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Travel and workouts

Any suggestions for a week of work travel? I'm five weeks out from my Half IM.   Hotel has limited workout facilities and most of the equipment is crap as always.  There are no fitness gyms nearby.  I can't fly my bike and trainer.  Pool is probably 17 yds and its closed at night so they can set up a buffet around it. No options for running other than around in circles at the parking lot.

So far, I'm taking my spinervals videos and use them on the crappy spin bike. Will swim some in the morning and take my aqua belt to run. Then taking swim cords, do push ups, sit ups, burpees in the hotel room.

Biggest work out plan is to push away from the bar!

Any other suggestions?


  • Donna, I remember seeing a good article in the wiki on shuffling weeks around to accomodate work or other travel.   Essentially, the advice was to treat the week before (or after) the travel is a bike / swim block, and the week of travel as a run focus, as this will be the sport you'll most likely be able to access while on the road.    

    edit  - I just reread your run options.  Surely there must be a treadmill nearby?  if not, your pool running idea is a good one.  You might very well build run speed and shed some fatigue that's been accumulating from the volume with that approach!  

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