were 20+ watts higher on the vo2 and 20 watts higher on the SS. I am going to use tonight's ride to set number targets for Saturday's ride per Coach''s advice and then will see if the number are doable appropriate.
I worked hard today but did not cook myself, so I am very happy with the ride tonight!
OK... so wasn't sure if I should use the Test VO2 # (246w ave) or new Z5 #s based on new lower FTP (Z5 215-235) or my "Old Z5" (230-251w) so I kinda just went balls out after a 10 min WU with a few hard 30sec power intervals up to 600w (briefly!)
first 2 I mentally set goal 350-400w
... I realized I wasn't going to hold those kind of efforts for all 6 without longer recoveries...so dialed back to 300 as goal for last 4
307, 295,299,278
HR 155 for all except last which averaged 160 152 is Bike Z5 for me with max ~172
2 min RI then 15min steady @ 165w then 5@175 then 3@200 to finish Work
Got today's Vo2 sets completed this evening. Finally getting use to being on the trainer. It was a huge mental issue to me but using my Amazon prime instant video stream has helped tremendously. Compared to last year, I feel much better prepared for the road that lies ahead for training. Signed up for the IMCHOO camp today also. Those back to back rides are going to be rather interesting.
Got today's Vo2 sets completed this evening. Finally getting use to being on the trainer. It was a huge mental issue to me but using my Amazon prime instant video stream has helped tremendously. Compared to last year, I feel much better prepared for the road that lies ahead for training. Signed up for the IMCHOO camp today also. Those back to back rides are going to be rather interesting.
back in the groove. felt good on the bike tonight. 6X2'(2') ON + 24' Z3. I loaded up the workout on TR for the first time. For whatever reason it provides a little extra motivation to get the work done. According to TR I undershot the 1st interval by 2 watts and the 2nd one by 3 watts but otherwise hit all targets. My numbers on wko are a little different and they indicate I was well over target on all the intervals.
trainer ride done early am before work: 6x2': 1-3@1.13; 4-6@ 1.18. That's based on NP but the last 3 I was hitting my target W. Felt good. Started watching House of Cards on Netflix during the rides this week-very entertaining. Awaiting arrival of my GoT discs My Mondays and Fridays include early AM swim as I am still learning technique-high elbow and early vertical catch drills tomorrow am, lesson in the endless pool saturday afternoon
Saturday's ride this evening ('cause tomorrow is my last day of work. EVER! )
I finished feeling some soreness in my left inner thigh ? medial hamstring vs adductor. Hope I can run as planned 40 minutes tomorrow AM before work.
Anyway, here's week six int. Saturday ride: 2 x 10'(4'), 6' @ FTP; 2 x 12'(2.5') @ SS: 1.03, 1.0. 1.02.; 0.81, 0.81. 1:29, finished exactly @ 100 TSS, 0.82 IF. Also finished season 3 of one of the junk TV shows I'm following on the trainer this OS: Falling Skies. The others - Revolution, Almost Human. I;m also watching Justified, but it's too good a show to view while sweating on the trainer.
Speaking of which, my wife came home from a walk with friends while I was just finishing the third FTP interval. I'm out on the porch, right at the doorway, in 43F temps. She exclaimed, "You are REALLY sweating - you look like some African coal miner!"
Saturday ride complete. Felt good. Worked hard. I'm hitting the intervals, but I'm having trouble holding onto the suggested wattage in between the work intervals.
@ Brett, I wouldn't worry about holding a particular wattage between the FTP intervals. On the VO2 I do aim for maintaining z1 / 65% during the recovery intervals. But for the FTP workouts I really don't care too much.
Sat AM bike done. While it still takes me a quite a while to warm up (I use the 'old' warmup protocol), I'm feeling my z3 and z4 watts coming back . t-run afterwards. Now for some lunch and then a nap … aaahhhhh, perfection!
Saturday work done. Although I'm traveling for the weekend, I was able to bring my road bike and trainer. This is the first time with the road bike on the trainer v. the tri bike. It sure is a different feel! Given that there is about four inches of fresh snow on the ground, and I don't have access to a treadmill, it does not look like the run is going to happen today. I guess I'll have to ski or snowshoe instead! Here is the bike by the numbers:
Workout - 1:17; IF 0.85; NP 209; HR 136 Threshold1 - IF 0.99; NP 244; HR 139 Threshold2 - IF 0.99; NP 244; HR 145 Sweetspot1- IF 0.85; NP 209; HR 140 Sweetspot2- IF 0.84; NP 206; HR 140
Workout done this morning! I actually also slept for 9 hours so I'm feeling great. Rode a 20 WU with the 5/12/3 and then hit the 2x10@236 (FTP for me is 238) and then got the 2x15 @193. I had to do the run right after today due to a family party, but did 5 ez to start at 10:00 and then kicked it in with 15@8:47 and 20@8:27 to finish it off! Happy Saturday all!
Another good bike workout for me. I can feel some of the watts coming back.
2X10' @ 1.01, 1.02; 2X15 @ .86, .87. Total 66' at .89.
Note that I am one of those guys that took a bunch of time of and the watts will come back fairly quickly. Please don't see my numbers and think that you have to do more there is a lot work in the .95-1.0 range. For those new to the OS don't start to over reach and put yourself in a hole. Coach Rich's week 2 video/pod cast is very applicable to me. I ended the last OS at 260 FTP and I came in this year at 217. This is also my 5th OS.
@ Brett, I wouldn't worry about holding a particular wattage between the FTP intervals. On the VO2 I do aim for maintaining z1 / 65% during the recovery intervals. But for the FTP workouts I really don't care too much.
+1. Brett, your IF in the intervals is about the same as mine. The idea is to recover at the effort level which allows you to perform each of the intervals for the duration and intensity prescribed. To quote from the notes in the Thursday ride section: "Recoveries are at whatever intensity (very easy) that allows you to repeat your effort on the next interval. "
I'm coming off a double shot blood donation on November 27th (right on South Street in Scotch Plains, btw) and it is about that time when my system is back to where it was pre-donation (but I haven't checked it with a real blood test). I tested with an opening FTP of 253W and after the first several FTP segments I found I could easily match the targets and then do some pretty vigorous running. That must mean I undershot my FTP on Jan 6th - and since my cousin constantly rags on me for sandbagging I am determined to get everything I can out of this OS and really let him have it at every opportunity.
Also, since JW just did it, I just had to do it, 'cause we Jersey Boyz are nuts. After the test I went and did about 45 minutes of the OS WK2 ADV Saturday bike workout. It decided to sleet/snow this morning and I didn't feel like risking death by running outside.
I was NOT Happy with results of SAT Bike test the #s for the 20 min test...seemed well under my capabilities by 20w+ ....bad day? over did WU or VO2 test prior? Not sure... but I've used 220w from LOW average CTS 2x8' to use 200w as my FTP for last 6 months(July test -trainer#s)...and that was feeling low (improved) by my last race NOV 70.3(236w aveRoad#s). -yes I have done few significant rides since then, but that is why I expected no evidence of the prior improvements. I did a CTS test 1 month ago with 2x 8' ave about 230-240w... so my 20 min test had me at 206w ave
and that was hard throughout. Haven't changed my Zones for EN....yet... will see how the next few rides go with "old" (higher #s) go. Cant say I've had enough hard/long enough rides to validate either test. My last long ride was post a high energy body weight WO then a spinnervals with 10x3' @200w/1'RI, 5x5'@200w/2'RI then all intervals repeated at higher Cadence....held watts fine for a bit over 1.5 HR till wheels came off due to skipping breakfast& lunch....so I cant use this ride to say 200 isn't "the right FTP" yet. I guess I'll see. (Run VDOT off of 5K ("test" was race) is opposite-seems way fast vs. what I used off of 1/2 IM run time or even 10K training results BTW)
legs where sore for TUES ride from the 1/2Marathon trail run so cant say the difficulty was "real"...they feel beter after the run yesterday and I hope tonights ride will rock out the POWER intervals
Dave H
Ill post the weeks results -for acountability ...
Total - IF 0.86; NP 213; Cad 84
VO2 1 - IF 1.12; NP 277; Cad 99
VO2 2 - IF 1.13; NP 278; Cad 96
VO2 3 - IF 1.13; NP 279; Cad 94
VO2 4 - IF 1.12; NP 277; Cad 92
VO2 5 - IF 1.11; NP 274; Cad 90
VO2 6 - IF 1.11; NP 275; Cad 90
SS1 - IF 0.85; NP 209; Cad 86
Got the Thursday VO2 workout done this AM and brick run
Bike 6 x 2 (2')
290 W 1.22 IF
292 1.23
292 1.23
298 1.25
298 1.25
294 1.24
Mojo at the team!
Nice work Bill.........keep it up
After my 1 hour extra sleep then deciding to sleep in this morning the Vo2 ride felt really good after work.
6X2' 1.18, 1.18, 1.18, 1.19, 1.19, 1.2 t then 15' @.85 total 48' @.93
Got the workout in, bricked it after the run so only did 45' and no z3 at the end
1.18, 1.2, 1.22, 1.21, 1.19, 1.24 (oops).
Did them on my rollers which was a bit of a white knuckle affair but I managed to not fall off.
Good work everyone!
6x2:00/2:00 1-3@270, 4,5@276 and 6@286. My zone says 262-286. I am up from last weeks 262 for 1-5. It must be my 30 years of swim intervals that I probably hold too much back, but, I'm getting there! Did 55 total w/ 12 in the WU and 10 after at 85%. Ran the 30 right after as a brick at nice/easy 10:00.
Enjoy tomorrow, all. Let's get after it again Saturday.
I worked hard today but did not cook myself, so I am very happy with the ride tonight!
OK... so wasn't sure if I should use the Test VO2 # (246w ave) or new Z5 #s based on new lower FTP (Z5 215-235) or my "Old Z5" (230-251w) so I kinda just went balls out after a 10 min WU with a few hard 30sec power intervals up to 600w (briefly!)
first 2 I mentally set goal 350-400w
... I realized I wasn't going to hold those kind of efforts for all 6 without longer recoveries...so dialed back to 300 as goal for last 4
307, 295,299,278
HR 155 for all except last which averaged 160 152 is Bike Z5 for me with max ~172
2 min RI then 15min steady @ 165w then 5@175 then 3@200 to finish Work
5min CD @130w >90RPM
Whole WO (not including first 10 min gradual WU (pre-calibration))=NP 196w including CD
Seemed like a good workout....
Got today's Vo2 sets completed this evening. Finally getting use to being on the trainer. It was a huge mental issue to me but using my Amazon prime instant video stream has helped tremendously. Compared to last year, I feel much better prepared for the road that lies ahead for training. Signed up for the IMCHOO camp today also. Those back to back rides are going to be rather interesting.
Got today's Vo2 sets completed this evening. Finally getting use to being on the trainer. It was a huge mental issue to me but using my Amazon prime instant video stream has helped tremendously. Compared to last year, I feel much better prepared for the road that lies ahead for training. Signed up for the IMCHOO camp today also. Those back to back rides are going to be rather interesting.
Entire workout (219 watts):
Duration: 1:01:02
Work: 800 kJ
TSS: 88.8 (intensity factor 0.938)
Norm Power: 248
VI: 1.13
Min Max Avg
Power: 0 448 219 watts
Heart Rate: 69 171 149 bpm
Cadence: 22 108 78 rpm
FTP = 238; 110% = 262.
5 x 4'(4'): 262, 264, 264, 267, 268.
Avg Power: 194 W
Max Power: 322 W
Max Avg Power (20 min): 216 W
Normalized Power (NP): 217 W
Intensity Factor (IF): 0.91
Training Stress Score (TSS): 82.3
FTP Setting: 238 W
Work: 701 kJ
5 mile indoor run in the morning. Footpod still on the fritz, but it was an easy run.
My Mondays and Fridays include early AM swim as I am still learning technique-high elbow and early vertical catch drills tomorrow am, lesson in the endless pool saturday afternoon
Due to travel, I had to do yesterday's ride today....and it was not pretty.
Cumulative fatigue from travel and poor sleep. Yea! That's the ticket.
Now to rest up...........
Its Odd.... today post yeatardays Bike pain fest.... I feel better than I had ALL week! I guess I realy had a lot of rust to shake out
I'll be "good" and limit tonight to yoga and some dryland swim/sholder work despite the energy in the legs.
Dave H
Saturday's ride this evening ('cause tomorrow is my last day of work. EVER!
I finished feeling some soreness in my left inner thigh ? medial hamstring vs adductor. Hope I can run as planned 40 minutes tomorrow AM before work.
Anyway, here's week six int. Saturday ride: 2 x 10'(4'), 6' @ FTP; 2 x 12'(2.5') @ SS: 1.03, 1.0. 1.02.; 0.81, 0.81. 1:29, finished exactly @ 100 TSS, 0.82 IF. Also finished season 3 of one of the junk TV shows I'm following on the trainer this OS: Falling Skies. The others - Revolution, Almost Human. I;m also watching Justified, but it's too good a show to view while sweating on the trainer.
Speaking of which, my wife came home from a walk with friends while I was just finishing the third FTP interval. I'm out on the porch, right at the doorway, in 43F temps. She exclaimed, "You are REALLY sweating - you look like some African coal miner!"
Saturday ride complete. Felt good. Worked hard. I'm hitting the intervals, but I'm having trouble holding onto the suggested wattage in between the work intervals.
Int 1 = .99
Int 2 = .99
Int 3 = .86
Int 4 = .87
t-run afterwards. Now for some lunch and then a nap … aaahhhhh, perfection!
Workout - 1:17; IF 0.85; NP 209; HR 136
Threshold1 - IF 0.99; NP 244; HR 139
Threshold2 - IF 0.99; NP 244; HR 145
Sweetspot1- IF 0.85; NP 209; HR 140
Sweetspot2- IF 0.84; NP 206; HR 140
Another good bike workout for me. I can feel some of the watts coming back.
2X10' @ 1.01, 1.02; 2X15 @ .86, .87. Total 66' at .89.
Note that I am one of those guys that took a bunch of time of and the watts will come back fairly quickly. Please don't see my numbers and think that you have to do more there is a lot work in the .95-1.0 range. For those new to the OS don't start to over reach and put yourself in a hole. Coach Rich's week 2 video/pod cast is very applicable to me. I ended the last OS at 260 FTP and I came in this year at 217. This is also my 5th OS.
Bike wko done. Woke up with a few sniffles and a headache so didn't chase the numbers too much.
10'/.96/89 rpm
10'/.97/91 rpm
15'/.84/88 rpm
15'/.84/88 rpm
Alright, I had a couple of reasons to do this and so I did. I've been spending some time on the
Brainstorming: Koach Dick's Watts per Kilo Klub thread.
I'm coming off a double shot blood donation on November 27th (right on South Street in Scotch Plains, btw) and it is about that time when my system is back to where it was pre-donation (but I haven't checked it with a real blood test). I tested with an opening FTP of 253W and after the first several FTP segments I found I could easily match the targets and then do some pretty vigorous running. That must mean I undershot my FTP on Jan 6th - and since my cousin constantly rags on me for sandbagging I am determined to get everything I can out of this OS and really let him have it at every opportunity.
Also, since JW just did it, I just had to do it, 'cause we Jersey Boyz are nuts. After the test I went and did about 45 minutes of the OS WK2 ADV Saturday bike workout. It decided to sleet/snow this morning and I didn't feel like risking death by running outside.
Entire workout (221 watts):
Duration: 1:24:12 (1:24:34)
Work: 1118 kJ
TSS: 114.5 (intensity factor 0.906)
Norm Power: 239
VI: 1.08
Min Max Avg
Power: 0 445 221 watts
Heart Rate: 92 177 155 bpm
Cadence: 11 138 81 rpm