Brenda Ross - OS Final Run Test
Exiting NOS next week and could not find a 10km or 1/2 Mary for final OS run test. Should I just do a 5km test instead? Going into a 2 week swim focus, and then the Get Fast plan after that.

The first I saw was from a micro thread where you responded to my exact question. Your response was: "The up sessions are actually best done on flat ground, they are more like exaggerated you can do them after a warm up....15' on Tmill..then the 8 x Bounding sessions with equal rest (40" work, for example, and 40" of recovery), then the rest of your time on the Tmill"
I shared with with the GF group and then Kim posted this response from Al Truscott that you approved: .... simply doing "high knee lift running in place" has the same effect. Try this: stand in front of a mirror. Take 30 steps (30 x R+L leg) lifting your knees to waist level each time, landing on your toes, and also pumping your arms, at a brisk pace. Rest an equal amount of time.
All this to say that I am visual person, so I have gone to see if I can find a video. Any chance this video does a good job of doing what you are asking us to do with the uphill bounding? High Knee Skipping Drill
Monday - swim
Tuesday - bike
Wed - Fridays run (I take the bounding from Tuesday run and strides from Fridays run and make it a skills run) + swim
Thur - 2.5 hour bike ride
Fri - Wed - run + swim
Sun - Sunday run
As for next week, try to get a swimming on Monday. Then do a short run on both Tuesday and Wednesday just to stretch the legs anywhere from 30 to 45 minutes is okay. Then its bike bike bike! :-)