Training Plan
Thanks for your plan. A couple of questions. The training plan set forth in your screencast differs from the plan set out in your email. I am not sure why the difference. Just to be sure I am doing this correctly, I loaded the plan as OS Beginner with and end date of April 13, 2014.
Since I just received my training plan I suppose technically I am actually in week 1 instead of two. A couple of hiccups. I am not sure if this is a question for you or Patrick. So I posted this inquiry in the micro thread. I am sure I'll learn the ropes as I move a long. So thanks in advance. I already did a "20 min. bike test" via TrainerRoad about 4 weeks ago and scored a 116 FTP. I have been doing my own "base" rides using different TrainerRoad plans over the last few weeks. I intend to do the EN 2014 bike test for power athletes today. FYI, I have a Kurt Kinetic Trainer and I am using the virtual power via TrainerRoad. I am at conference in NYC from Wednesday through Sunday (1/22-1/26) so I will not be able to bike ride. I plan on doing some running in Central Park on Wednesday afternoon and Friday morning and I have a 1/2 marathon in the park on Sunday morning. Saturday morning I start an intermediate Total Immersion swim class.
Based on the above, This week is really week 1 for me. I will ride my bike Monday and/or Tuesday. Can you adjust my plan accordingly. Also, in the Bike description of my training plan can you identify the specific name of the workout so I can plug it into TrainerRoad and know exactly which plan to use for each day of my bike schedule.
I hope this makes sense.
Howard Uniman
Thanks very much for your reply. Not a big deal. I see you added a Lake placid IM in July which I am not sure why. Also, on the on the screencast but not the email plan was the Redbank Olympic Tri and on the email plan but not on screencast was the 3/30 Love Run 1/2 marathon in Philly.
Notwithsatnding, to avoid some confusion let me list some upcoming races that I have planned to run which you could add to my training plan and if needed may result in some overall adjustments that may have to be made to my long term training plan. Also, if you really believe I should forego some of these races for the greater good please let me know. Here they are and thanks again as I am getting adjusted and acquainted to EN.
( Starting Saturday, 1/25/14 for 8 consecutive weeks, except Presidents weekend, I am doing Total Immersion Intermediate Swim Classes 8:30 am-9:30 am. I did the beginner course last winter).
1/26- Fred LeBow 1/2 Marathon-NYC Central Park;
2/23-NYCRuns 1/2 Marathon NYC Central Park;
3/16-NYC Manhatan1/2 Marathon;
3/22-Sleepy Hollow 1/2 Marathon (Optional);
3/30- Philadelphia Love Run 1/2 Marathon;
4/5 -Scotland Run 10K-NYC Central Park;
4/13-CGI United (Rutgers) 1/2 Marathon, New Brunswick, NJ;
4/26- Asbury Park, NJ 1/2 Marathon;
5/4-Long Branch, NJ 1/2 Marathon;
5/10-UAE Healthy Kidney 10K Run NYC Central Park, or
5/11-Japan Run 4 miles NYC Central Park;
5/17-Brooklyn 1/2 Marathon;
5/18 Red Bank Olympic distance triathlon;
5/25- Nav-E-Sink 2.4 mile swim, Long Branch, NJ;
May (TBD)-Central Jersey Bicycle Club Farmlands Long Bike Tour (100 Miles)
Again, thanks-Howard Uniman
Thanks so much for your email. Right now I am in overwhelm stage. Trying to sort this out and already feeling behind. At least with my running I am hoping that I am not completely behind the 8 ball. Starting 1/25 I am doing Thea's Total Immersion 8 week intermediate classes. Now I want to concentrate on really getting my bike work down. I have been using TrainerRoad plans but will now plug the EN suggested WO. I hope you don't mind if I reach out to you again for some guidance as I adjust now that you are a seasoned pro. I amy need their input a bit in how to do my vDOT Test. I am at conferences from Weds. through Sunday this week in the Big Apple. I appreciate your input.
There is a lot of great information in the wiki and forums to make sure you read them. It is a lot of absorb but you'll get there. Take advantage of it.
vDot test is easy.. Warm up and just run a 5k as fast and as hard as you can. If you are completely in the red at the end. That is a good sign you did it right. After that punch your time into the vDot calculator and you have your run zones.
Here is the link to the wiki with the Running Test guidance.
Thanks for the encouragement. I may need to come back to you about how I upload my bike test. I tried through EN Calculator and I am not sure if it is working or doing something incorrectly. I asked support for some help.
Talk to you soon.
One thing I forgot to mention. The Sreencast version of my plan correctly indicates that my "A" race is IM ChallengeAC on June 29th. The training plan sent in the body of your email, however, indicates that IM Lake Placid in late July is my "A" race. Also, the plan in the email notes a HIM in Syracuse on June 22nd, which I am not doing and for the Challenge AC race indicates that I am participating in a relay running the marathon. It also has a Gran FondoNY 100 mile bike on May 18th. This is the day I would be doing my RedBank, NJ Olympic Distance Tri. I just wanted to clarify this issue and have any corrections made in case it changes your thoughts in developing my overall training plan. Also in the email above the schedule it states:
Your Current Training Plan If you've already visited Your Training Page, you'll see that we've loaded up a training plan into your account. This is our Intermediate OutSeason training plan.
However, below the schedule in the email it also states the following:
Loading up your first training plan:
This week I want you to load up the Beginner OutSeason Training Plan, setting it to end on 4/13.
Which plan should I upload. Finally, in looking over the beginner 14 week plan I did not see any training sessions on the bike for more than 75 minutes. Do longer rides come later in the plan or should the duration be greater in the March-April period.Please also refer to my other email where I listed my various race dates coming up through the June29th IM
Thanks much,
Please check your email. It turns out that in my original email to you I included the incorrect Season RoadMap screen shot but the correct screencast. I sent you an email this morning fixing that, with the correct everything. Please review that email, it should clear up a lot of questions for you.
Thanks. I checked my email. Unfortunately, the Season Road Map you sent to me was for a Jason Brandt and not for me. At your earliest convenience, kindly send to me my plan and a new Screencast if applicable and/or any other comments to my prior questions.
Thanks again!
Sorry about that, not sure what's going on back here...
Thanks. Not a problem. Please note, however, I have not received an email with the corrected plan and it is not in my spam folder. Could you please check and make sure it is being emailed to me by EN. I appreciate your patience as well. Now to brave the snow storn in NJ. Heading home and will get on the trainer in a bit.
Sent it this morning at 6am and again just now to
Delivery to the following recipient failed permanently:
Technical details of permanent failure:
Google tried to deliver your message, but it was rejected by the server for the recipient domain by [].
The error that the other server returned was:
550 5.1.1 : Recipient address rejected:
Do you have another email address?
Thanks for trying. For some you were not typing the correct email address this last go round. My email is that is with two e"s not one. This should work and sorry if this was a little hassle at the get go.
Succes. Thanks. I see my plan starts with Beginner OutSeason Training Plan, setting it to end on 4/13. As noted in an earlier email should the races set forth below be incorporated into my training plan so adjustments are made to my schedule. Also , knowing myself and age (59) I may need some extra recovery or easy days days overall. Should we add these races. I suppose, some adjustments I just may have to make on the fly b/c of my schedule. I am NYC from tomorrow through Sunday- so no biking. If this is a Patrick question please let me know. Thanks.
( Starting Saturday, 1/25/14 for 8 consecutive weeks, except Presidents weekend, I am doing Total Immersion Intermediate Swim Classes 8:30 am-9:30 am. I did the beginner course last winter).
1/26- Fred LeBow 1/2 Marathon-NYC Central Park;
2/23-NYCRuns 1/2 Marathon NYC Central Park;
3/16-NYC Manhatan1/2 Marathon;
3/22-Sleepy Hollow 1/2 Marathon (Optional);
3/30- Philadelphia Love Run 1/2 Marathon;
4/5 -Scotland Run 10K-NYC Central Park;
4/13-CGI United (Rutgers) 1/2 Marathon, New Brunswick, NJ;
4/26- Asbury Park, NJ 1/2 Marathon;
5/4-Long Branch, NJ 1/2 Marathon;
5/10-UAE Healthy Kidney 10K Run NYC Central Park, or
5/11-Japan Run 4 miles NYC Central Park;
5/17-Brooklyn 1/2 Marathon;
5/18 Red Bank Olympic distance triathlon;
5/25- Nav-E-Sink 2.4 mile swim, Long Branch, NJ;
May (TBD)-Central Jersey Bicycle Club Farmlands Long Bike Tour (100 Miles)
If I were you, and I'm not.. I would cut out 70% of all the races you have listed in your race schedule. You are seriously risking getting yourself injured with a schedule like that AND you won't get better as you go along in the season. Your performance and your fitness will just get worse.. much, much worse.
Having races so close together gives you no time for recovery and to ramp the training bank up to race level at all. You increase your chance of developing a major injury with a schedule like that.
Just my two cents.. but there aren't many normal people, including professionals at the top of their game who would attempt a race schedule like that and that schedule only goes to May. Where is the rest of the year including Challenge AC?
My suggestion is you stand down and re-think that schedule a bit.
That's funny and a ring of truth for sure. I did not put in other races I usually do in May & June and just kept it open. Notwithstanding, I'm open-minded and willing to be flexible since my primary goal this year is Challenge AC on June 29th.
(For the record, I did all of these races in 2013 except the 1/2 marathon in February, Brooklyn 1/2 and the nav-e-sink swim in May. Plus I also did three Spints and 4 Olympic Distance Tri's and several other 1/2 marathons and three 18 mile runs all before the November 3rd NYC Marathon). To fill in gaps for you, my 1/2 marathon times are about 1:48-1:52. I did the 18 mile runs in about 2:50. However, my Marathon time is only around 4:50. I really lose it for those last 8 miles. I'm more in it for the fun and not the time and longevity of exercising and racing. Again, my goal is 6/29 Challenge AC so I'm open to your input and coaching expertise. So with that in mind and the REVISED race schedule maybe you could make some adjustments to my training schedule to reflect the revised races. If you believe something should trump the runs note below, that's fine. As always thanks again, insane Howie
not really.
What I would like to keep is as follows noted in bold :
1/26- Fred LeBow 1/2 Marathon-NYC Central Park (doing this race);
3/16-NYC Manhatan1/2 Marathon (doing this race);
3/30- Philadelphia Love Run 1/2 Marathon (doing this race);
4/13-CGI United (Rutgers) 1/2 Marathon, New Brunswick, NJ (optional but in my own backyard);
4/26- Asbury Park, NJ 1/2 Marathon (optional-can drop);
5/4-Long Branch, NJ 1/2 Marathon (optional-can drop)
5/17-Brooklyn 1/2 Marathon (optional-really a toss-up if I do not do Redbank Tri)
5/18 Red Bank Olympic distance triathlon (thought this would be good first tri for the year);
5/25- Nav-E-Sink 2.4 mile swim, Long Branch, NJ (thought it would be a good practice to try this distance open to your thoughts);
May (TBD)-Central Jersey Bicycle Club Farmlands Long Bike Tour (I believe it is 75-100 Miles thought it would be good to get a long bike ride in but open to your thoughts)
You're fine through the half marathon on 4/13. After that, your training, especially on the weekends, will become more and more race specific. Continue to race so many half marathons will come at the opportunity to cost of need to make too many adjustments / concessions to your IM training plan.
The 5/18 and 5/25 events are fine.
Thanks. Makes a lot of sense. I recognize that I have to transition now and truly become more IM training oriented rather than runner oriented. If you can add those races to my plan and make any other adjustments if necessary that would be great. Then I can chat with Patrick on the micro level. Again,I appreciate the input. FYI I did a strong 1 hr on the treadmill yesterday since I am at a conference in NYC till Sunday & have that 1/2 marathon Sumday morning in balmy15 degree weather.????