Sean's Micro Thread/ question
Are there any training benchmarks or speed requirements for the IMTX training camp?
I am on the trainer now and for the foreseeable negative temperature future. I don't know that I will have a chance to do more than 2-3 hours on the trainer continuously before March 20ish. Would you suggest I suck it up and chaffe away a 4-5 hour trainer ride prior to the camp?
Also, do you ride in groups on the course? My wife is not an EN member, but interested in coming as well, her pace may be around 7:00 for the 112 miles, mine may be closer to 5:45, how does that work exactly at the camp? Sorry, I couldn't find this answer anywhere on the camp page.
As for your wife, the camp...we start off in a staggered your wife would leave in a group at 7:30am, for example, but you would leave at 8:30. This way we all connect on the course and can continue the rest of our day together.
The BIGGEST ISSUE to resolve is making sure that folks can read a map or follow the arrows on a garmin...does that help?
Yes, that definitely helps. She struggles with feeling like she has to hurry to keep up with others when we ride in a group sometimes and is always "feeling bad" if she can't stay up, like she is annoying other cyclists. It's a confidence thing, and the fact that she never thinks of herself first...probably a rare trait in a triahlete!
As to the trainer thing....It is probably in here somewhere, but how do you suggest I start the IM training plan (Feb 2) per my season plan while still on the trainer. It may not be possible to get outside until april, or it may be early march...time will tell. How does that work?
- The full Wednesday ride,
- The full main set of Saturday's ride, but cut total trainer time by 2/3 (So a 3 hour ride is 2 hours).
- For Sunday, built and then sustain the ABP workouts to about 2 hours.
Hope that helps!
~ Patrick
I am recovering from a hamsting tightness that has been there since a July Oly....I can run, but it gets worse with increasing speed. I took about 6 weeks off of running until the first week of January. I then slowly built up my running by running 2-3 times a week with 2/3 then 1/2 then 1/3 of the total time on the elliptical. i have been on the treadmill only for the last 3.5 weeks or so. I have purposely been running SLOW. My VDOT in July prior to my injury was 51. I have been training using a VDOT of 41 for the EN runs (on the IM intermediate plan). Cardiovascularly it is very easy, but when i push it I do get some minor tightness (nothing like the end of last season)....anyway, there is a 5K TT listed this week. Should I run it at like a VDOT of 44 or something, or just jog it out, or try to push? any suggestions? i am signed up for IM TX so I know I will have to keep adding distance, I don't think that will be a problem, but speedwork may not go over so well.
Whatever you suggest, if I start to get uncomfortable I will obviously slow or stop, just sort of getting your thoughts.
Yes I have been through the athletes triaining athletes pages, that's a nice source. I am using the roller, getting a massage about 1-2 x per month (should go more, it really helps!), and really monitoring my speed. I usually run at incline 1.0 but sometimes my hamstring will tell me to put it at 0.5 or even 0. I have run some of the incline runs, again at slower speed, and it doesn't really bother it. I am actually a physician, and I find it a weird injury because there is no tenderness to palpation, it just feels a little too tight at times and sometimes when running it will sort of tighten for awhile warning me, I slow and it will back off. Only once (back in august) has it forced me to stop running. I grew up a runner, so I feel fairly adept at monitoring my pace, etc. which is nice, I just wish the damn thing would quit so I could open up and run. My weekly runs / volume since 12/29 (0 for 6 weeks since -- ran a 1/2 marathon early november, it did NOT worsen the problem, I ran at an RPE 6-7 that race)
50:00 2 runs
2:35:00 3 runs
3:25:00 4 runs
2:30:00 4 runs
2:15:00 3 runs
3:20:00 3 runs
4:00:00 4 runs last week.
I have been able to do all of the bike workouts, that doesn't seem to bother it, so I am focusing there, which is a weakness for me anyway.
Done blabbing, thanks for the input!
Now, in general, the hamstrings can get tighter on a treadmill when (a) your gait is shorter and (b) you aren't really firing your glutes. It's less likely on the open road...I suggest you focus on, when running on the treadmill, a full stride, toe-ing off that first metatarsal. You also might want to focus on some glute activation drills before running, such as this one:
Please keep me posted!
I have an odd work schedule so I often have to move the workout order around. I did last week's camp week workouts as so:
Thu: Bike 5:15 Run :30 (life got in the way)
Fri: Bike 5:30
Sat: Run 2:15
Sun (today): rest day
on week 16 of my plan Monday is the rest day. Tuesday looks like swim only.
How should I attack the week? I will again be doing my long rides on Thu/Fri by the way. Weather permitting.