All Roads to Victory lead through Chicago - Will's Macro Thread
Okay, I had been sitting on signing up for this, but in all honesty it's looking more and more like a better option that I was going to use.
So really quick, my biggest issues in training have been two things:
One, I only have a few years under my belt, with one year doing Triathlon. The first year I just ran, and honestly just ran 3 times a week until my legs fell off. I have NO idea what the hell you guys are talking about with plans, abbreviations, how much time I should put in, etc. I also ran into nutritional issues as well. I've been off all last year.
Secondly, Triathlon swimming I feel is my biggest hurdle. In the 3 triathlons I attempted, I DNF'd on the swim on two of them, less than 100m in. I attribute it to fear of drowning / claustrophobia, as I started hyperventilating in two of the races. The middle race, I was pushed by the fact I had a camera on me half the time (long story).
When I signed up as well, I just listed everything as a best case scenario. I see myself doing IronMan this year but honestly, I don't know if I can get there. I'm putting it as a goal, and trying to see what I can do between now and the race, which I haven't signed up for yet. In addition, there is a chance that I won't get into the Marathon without a charity entry since it went lottery this year. This is further pushing me to do IronMan this year and volunteer at the Chicago Marathon and IMAZ
These are the races I'd like to compete in:
Shamrock Shuffle - 8k - Shake stuff out
Race to Wrigley - 5k nice and easy
Ravenswood 5k - same
Soldier Field 10 Mile - First 'Big' Race
Bike the Drive - the unofficial 'brick training, Chicago Triathlon course splits, active memorial day weekend' ride
LATE Ride - Haven't decided yet. Depends on if I do Bigfoot or ITU
Bigfoot Triathlon - Depending on this one or ITU. This is the Sunday before ITU.
ITU Triathlon World Championship - my 'redemption' Tri race, first one if not Leon's and want to be on
Ironman 70.3 Racine - Midway point. Want to decide here if I should do Full In september
Chicago Triathlon - Another Redemption Race for me. Depending on HIM plans might do Triple here
Wrigley Field Road Tour - Charity Century Ride. $400+
North Shore Century - Fall Century
Newton 20 Miler - Depending on if I get into the Chicago Marathon
REV3 Cedar Point - Either a full IM or a Half IM
Chicago Marathon - Depending on Lottery entry. Not sure if I want to do a Charity Entry
Rock and Roll Las Vegas - Cooldown Race
Questions: Should I lower my sights and cross the line in september? if not, when should I fully commit to doing the full IM?
Two: Am I trying to do too much?
Three: I'm starting on the outseason on monday, didn't realize I had workouts last week. Should I just start from where I am now?
Sorry, I don't know the dates of most of those races, though I assume they are in chrono order.
Please refer to the Season RoadMap I sent to you in early January. One item I see in your notes above is that Racine 70.3 isn't the midpoint to Rev3 Quassy. In other words, you need to have committed to doing Rev3, and start training for it, well before Racine. Referring to your RoadMap, I'd say you have until June 1st to decide if you want to race a full Ironman at Quassy. Making that decision after Racine, and transitioning at that point, is too late.
Pretty much all of those race before Racine are fine. The cycling events after Racine are Ok, though they become less Ok the closer they are to Quassy. DO NOT DO that 20 miler. Very bad idea.
So today is Jan 20th and you haven't done any of the training that was assigned to you when I created your RoadMap for you on Jan 8th...ok...
Today, load up the Beginner OutSeason training plan setting it to end on 4/27. Then circle back to me, in mid March with your decisions re what you're racing this summer and we'll go from there.
So since everything before June doesn't really count I will scratch. Also since I'm going to assume I'm not doing the marathon, I can drop the Marathon and the 20 miler for sure
so it's
LATE Ride 6/21(Ride) at midnight or Bigfoot (Olympic) 6/22
ITU(Olympic) is 6/29 the weekend after
IMRacine(70.3) - 7/20
Chicago Tr(Olympic or Triple)i - 8/24
Rev3Cedar Point - (70.3 or 140.6) - 9/7
Wrigley (Century), NSC (century) both don't have dates at the moment but Wrigley is usually in August and NSC is in September post Rev3Cedar Point
If it's not advisable to switch midstream then yes, I'll reset the plan (I guess I can do that myself?) and circle back mid march.
I need you to start the OS plan in Wk1 because we have testing scheduled for that week, so we can set your training zones for the remainder of the plan. As it sounds like you haven't done that testing, I need you to load up the plan per my instructions so week 1 is this week and we get that testing done.