@Graham - yes that's correct! You should test at 10k or maybe 21k (if you have a race around feel free to drop in)! As we are training for long-course races your 5k time won't increase by a lot if increasing at all so you should now test yourself against longer distances!
Wednesday night is track night for me, and apparently last night it was for about a thousand other people who like to run in the wrong direction…
But anyways I did all my drills followed by 2x800 and 1x1mile. The 800s went well enough (6:39 & 6:26 pace) but the 1mile was a disappointing 6:59 pace. I felt really bloated, I guess hot cocoa an hour before running is not a good idea.
On the positive side I didn’t feel good and I would have been happy with those times a couple of months ago. So I am definitely getting stronger/faster.
I made the mistake of asking one of the running club guys what he was doing - 2 mile intervals @ 6:00 pace. Made me feel puny for sure.
@ David, If he's a running club guy that's probably all he does, so he should be faster. I was watching a documentary on the Hood to Coast relay and there was an older runner on there who was dismayed that he could only do 7 minute miles for his 8 mile leg. He said that some of his teammates were happy to be able to run 7 minute miles but not him because he used to run 5 minute miles. It's all perspective. I'm happy to be able to run a sub 7 minute mile for a 5k. It's a lot better than most folks can do.
@David - completely agree with Mark! He may not be able to bike, much less swim. Frank Shorter gave up duathlons back in the mid-90's because age groupers started beating him in the Coors Light Duathlon Series (5k Run - 30K bike- 5K Run) even though he was doing sub-15' on the 5Ks.
@Gonzalo - your splits on the bike for this last workout were awesome! Now to be putting these numbers up on the run makes you "most likely" to pay RnP on the Heads I win - tails you lose predictions. Good job!
@Stefan - right on, you've nailed the "Big idea". With the work you've been putting in, it's about time you got tired!
@Mark S. - you did the work and that is what counts! There's good in just putting in the effort even though it is not at Z4. You only lose if you are running yourself into the ground and compromising the next day (or life in general) or running injured. Good job just knocking this out!
I did my end of the OS HM today. It was called the Rain Run because statistically it always rains this weekend in Redmond, WA, But today it was clear except for some patchy fog. It was in the upper 20's at race start and there was a few spots on the trail with black ice so that was a little tricky, but I didn't see anyone fall. So I watched Coach Patrick's video on pacing a half marathon and filled out the excel spreadsheet and wrote the goal paces on the back of my hand (which I promptly covered up with a glove). My predicted HM time was a 1:36:38. I went out the first mile a little below the target pace because it was so crowded at the start. The second was closer to the target pace and the third mile was right on. It was time to open it up a little and hit the half marathon pace -5 seconds (7:18) per the plan. I was able to do that on some of the remaining miles but most of the miles were right at my predicted half marathon pace of 2:23. So I crossed the finish line with a time of 1:38:45 which was a couple of minutes off the predicted pace from my 5k time and resulted in a vdot of 45 (45.8 on the Jack Daniels running site). That was a PR for me by almost 4 minutes. My vdot at the beginning of the OS based on the 5k was 47 so this is a slight drop in my vdot; however, Coach P said in the video that most people's HM vdot is 1-1,5 lower than the 5k vdot so I guess I'm just about normal. (And I thought I was unique!)
I came in 41/500 and was 5th in my age group which for this race was 50-59. If it had been 55-59 I would have been first! A 50 year old male was the overall winner.
@Larry : Congratulations on the new PR ! Hopefully more to come from the rest of the NOSers ! @Mark : Great race , I am planning on doing a HM Feb 23 and see where I end up vs my PR...will follow some process as you today and watch the video @Joe : thanks for the encouragement. No problem if I have to give coffee money away to RnP. that would be money well spent !
Run 1 hour today after my son's swim meet in the YMCA where he competed. Good that they had no issue with me using it! In that track...1 mile=13 laps...so again countless laps trying not to lose count
In the end did 7.65 miles (99 1/3 laps !) I am still dizzy...
Great race Mark M! I figured you would PR the way you nailed your bike improvements. Larry, great job as well. Nice to get the PR and the overall results are fantastic!
I raced my HM today also. Weather was a little different. 70s and glorious sunshine. Perfect day. I, however, did not PR. I ended up at 1:42, which was good enough for 33rd out of 450 or so total and 2nd in my AG. First time on the podium for me, so that was exciting (good to be in a smaller race and one with a 50-54 AG). I had been hoping for 1:39, but I'm still pleased with the 1:42.
Now I've got to nurse my hamstring back to health during the swim focus. Guess I'm going to have to break down and go get some PT.
Thanks everybody for all the mojo and motivation on this forum. It's been a great OS, and has clearly helped us. Hope everybody else does great next weekend in your 10Ks or HMs.
I don't have a race coming up so I'm hacking the last couple of weeks of the OS. I didn't do a brick yesterday I did a a treadmill run today since it is 19 out. I did a couple of runs in Hawaii that are pre-loaded on the treadmill and the first half of the first one I did was uphill so I just tried to maintain a steady effort. I wasn't trying for any particular pace, just whatever I felt like and trying to get some more miles than usual.
First run- 2.65mi @ 11:19 pace (my Z1) First 1.5 (uphill) @ 12:00 pace, next mile @ 9:55 pace 2nd run (Road to Hana)- 3.1mi @ 11:15 pace
Then I did an extra .25 to make it an even 6miles. Longest run in a long time.
nice 52' Z1 run today (no run for me yesterday). first time in a long time that I can remember a wko w/out any intensity whatsoever. took the opportunity to explore a bit and had a great time focusing on form while running some hills. also took the bike in for a tune-up at the LBS yesterday. should be back in time for Tuesday's bike work. nothing other than rest and core work for the next 1.5 days.
There's no 1/2 mary or 10K races scheduled here, but I am running a 5K in two weeks. Would running a 10K on the indoor track work for my NOS run test out? That's where I did my baseline and mid-point runs. Just not conducive to running outside safely this week.
Dawn- I'm not stressing about when I test. I'll do a 5k mid march, then a 1/2 late march then a 10k early April. I'm using the 5k as my test so I have apples to apples. The 5k should be fine.
@ Larry, Mark & Bryan - get results!! Mark - this over 50 crowd is way impressive! 20 years ago there was like nobody even competing in our age group much less winning races!
Yesterday - no run. I decided to just heal these niggling almost injury items. Today, like Mike, just an easy day. A 15' bike warm-up then a two mile run. Some core work and strength exercises and it is another OS week complete!
Might just do the 1000m swim test tomorrow - again. Dropped almost 30" from last Tuesday to Friday. Wonder if I can continue that this week...It would give me something to do constructive as I cut back on the bike/run and try and not gain like 5lbs!
Sad we are coming up on last week of the NOS! No run for me today and no bike on Saturday. Yesterday, I made the long journey to be with my uncle as he passed. I am so drained right now. Going to try to swim tomorrow and pick up on what we have left for the rest of the upcoming week. PF is better. I found groovy compression socks by Feetures and they are great!
@Elizabeth- sorry for your loss. When you are ready, I'm sure when you get back at your wko's, it'll be therapeutic...I know it for me! Feetures make my all time fave running socks! Love them so much I ordered a bunch last Summer and this is all I run in now. The ones I use are not over the calf compression...not sure if this is what you bought. But, the ones I use are very very snug over the feet. Never had a blister using them and love the feel.
@Kim - Thanks! I'm thinking of running a 5K again at the indoor track, since the conditions will be the same as they were for my baseline. And with the winter we've been dealing with, who knows how cold/snowy/windy it will be on the 8th for the outdoor 5K!
Solid run before lunch though
Did this yesterday. Current Z5 pace 6:39
20min WU
Int1 800m @ 3:15
Int2 1 mile @ 6:40
Int3 1 mile @ 6:35
Shuffle home! Total 7 miles
Been out for couple of weeks so no running - this was certainly a shock to the system! Having problem walking today - everything hurts!
Am I right in that in wk14 test is not the same as the wk1/8 5km tests, but a 10km time trial test?
Wednesday night is track night for me, and apparently last night it was for about a thousand other people who like to run in the wrong direction…
But anyways I did all my drills followed by 2x800 and 1x1mile. The 800s went well enough (6:39 & 6:26 pace) but the 1mile was a disappointing 6:59 pace. I felt really bloated, I guess hot cocoa an hour before running is not a good idea.
On the positive side I didn’t feel good and I would have been happy with those times a couple of months ago. So I am definitely getting stronger/faster.
I made the mistake of asking one of the running club guys what he was doing - 2 mile intervals @ 6:00 pace. Made me feel puny for sure.
@Gonzalo - your splits on the bike for this last workout were awesome! Now to be putting these numbers up on the run makes you "most likely" to pay RnP on the Heads I win - tails you lose predictions. Good job!
@Stefan - right on, you've nailed the "Big idea". With the work you've been putting in, it's about time you got tired!
@Mark S. - you did the work and that is what counts! There's good in just putting in the effort even though it is not at Z4. You only lose if you are running yourself into the ground and compromising the next day (or life in general) or running injured. Good job just knocking this out!
Dang Larry you the man today for sure !
I did my end of the OS HM today. It was called the Rain Run because statistically it always rains this weekend in Redmond, WA, But today it was clear except for some patchy fog. It was in the upper 20's at race start and there was a few spots on the trail with black ice so that was a little tricky, but I didn't see anyone fall. So I watched Coach Patrick's video on pacing a half marathon and filled out the excel spreadsheet and wrote the goal paces on the back of my hand (which I promptly covered up with a glove). My predicted HM time was a 1:36:38. I went out the first mile a little below the target pace because it was so crowded at the start. The second was closer to the target pace and the third mile was right on. It was time to open it up a little and hit the half marathon pace -5 seconds (7:18) per the plan. I was able to do that on some of the remaining miles but most of the miles were right at my predicted half marathon pace of 2:23. So I crossed the finish line with a time of 1:38:45 which was a couple of minutes off the predicted pace from my 5k time and resulted in a vdot of 45 (45.8 on the Jack Daniels running site). That was a PR for me by almost 4 minutes. My vdot at the beginning of the OS based on the 5k was 47 so this is a slight drop in my vdot; however, Coach P said in the video that most people's HM vdot is 1-1,5 lower than the 5k vdot so I guess I'm just about normal. (And I thought I was unique!)
I came in 41/500 and was 5th in my age group which for this race was 50-59. If it had been 55-59 I would have been first! A 50 year old male was the overall winner.
awesome MM Show all the young uns!
@Mark : Great race , I am planning on doing a HM Feb 23 and see where I end up vs my PR...will follow some process as you today and watch the video
@Joe : thanks for the encouragement. No problem if I have to give coffee money away to RnP. that would be money well spent !
Run 1 hour today after my son's swim meet in the YMCA where he competed. Good that they had no issue with me using it!
In that track...1 mile=13 laps...so again countless laps trying not to lose count
In the end did 7.65 miles (99 1/3 laps !)
I am still dizzy...
I raced my HM today also. Weather was a little different. 70s and glorious sunshine. Perfect day. I, however, did not PR. I ended up at 1:42, which was good enough for 33rd out of 450 or so total and 2nd in my AG. First time on the podium for me, so that was exciting (good to be in a smaller race and one with a 50-54 AG). I had been hoping for 1:39, but I'm still pleased with the 1:42.
Now I've got to nurse my hamstring back to health during the swim focus. Guess I'm going to have to break down and go get some PT.
Thanks everybody for all the mojo and motivation on this forum. It's been a great OS, and has clearly helped us. Hope everybody else does great next weekend in your 10Ks or HMs.
You all keep me thrilled about next week
I don't have a race coming up so I'm hacking the last couple of weeks of the OS. I didn't do a brick yesterday I did a a treadmill run today since it is 19 out. I did a couple of runs in Hawaii that are pre-loaded on the treadmill and the first half of the first one I did was uphill so I just tried to maintain a steady effort. I wasn't trying for any particular pace, just whatever I felt like and trying to get some more miles than usual.
First run- 2.65mi @ 11:19 pace (my Z1) First 1.5 (uphill) @ 12:00 pace, next mile @ 9:55 pace
2nd run (Road to Hana)- 3.1mi @ 11:15 pace
Then I did an extra .25 to make it an even 6miles. Longest run in a long time.
How did you do in Vegas?


@Ray, I spent a few hours at the craps table on Wednesday night and walked away $7 poorer, so I'd call that a WIN!!
Absolutely MW
Yesterday - no run. I decided to just heal these niggling almost injury items. Today, like Mike, just an easy day. A 15' bike warm-up then a two mile run. Some core work and strength exercises and it is another OS week complete!
Might just do the 1000m swim test tomorrow - again. Dropped almost 30" from last Tuesday to Friday. Wonder if I can continue that this week...It would give me something to do constructive as I cut back on the bike/run and try and not gain like 5lbs!
Have a super rest of the evening!