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Ivan's Micro Thread

Hi Coach P.

I will start GF Intermediate week 4 tomorrow and I have a work trip starting tomorrow Monday night returning Friday morning, No bike or swim during this short trip. I also have a 2K open water (ocean) swim race Sunday morning. 

So, next week I can run/swim/ride Monday, Friday and Saturday. Only run Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday.  And Sunday I will swim and I can run after the race. 

My weakest link now is running. I want to focus on the run but I don't know the best way to lay out the week. 

Thanks, Ivan


  • Ivan -

    Thanks for the note..here's what I say:

    Mon - Already gone!
    Tues - 45' run with 6 x 20" strides at the end. Midway between Z1/LRP and Z2/MP.
    Wed - The scheduled 60' run with 3 x 1 mile....enjoy!
    Thu - 45' run with 6 x 20" strides at the end. Midway between Z1/LRP and Z2/MP.
    Fri - Swim the Friday workout as planned.
    Sat - Do the bke workout from Thursday with a short 2 mile run before OR after (Zone 1 to Zone 2).
    Sun - Swim Race, followed by the Tempo Run as you can!

    Good luck!
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