post workout refueling question
Was wondering what everybody's thoughts are on refueling after a workout? I know that post-workout is important to top off the glycogen stores, but wondering at what levels do people refuel? for example, today I did 1:30 on the bike, and like always, my bike fueling is infinit, 2 bottles, 2 scoops each, so ~560 calories. Since i train with a PM, i know that work was 804kj, so already that is a ~250 calorie deficit. I'm not generally hungry post-workout, nor do I really feel up to eating. if anything, i'll do a protein shake immediately afterwards, which is ~300 calories or so. Is that sufficient, or should I follow it after another 30-45 minutes with something else as well?
I'm not sure if this is "right" but here is what i do. If my workout is 60 minutes or less, i usually don't do anything special post workout other than replacing fluids and then having my normal meal which is usually breakfast (oatmeal, almond milk, protein powder) because i typically workout in the am. Similarly, i'm only fueling during workouts longer than an hour, although i do use zero calorie powerade during my tuesday/thursday out season bike wko's. My saturday ride, because it's tough and 90min long i fuel with ironman perform and then one gel 60 minutes in.
On the recovery side, If my workout is around 90min or more, or very strenuous, my go to recovery drink of choice is Ultragen - Orange creamsicle flavor, but i have used endurox and chocolate milk on occasion as well. Again, i only use a recovery drink for longer workouts or when i feel wiped out.
It sounds like you are fueling well during your workouts so i think you are good with the protein shake post workout and shouldn't need anything else unless you are feeling hungry. Also, there is the question of where you fall from a body comp perspective as well. Granted you should probably look beyond pre/post/during workout fueling to determine where to cut calories, but that may be a consideration as well.
Post workout, unless the wko is very easy (which most are not at this part of the OS!), I try to have protein shake (muscle milk light) immediately after the wko and then replenish glycogen within an hour with fruit, smoothie, sweet potatoe, or something along those lines.
I fuel pre workout with a small breakfast almost always before a bike wko, but only for a run if I have a few hours to do so prior so I can avoid gastro issues.
This will probably change for me when we are deeper into the season with loungers wko's.
I do not fuel ANY workouts in the OS. I workout first thing in the morning before I eat and only use water for thirst. This will be true for anything less than 2.5 hrs which all of the OS prescribed workouts fall into, even the Saturday bike and brick run combined.
But I eat like a king immediately afterwards. If it's a bike workout at home, I'll have a quick recovery shake (Ultragen is my favorite, but I also like Recoverite) then shower and get on the train for my commute. About an hour and a half later, I eat a large 4 egg omelet with tons of vegetables and cheese. I also eat a banana about this time. If I'm running, it's in the city near work, so I eat that same breakfast within about 30 mins of my workout and will only have a recovery shake in the gym before my shower (and regular breakfast) if it happened to be a killer workout.
@Steve, given that you are effectively fueling your workouts (and taking in a bit immediately afterwards), it sounds like you are about where you should be as far as replacing the glycogen and other good stuff that you are burning. This is much more art than science in my opinion...
I'm curious to hear what others are doing as well given that I know that I am an extreme outlier in the fueling that appears to work for me. (Read: I'm always looking for something new to experiment with...)
For evening workouts a stinger waffle an hour before a bike ride, or two - three hours before a run. Otherwise hour long workouts are done with no fueling. Morning workouts done on a cup of coffee with sugar and soy or almond milk, couple of dates if I woke up hungry. I find it pretty hard to fuel on the bike for OS workouts. As long as I am z2 pace, I can eat anything I want, any faster and my stomach rebels. Same with the run, Z1 and I can eat most stuff, z2 and above I can tolerate only bloks or gel (not a whole packet either, have it over 3-4 miles
I always assumed if you were eating enough through the day your glycogen reserves should be topped up enough to get you through an hour long workout and never paid much thought to it. I've never bonked on a short workout?