To make up for all you overachievers, I just hit my targets. 8 x 400 on the 'mill at 8:55 pace. Getting started was hard, and doing them was hard too. I swear my treadmill is faster than the one at the gym. When I did 7x400 last fri., it was a piece of cake. Weird.
After a 90-minute drive in the latest snow storm from work to the gym, I completely got frazzled, and instead of running 6 x 400, I ran 2 x 880. *Head desk*
Completely over shot my Z5 pace by 0:50/mile but here it is: Lap 1 - 8:50/VO2 29 Lap 2 - 8:44/VO2 29.3
For some reason I felt really good today. Perhaps getting onto a real track for the first time. I did 4 x 800 instead of 8 x 400. My final 800 was my fastest.
I too got a little froggy today. Instead of the run interval as described, I decided to do the Sunday run today. I basically did 3 x 1mile at Z4, alternating with a mile at Z2 for a total of 6.7 miles in 61 minutes. It felt GREAT! I set a PR for my time around Lake Union (downtown Seattle), and was a nice change from previous Wednesday runs. It's my first long run PR in over a year, since I hurt my Achilles tendon last December.
I'm aware of the overtraining risk, but it just felt like the right workout to do today. Don't chastise me! I'll slack off on Sunday's run! I feel great right now a few hours later too. Some solid stretching and foam rolling and I'll be ready to blow apart on the VO2 intervals tomorrow morning .
Wow just reading a few comments from you peeps this evening and I guess a few thoughts. As Joseph alluded to overachieving on a consistent basis your training is going well but if you struggle to over achieve you are going down the wrong path. I fully embrace the hold back effect in an endurance race and the finish strong effect at the end.
@ Mark , C'MON man get some rest between workout's, it's killing you !
@Dawm - one word Devoted, snow storm ride to get your run in "strong" !
@ Kim- couldn't agree more my TM feels like it picks speeds on its own
@Ralph - funny thing tonite I picked a few of my repeats and I too cadence checked on my second last bang on 90/180 SPM
@ All,congrats on getting out there today to get things done.
Finally my workout was 8 x 400.I take a little bit of time to WU(calf issues) so it took me 20 min to get my groove going and my calves ready for the work. In all first 3 1) 7:00 2) 6:40 3) 6:40 . 4 - 7 were Z5 up to 6:25 and on my last quarter mile and finished at 6:23 and no calf issues this week. Changed footwear this week, did run a of volteran to get my right calf under control and rollers. Instead of banging hard out of the gate on the 400'S I did a build through my zone to have success in today's workout.
No run for me. Trying to nip PF in the left foot in the bud. Swam EN TT instead. Saw a gorilla in the water and that was me - dropped my cap in the last 50, churning away, hair flying all over the place, but finished strong!
8 x 400 Done. Legs were feeling tired for the first few intervals. For this type of work I usually have to start a little slow on the first few intervals & then build up to my goal pace. Not sure if i'm not warming up sufficiently or just feeling some fatigue.
After getting home from work..Was feeling terribly tired by 7PM (last night only 5.5 hrs sleep) and thought I would never go out and do the Wed run Z5 intervals... But...felt asleep in the couch while watching an AUS open recap, took a quick 1/2 hour nap, and woke up with just enough energy to get on the road!
Goal was the 8x400 at Z5 that for me is 6:39...I decided to try not to overachieve as I have been doing last few times. It was better but still too fast. I don't know how I did it but the breakdown is below (rest in between intervals was 0.5 miles at Z1+20-30seconds):
WORK WORKS ! or otherwise I would have never been able to do this run and still feel OK tonight. Already thinking on the gorilla waiting for me in the bike workout tomorrow!
I knew I would need a little motivation this morning so I left the season ending to Homeland with 30 minutes to go last night. Woke up and got downstairs to the treadmill right on time! I appreciate the wisdom of others on the Z5 pacing and dialed mine closer to my Jack Daniels' pace . Completed the 8 x 400 in strong form and felt that my last one's while not struggling, were keeping me pushing well. Thanks folks! Another good day! Can anyone tell me why I am getting +10 degrees Celsius in the Yukon in January? I'm not complaining, but this is weird!
I trudged out of the office completely unmotivated to start this run. Ended up having one of the best runs this OS. Hit all of the intervals 6 x 400 @Z5 (7:28 pace) with 400 rest in between. Completed 7.48 mils in 1:04. First time completing 7 miles in an hour. All rest done between Z1-Z2. My Garmin ended up with a corrupted file so I don't have the splits for this wonderful run.
I am having one of those weeks where work becomes all encompassing and I struggle just to get 5 hours of sleep. I missed Tuesday and Wednesday. I did yesterday's run this evening but only had 40 minutes so I improvised. Instead of 8 x400s I did 1 x 1600, 1 x 800, and 2 x 400 all at 6:30. Including warm up and cool down the total time was 39:30 and 5 miles.
I felt good and it was nice to get rid of some stress.
I did 6 x 400m zone 4 pace after doing warm up and drills. I have gone from 4 to 5 to 6 repeats in the last three weeks. Good to see the endurance improving. I felt that I was able to do the workout well and maintain an even pace across repeats. Didn’t have my Garmin on so pacing was by feel, but I have that quite well dialed in from the last 2 weeks.
Hacked my Run Focus week and only had about 20 mins cuz I got stuck in traffic. I've been cursed with bad traffic lately. Even at 1:30 on a Fri. afternoon, I manage to find an accident...
Anyway, it was amazing how fast I did my 2 x 1 mi and how "easy" it felt vs. the treadmill lately. I struggle to hit my Z4 pace (9:20) for mile repeats and Z5 (8:55) for 400's. Today I hit 8:52 and 8:54 for my miles and they felt fine. I didn't overachieve on purpose, it just felt good (but hard) so I went with it as running rarely feels good for me! So what I lacked in quantity, I made up for in quality.
Let's see how tomorrow's bike goes! I plan on doing a Sufferfest video that matches up with 2 x 20'.
I was able to get away from work yesterday and decided to get in an interval workout. I did 2x1.5 miles at 6:45 and added a little extra at the end. I also did an interval workout on Thursday and I could feel it in my legs.
Great work everyone!! 1 week in on my went well. FINALLY feeling back to myself today! Looking forward to a few walks this week and hopefully back to running next week!! REALLY missing my workouts
Go ti done after the bike, but the bike intervals took a lot out of me. Kept the 15 minute warmup and launched into a 30 min. Z3 pace with a 5 minute recovery. Rough start with a fine finish. Topped the day off wth a nice 90 minute Z1 skate ski at +2 Celsius (in January?). Loving it! Have a good weekend everyone!
Plan called for 60 min of Z3 (7:14) out and back...I knew that sounded like too much after the gorilla slaughtering of this morning and cumulative OS/week 12 I re-calibrated expectations
Ended up doing 7 miles in 54:30 mins
Whe I strip out 1 mile warm up and 1 mile cool down I am left with 5 miles in the middle that were Z2.5 in the first half and Z1.5 or so during the net. net I was only able to hit Z2 on average But I am happy , I almost cut the run today
@Gonzo as you are already finding out age will be a factor now that you've celebrated another birthday. All of your workouts will be harder. See what just a difference one day makes!
Looks like my training-mojo celebrated a massive comeback today after skipping yesterdays run!! Went out in the pouring rain @ 3°C for my planned 8x400 Z4 repeats. Totally overshoot on the first one but found myself running with incredible form during the final 2-3 repeats. I can't even think of that I've ever been able to run that strong form ever before Goal time 1:26 -> 1:20/1:23/1:23/1:24/1:24/1:25/1:24/1:25
After a 90-minute drive in the latest snow storm from work to the gym, I completely got frazzled, and instead of running 6 x 400, I ran 2 x 880. *Head desk*
Completely over shot my Z5 pace by 0:50/mile but here it is: Lap 1 - 8:50/VO2 29 Lap 2 - 8:44/VO2 29.3
I too got a little froggy today. Instead of the run interval as described, I decided to do the Sunday run today. I basically did 3 x 1mile at Z4, alternating with a mile at Z2 for a total of 6.7 miles in 61 minutes. It felt GREAT! I set a PR for my time around Lake Union (downtown Seattle), and was a nice change from previous Wednesday runs. It's my first long run PR in over a year, since I hurt my Achilles tendon last December.
I'm aware of the overtraining risk, but it just felt like the right workout to do today. Don't chastise me! I'll slack off on Sunday's run! I feel great right now a few hours later too. Some solid stretching and foam rolling and I'll be ready to blow apart on the VO2 intervals tomorrow morning
Wow just reading a few comments from you peeps this evening and I guess a few thoughts. As Joseph alluded to overachieving on a consistent basis your training is going well but if you struggle to over achieve you are going down the wrong path. I fully embrace the hold back effect in an endurance race and the finish strong effect at the end.
@ Mark , C'MON man get some rest between workout's, it's killing you !
@Dawm - one word Devoted, snow storm ride to get your run in "strong" !
@ Kim- couldn't agree more my TM feels like it picks speeds on its own@Ralph - funny thing tonite I picked a few of my repeats and I too cadence checked on my second last bang on 90/180 SPM
@ All,congrats on getting out there today to get things done.
Finally my workout was 8 x 400.I take a little bit of time to WU(calf issues) so it took me 20 min to get my groove going and my calves ready for the work. In all first 3 1) 7:00 2) 6:40 3) 6:40 . 4 - 7 were Z5 up to 6:25 and on my last quarter mile and finished at 6:23 and no calf issues this week. Changed footwear this week, did run a of volteran to get my right calf under control and rollers. Instead of banging hard out of the gate on the 400'S I did a build through my zone to have success in today's workout.
8 x 400 Done. Legs were feeling tired for the first few intervals. For this type of work I usually have to start a little slow on the first few intervals & then build up to my goal pace. Not sure if i'm not warming up sufficiently or just feeling some fatigue.
But...felt asleep in the couch while watching an AUS open recap, took a quick 1/2 hour nap, and woke up with just enough energy to get on the road!
Goal was the 8x400 at Z5 that for me is 6:39...I decided to try not to overachieve as I have been doing last few times. It was better but still too fast. I don't know how I did it but the breakdown is below (rest in between intervals was 0.5 miles at Z1+20-30seconds):
Warm Up 1.00 08:42.8 8:43
Int#1 0.25 01:30.2 6:03
Int#2 0.25 01:28.4 5:48
Int#3 0.25 01:25.8 5:41
Int#4 0.25 01:25.5 5:40
Int#5 0.25 01:26.5 5:41
Int#6 0.25 01:23.9 5:34
Int#7 0.25 01:29.5 5:53
Int#8 0.25 01:26.9 5:43
Cool Down 1.00 08:11.9 8:12
link --->
WORK WORKS ! or otherwise I would have never been able to do this run and still feel OK tonight. Already thinking on the gorilla waiting for me in the bike workout tomorrow!
Can anyone tell me why I am getting +10 degrees Celsius in the Yukon in January? I'm not complaining, but this is weird!
Had to push Wed run to today and may try to hit the bike tonight to get a full day off tomorrow.
Goal interval time: 2:11
Int times: 2:01 / 2:02 / 2:13 / 2:12 / 2:13 / 2:00 / 1:57 / 2:07 over varying terrain course.
6.37 miles in 1:01
Impressive group - I look forward to reading your posts every day.
I am behind a day so here are the Wednesday 400 repeats. Done on the treadmill.
2014 Out season Weel 12 Advanced Workout 1.16.14
Avg Pace
Avg HR
Interval goal 7:10
recovery interval
Interval goal 7:10
recovery interval
Interval goal 7:10
recovery interval
Interval goal 7:10
recovery interval
Interval goal 7:10
recovery interval
Interval goal 7:10
recovery interval
Interval goal 7:10
recovery interval
Interval goal 7:10
I felt good and it was nice to get rid of some stress.
I did 6 x 400m zone 4 pace after doing warm up and drills. I have gone from 4 to 5 to 6 repeats in the last three weeks. Good to see the endurance improving. I felt that I was able to do the workout well and maintain an even pace across repeats. Didn’t have my Garmin on so pacing was by feel, but I have that quite well dialed in from the last 2 weeks.
Anyway, it was amazing how fast I did my 2 x 1 mi and how "easy" it felt vs. the treadmill lately. I struggle to hit my Z4 pace (9:20) for mile repeats and Z5 (8:55) for 400's. Today I hit 8:52 and 8:54 for my miles and they felt fine. I didn't overachieve on purpose, it just felt good (but hard) so I went with it as running rarely feels good for me! So what I lacked in quantity, I made up for in quality.
Let's see how tomorrow's bike goes! I plan on doing a Sufferfest video that matches up with 2 x 20'.
Great work everyone!! 1 week in on my went well. FINALLY feeling back to myself today! Looking forward to a few walks this week and hopefully back to running next week!! REALLY missing my workouts
Plan called for 60 min of Z3 (7:14) out and back...I knew that sounded like too much after the gorilla slaughtering of this morning and cumulative OS/week 12 I re-calibrated expectations
Ended up doing 7 miles in 54:30 mins
Whe I strip out 1 mile warm up and 1 mile cool down I am left with 5 miles in the middle that were Z2.5 in the first half and Z1.5 or so during the net. net I was only able to hit Z2 on average
But I am happy , I almost cut the run today
Now, shower, movie (American Hustle) and dinner with wife.
Good work everyone, we are almost there!
Laura- keep up the great recovery!!
Went out in the pouring rain @ 3°C for my planned 8x400 Z4 repeats. Totally overshoot on the first one but found myself running with incredible form during the final 2-3 repeats. I can't even think of that I've ever been able to run that strong form ever before
Goal time 1:26 -> 1:20/1:23/1:23/1:24/1:24/1:25/1:24/1:25