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2 IMs in 2 months. To much?

In the past I've grouped a couple of marathons or a marathon and an ultra-marathon relativity close to each other, within 3 to 4 weeks. Using the base for one to spring broad into the next one, kind of two-for-one training routine.

 What do you think about applying this same crazy thinking to IMs?

 For example IMLP( already signed up) and Lake Tahoe, two months apart.  Any thoughts or suggestions?


  • WIKI self-coaching then under additional resources Ironman revenge protocol for two IMs two months apart. Go for it.
  • @Bryan

    How old are you and what kind of base do you have? Two that quickly could kick your a$$ in my opinion. I did 3 in 78 days in 2009.  A crap Kona sandwiched in there. Ironically the last one was my best but it was IMAZ so it was the easiest. I had 15 years of endurance base by then and was 52.

    You will really have to discipline yourself to not bust it on the first one in order to have anything for the second and I am not sure you could pick two harder IMS to do back to back both seem very demanding on the bike.

    Go with God my friend!!!!!!

  • Search the net for Chuckie V's guidance on doing two within 6 weeks.
  • @ Ray

    I'm 42 with a mild running base, just did MC marathon and the JKF 50 miler. My biking base isn't bad, i need to rebuild my ass callus.


    I looked for but couldn't find any race reports on IMLTahoe? Does anyone have a link

  • Bryan - see http://members.endurancenation.us/Forums/tabid/57/aft/13328/Default.aspx Search on Slowtwitch for some of the threads on LT ... lots of good pointers on tackling that beast!
  • @Bryan like Paul said about Slowtwitch. I read a ton of them and a lot of people had 7 hour plus bikes. Ask Dino about it I think he did a race report on here. I by no means am crapping on it I am just saying be ready bud. It is hard.
  • Bryan, I did IMLT in 2013. Very tough race. Last year was particularly bad since we had a relatively unusual storm the day before that dropped the temps way down and dropped about 6 inches of snow on Donner Pass. Hopefully 2014 will have better weather.

    The run is relatively flat, so that wasn't a problem. The bike, however, is pretty crazy. Website says 5200' of climbing or so. My Garmin said more like 8000' of climbing. If your watts/kg is high enough (mine wasn't) then maybe this wouldn't be so bad, but for me I had to overcook my power to make it up the climbs. I was at about 3.3 W/Kg at that time.

    There were at least 10 of us at the race, so should be able to get more info.
  • And Rich has a full "how to set up your bike for Tahoe" article somewhere...perhaps under Wiki / Race Execution, then bottom of that page to Tahoe?
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