Natalie Pilon's Macro Thread
Hi Coach,
I've finished the Bike Focus, and just loaded up the OS plan to end on 4/13 as per my season plan outline. Turns out by broken foot isn't healing and I've been put back in the boot for another 3 weeks with strict instructions for no running, no swimming or water running. Cycling only. My first race planned for the season is Rev3 Quassy, June 1st. I am still waiting for a consult with a second orthopedic surgeon to see whether I need surgery. No appointment date as of yet. Question is, how do you recommend I proceed with the plan? Should I reload the Bike Focus, or should I continue with the OS plan in the hopes to be healthy enough for Quassy? Given I haven't ran since Sept 8th, do you think I will have enough time to build my run in time for Quassy or my Big Race, IMLP?
Thanks for your help.
Wow, that sucks! can't swim, can't aquarun, both totally non impact..but you can ride a bike? That's a new one
You could load up the OS plan to end ~8wks out from now,so that you're basically doing OS Wks 6-14. Then ignore the runs and repeat the interval session for a total of 4x rides per week.
Regarding the rest of your is what it is. All you can do is get stoopid bike strong, heal up, build your run back up very, very cautiously, as best you can, and run what you brung on race day.
My story is that for IM Kona '03 I didn't run a step for 10wks before the race, rolling the crap out of my ankle on a run with Sonny. I got crazy strong on the bike and just accepted that the run was gonna suck, which it did, but the cycling engine kept me moving.
Will do as prescribed and rock the bike building to get stoopid strong. Thanks for the advice and guidance.
Yeah, I could see that making sense. When I rolled that ankle, I could barely walk, would hobble over to my bike on crutches...then clip in a ride as normal, with no pain. Unclipping was a bitch though :-)