Training plan
I just received my training plan. So technically I am actually in week 1 instead of two. A couple of hiccups. I already did the "20 min. bike test" via trainer road about 4 weeks ago and scored a 116 FTP. I have been doing my own "base" rides using different TrainerRoad plans over the last few weeks. I intend to do the EN 2014 bike test for power athletes today. I am at conference in NYC from Wednesday through Sunday (1/22-1/26) so I will not be able to bike ride. I plan on running in Central Park on Wednesday afternoon, Friday morning and I have a 1/2 marathon in the park on Sunday morning. Saturday morning I start an intermediate Total Immersion swim class.
Based on the above, I will ride my bike Monday and/or Tuesday. Can you adjust my plan accordingly. Also, in the Bike description of my training plan can you identify the specific name of the workout so I can plug it into TrainerRoad and know exactly which plan to use for each day of my bike schedule. FYI, I have a Kurt Kinetic Trainer and I am using the virtual power via TrainerRoad.
I hope this makes sense.
Howard Uniman
I also put this email in my Macro threasd to Rich but since it may affect portions of my plan I thought you may need to see it as well. Just getting the hang of this so thanks for your help and patience, as I am sorting this out .
Thanks very much for your reply. Not a big deal. I see you added a Lake placid IM in July which I am not sure why. Also, on the on the Screencast but not the email plan was the Redbank Olympic Tri and on the email plan but not on Screencast was the 3/30 Love Run 1/2 marathon in Philly.
Notwithstanding, to avoid some confusion let me list some upcoming races that I have planned to run which you could add to my training plan and if needed may result in some overall adjustments that may have to be made to my long term training plan. Also, if you really believe I should forego some of these races for the greater good please let me know. Here they are and thanks again as I am getting adjusted and acquainted to EN.
( Starting Saturday, 1/25/14 for 8 consecutive weeks, except Presidents weekend, I am doing Total Immersion Intermediate Swim Classes 8:30 am-9:30 am. I did the beginner course last winter).
1/26- Fred LeBow 1/2 Marathon-NYC Central Park;
2/23-NYCRuns 1/2 Marathon NYC Central Park;
3/16-NYC Manhatan1/2 Marathon;
3/22-Sleepy Hollow 1/2 Marathon (Optional);
3/30- Philadelphia Love Run 1/2 Marathon;
4/5 -Scotland Run 10K-NYC Central Park;
4/13-CGI United (Rutgers) 1/2 Marathon, New Brunswick, NJ;
4/26- Asbury Park, NJ 1/2 Marathon;
5/4-Long Branch, NJ 1/2 Marathon;
5/10-UAE Healthy Kidney 10K Run NYC Central Park, or
5/11-Japan Run 4 miles NYC Central Park;
5/17-Brooklyn 1/2 Marathon;
5/18 Red Bank Olympic distance triathlon;
5/25- Nav-E-Sink 2.4 mile swim, Long Branch, NJ;
May (TBD)-Central Jersey Bicycle Club Farmlands Long Bike Tour (100 Miles)
Again, thanks-Howard Uniman
Coach Patrick,
Thanks. Please see Rich's concern's/comments below in the macro thread which you also voiced and my reply to Rich and cutting out some races. Many of the races I usually do have gone to the 9+1 NY Road Runners qualifiers so I can qualify for the 2015 NYC Marathon. I am already in for the NYC Marathon for 2014 .But I can work those requirements in after the Challenge AC IM on 6/29. Please look at thread with Coach Rich. The plan Coach Rich sent me and sceencast link is below. I am really looking forward to hearing from you soon. Again, thanks for your time and patience as I go through this learning phase. Howard
To view the complete thread and reply, please visit:
If you look at my reply and revised race schehdule, I am hoping you will have something to work with to adjust my IM training plan. Again, I am willing to be flexible and keep an open mind. Also when I get back from my business trip (Weds.-Sun. this week in NYC) I may schedule a call with you b/c I am still having some challenges understanding the nomenclature when I am doing my biking and interpreting the plan.
FYI I loaded up the EN training plans to TrainerRoad.
Coach Rich has me doing the Beginner OutSeason Training Plan, setting it to end on 4/13.Here is the plan.
* 2/23-NYCRuns 1/2 Marathon NYC Central Park
* 3/30- Philadelphia Love Run 1/2 Marathon
Please schedule that call when you are ready!!
My schedule is online here: -- Please remember to include your phone number.
Thanks much. Agreed. I have to transition to an IM training orientation rather just a runner orientation; particularly with my big goal ahead of me. If you can adjust my schedule accordingly to reflect upcoming races etc. I will set up a call for late next week after this Sundays 1/2 and I have a chance to look at your adjustments. I want to review EN website to see if I can figure out some of my questions as well. I am in NYC for conference till Sunday. I did 1 hr treadmill yesterday, intervals some inclines at about 9:40 pace.
Thanks again Howard
Coach P,
It was a really cold one for the 1/2 marathon in Central Park today. Two and 1/4 laps counterclockwise in the park, which I believe is the tougher direction. You have probably run that course as well. About 15 degrees at 8:00 am this morning and it felt like 5 degrees. Also, got in a terrific intermediate swim class lesson in with Thea yesterday. I am looking forward to a day off tomorrow. Gives me a chance to catch up on some reading on EN and trying to figure some stuff out. I hope to schedule a call with you later this week. I also hope you had a very good weekend! The calculations below are off of my Garmin 910XT.
Short pit-stop at mile 6.
Looking forward to the next talk!