I don't know if I achieved what I expected because it was in my mind, or it was in my mind because it made sense and was truly what I thought I could do. I think Brenda has posted some stuff later about getting out of your own way, clearly something i need to work on.
Some brief history... I had a 7% FTP bump between 1st and 2nd test. Between those tests I had hit all my WKOs at 100% for FTP work and 120% for VO2. After the bump, I struggled. So my expectations, as mentioned above were lower.
A lot of work for less than 2% FTP increase BUT it is only 3 watts lower than my highest test on the tri bike that was outdoors last year soooo I'm so far ahead of last year. (Last year I did the Jan. OS was I was just getting started around this time) Up 9% FTP since the start of the OS.
I really didn't do a formal test 1, I just used the FTP of 200 set bu Trainerroad for the first few weeks as I got used to it.
Test 2 12/16/13 Vo2 261 20min NP 217 FTP 206
Test 3 1/30/14 Vo2 268 20 min NP 226 FTP 215
Also, I set new 2 min, 5 min, 10 min, 15 min, and 20 min power PRs with the test today
Oh yeah, and I didn't read the instructions for the FTP very well after the first test and I have been using my NP for the 20 min interval as my FTP without decreasing it by 5%. Oops
In spite of that, I get 4.18 percent improvement over the last half of the OS.
It was brutal, brutal, brutal! As I was not enlightened enough to have cleared out my monitor before commencing on the initial test, I am going to make a hypothesis that I had a bump of about 1 mph. My heart rate was +Z5 and my legs were screaming at the end. I am pleased as the last couple of weeks have been particularly on and off for the training schedule due to weird foot pain stuff, kid stuff, work stuff and a terminally ill uncle who passed last Saturday.
As this was my first OS with EN, I have no previous data to work from other than the raw race data from my last race of the season. I joined last July and used the beginner sprint plan, and although. I made a few tactical errors, but the raw time data from the Garmin was spectacular. If I can assume that when I kick the niggly foot thing and get on track with some season planning, and follow with the plan, I should have an outstanding 2014.
I so appreciate everyone's posts. The good, the bad and the ugly, we are all in this together and I could not ask for a better team to be a part of. To our chiefs, Joe, Brenda, Kim, Mike, Ray, and I am sorry if I missed anyone, THANK YOU for all of your hard work, insight and keeping the positivity bubble going. To the team THANK YOU for sharing the NOS!
@Joe - Yes, I should have typed them out as %, rather than the way I did. Just used to that, I guess. The big bump in VO2 makes up for the 127 FTP at the start of the NOS to the 128 yesterday.
Well done everyone for giving it your all in the test. It's fun to take part in the Schadenfreude having done my test on Tuesday! Keep the reports coming.
I elected not to bike today and get a swim in to allow the legs to taper some more for Saturday's HM. Took 2 min off last weeks 1000m time so I'm pleased about that.
Going into today I was pretty leery about what to expect: sick with a cold for the last 6 days and had 5 hours of sleep last night. Also realized I had no gels or food with me in the pain cave at the start. Expectations were low for performance and high for suffering. Thank you everyone for posting your strategies for the 20 minute hell ride. I mentally subdivided the ride as others had into the 5/10/5 and started at where I thought I could be for the first 5. Made the target and tried a slight increase for the next 10. It started to get pretty ugly with 7 minutes to go, but made it to the final 5 min with enough juice in the legs to find a little more. I spent the last two minutes hammering like there was no tomorrow and totally emptied the tank. It was a good thing I was clipped in, cause I was swaying and starting to go hazy as the final beep blessedly went off on Trainer Road. That hurt, but it was totally worth it. As I have said before, my numbers are off using my old Kurt Kinetic Trainer, so I am posting my increases as percentages. There is no way in hell I could be hitting numbers higher than Stefan and Ray! One minor annoyance in each of my tests has been the failure of my Garmin Heart Rate Strap - I get 30 minutes of data (warm up) and then it stops reading on the 310 xt. I am producing enough sweat for a small child to have a swim, so moisture is not the issue. No heart rate data, but I am loving this new Power training. Overall, my first OS has been a blast! I can't thank all of you enough for your advice, camaraderie, and humour in your posts that have helped me get through winter in an isolated location. I was hoping for better legs in IMCDA this June and I have never felt stronger. On to Swim Camp and Get Faster! Hope to see you all there! Jud
20 Minute Test #1 --> Test#2 - 9% increase Test #2 --> Test #3 - 6% increase Total - 15%
5 Minute Test #1 --> Test #2 - 11% increase Test #2 -- Test#3 - 6 % increase Total 17%
This is like getting ready to watch the super bowl and the cable goes out! I am so bummed. My freaking internet is out. Even that was shut down here in atl. I had planned to cheer in a post by post. Well maybe you guys are glad I cant! Awesome job everyone. Gonzo I was only kidding about doing the test naked.it looks from the picture the only thing you were wearing was a heart strap. Great job nos minions!
Looks like everyone is having some nice gains on the bike. Great work everyone.
After the redeye back from Las Vegas I could not manage to work out in the morning yesterday so I did my test late last night after work. I had been feeling the effects of a cold all week so I was not sure how the test would go for me. While the test felt hard, I was disappointed in myself when I got off the bike as I simply did not feel as though I gave it my all and definitely left some watts on the table.
Here are my results from the 3 OS bike tests:
Test 1 - VO2: 233, FTP: 197, w/kg: 2.06 (fat and lazy from taking a year off shows) Test 2 - VO2: 256, FTP: 230, w/kg: 2.47 (still fat but not quite as lazy) Test 3 - VO2: 298, FTP: 237, w/kg: 2.68 (need to drop the last 10 lbs but should not be an issue by the time get to my first race in May)
I did every OS bike ride on my trainer or at a hotel gym (the joys of having to travel a lot these past 3 months!). Overall, happy with the results of the OS bike. Curious to see how the run test goes.
I'm coming off a crazy week - 3 days of skiing bleeding into 4 days of non-stop business travel led to a tough week of keeping to the schedule, but I was able to get some runs in and the bike test in today.
Last Test - FTP 255 WT 228 - 2.46 w/kg
Today - FTP 259 WT 220 - 2.59 w/kg
Beginning -FTP 250 WT 228 - 2.42 w/Kg
Overall - a 5% improvement of w/kg since the last test on 12/19 and a overall improvement of 7% since the beginning of the OS
I'll take it
Looking forward to the ride tomorrow with the new numbers and, of course, swim camp ( how do you swim again? )
Joe Did you do this test outside? Awesome numbers.
@Ray - on my trainer. I have not trained outside since before the OS and have never trained with power outdoors! I am looking forward to getting out after a short break! My local club sponsors a monthly 40K TT that starts 1 March. I plan to do it and see out my "real FTP" is!
BTW - did your wife get that job here is San Antonio with USAA?
Final ride of 2014 Outseason has been completed. I used the new numbers from last nights testing and it looked as if a water balloon exploded under my bike. Now my power meter has been taken off the bike for shipping back to Quarq for warranty work. Hard to believe it is already over. All numbers were met tonight. 1.0, 1.0. 1.01 for the 12' x 100% FTP then .89 for 10' at the end. http://tpks.ws/By7y
I may not have commented much on others, and I read every post. They really made a difference as I pushed on and grew throughout the OS. Thank you.
I've really enjoyed reading all your posts lately and I'm sorry that I haven't had time to comment on them, but you're all doing awesome and the work is really showing this week.
Since I finished with the OS last week I've been doing swim camp this week. I've done 2 swims and I'm surprised at how good it's going. The first swim I did 1900 yards and the second swim I did 2200 before my form started breaking down. My first rule of swimming is that if my form starts to break down I rest or get out of the water. I don't want my muscles learning how to do things the wrong way especially when it comes to swimming. I was supposed to do a swim today but I was jealous of all the bike mojo I've been reading about and my legs were feeling a little twitchy since I've only had a couple of short runs this week so I hopped on the bike this afternoon to try out my shiny new numbers.
The workout for tomorrow was 10X1' (1') Z5 (hard). The notes said: "Coach Note: short and sweet Vo2 set to maintain the sharpness in your legs". 1 minute is short, 10X1 not so much and the new Z5 is anything but sweet. Before the ride I was updating my computrainer software with my new numbers and realized that my new Z3 is just one watt below my NOS beginning FTP. I feel like a frog that's been put into a pot of water and it's been getting hotter for a couple of months now. If I had done this 14 weeks ago I probably would have hopped out, but I guess RnP know what they're doing and it shows.
So my new Vo2 is 310 so that's what I was shooting for in the intervals.
1 - 306
2 - 309
3-7 - 310
8 - 313
9 - 312
10 - 313
So I felt like my legs were going to come off during the last one and then I felt like I was going to die after it was over. Good thing I was on the tri-bike so I could collapse on the aerobars are catch my breath.
Happy run test (if you're doing one this weekend). I waxed up the skis this evening and I'm heading to the cross country trails tomorrow.
Holy smokes batman. That test was tough. Held on for dear life for the last 5 minutes of the 20 min interval, it wasn't beautiful, pretty, or perfect by any stretch of the imagination but I got the job done.
I had done some math prior to the testing session and had a ballpark for what I was hoping for. Honestly, I probably overshot just a little as the last 5 minutes were BRUTAL and my legs could barely hold on, couldn't have been happier when the test was over for a whole host of reasons.
Recap of the past 14 weeks- I have been very consistent with training, missing one week for a ski trip, and another couple of days at the beginning of week 14 for travel. Luckily, I was able to get in nearly all of the bike workouts. Definitely missed some, but tried to stay as consistent as I could be. Weight stayed the same throughout the entire OS. This falls in line with my general plan. I had no intention of losing any weight at this stage of the game, just really trying to not gain any weight with the holidays which I achieved. Apparently this polar vortex and the activation of the "brown fat" to help with metabolism must be working (half tongue in cheek...)
The FTP I earned today is a lifetime high and I am both excited and scared at the same time. Overall, a 10% gain for the off season this year and a big bump in the wt/kg. BOOM!!! Getting into the 4 wt/kg club might take a fair amount of time and another 20 watts or so, loosing a couple of pounds (which will happen as I get closer to race season) still won't get me there.
So, now as I exit the OS, my goal is to continue to cement this FTP and then looking forward to the speed and endurance it will afford me when races come around this summer.
Happy testing everyone, congrats on all of your gains.
Well here I come crawling back in from my pain cave and I have no good news to present ... today I just wasn't strong enough to kick that gorillas ass Maybe I'll retest tomorrow evening - I'll see how my legs and overall body is feeling. Currently I don't feel like I want to test ever again.
Don't really want to talk about a lot of details but my HR and RPE was way too high especially after about 5' in the FTP segment and I couldn't get that stabilized. I had to pull the plug after only about 13'. There was no way in the world I could sustain that effort for another 7'.
Yippee Ki Effin A!...(in my best IMTX drawl)....5 & 20 min. test...new and highest ever recorded 5min & FTP...5min. bump from 258 to 273...FTP bump from 212 to 225! Work Works
Last 2014 OS Saturday ride in the books. 3 x 12 @ 1.00, 1.01 & 1.01 + 12 @ .85.
While I was riding the last 12 min interval (sweetspot) I noticed that my after this last test my "sweetspot" numbers are almost what my FTP was at the start of the OS.
I will NOT retest tomorrow - my body and much more my mind is screaming for some time off ... I think the massive amount of training-stress, work-stress, snow shoveling, having a sick junior @ home is paying off right now so it just doesn't make sense to retest. I'll add 5W to my last tested FTP from mid of December and let this one guide me ... I'm pretty sure this is not far off (2-3W doesn't make any difference here).
Now it's time for having a few cold ones after snow/water shoveling for a 1-2hours (yes it's now raining here after getting 32inch of snow yesterday)...
@Stefan - if you are shoveling 32 in of snow, you are getting an awesome cardio workout! That and a sick kid at home = no test. The only upside to the rain after all that work is, "glad I'm not out there biking" as you knock back another dunkel hefeweizen!
Got my German cousins coming from Marktoberdorf in April to be with us for Easter and they asked, "will it snow in Texas in April?" I told them it'll be about 40 degrees centigrade. Haven't heard back from them in about a week.
I don't know if I achieved what I expected because it was in my mind, or it was in my mind because it made sense and was truly what I thought I could do. I think Brenda has posted some stuff later about getting out of your own way, clearly something i need to work on.
Some brief history... I had a 7% FTP bump between 1st and 2nd test. Between those tests I had hit all my WKOs at 100% for FTP work and 120% for VO2. After the bump, I struggled. So my expectations, as mentioned above were lower.
Sooooo, drum roll please.....
1st Test: VO2- 188, FTP- 154
2nd Test: VO2- 196, FTP- 165
3rd Test: VO2- 204, FTP-168
A lot of work for less than 2% FTP increase BUT it is only 3 watts lower than my highest test on the tri bike that was outdoors last year soooo I'm so far ahead of last year. (Last year I did the Jan. OS was I was just getting started around this time) Up 9% FTP since the start of the OS.
Looking forward to seeing what I can do outside!
Good job everybody.
My numbers:
I'll be moving into the bike focus plan with my shiny new FTP.
Test 2 12/16/13 Vo2 261 20min NP 217 FTP 206
Test 3 1/30/14 Vo2 268 20 min NP 226 FTP 215
Also, I set new 2 min, 5 min, 10 min, 15 min, and 20 min power PRs with the test today
Oh yeah, and I didn't read the instructions for the FTP very well after the first test and I have been using my NP for the 20 min interval as my FTP without decreasing it by 5%. OopsIn spite of that, I get 4.18 percent improvement over the last half of the OS.
I will take that.
As this was my first OS with EN, I have no previous data to work from other than the raw race data from my last race of the season. I joined last July and used the beginner sprint plan, and although. I made a few tactical errors, but the raw time data from the Garmin was spectacular. If I can assume that when I kick the niggly foot thing and get on track with some season planning, and follow with the plan, I should have an outstanding 2014.
I so appreciate everyone's posts. The good, the bad and the ugly, we are all in this together and I could not ask for a better team to be a part of. To our chiefs, Joe, Brenda, Kim, Mike, Ray, and I am sorry if I missed anyone, THANK YOU for all of your hard work, insight and keeping the positivity bubble going. To the team THANK YOU for sharing the NOS!
Below is the Test progression:
Week 1 : FTP = 196 -- VOmax = 282 -- W/kg=2.4
Week 8 : FTP = 231 -- VOmax = 283 -- W/kg=2.9
Week 14 : FTP = 244 -- VOmax = 285 -- W/kg=3.1 (lost 5 lbs since Wk 1)
Net 48W or 24% gain in FTP for the OS
Thanks everyone for your support, knowing I would have to post (and especially that Ray would be watching !) made me push harder !
Now rest until Saturday to do a 5K race and see if I improve the VDot.
Pictures at the end of the test and later on...much more relaxed ...wearing the slaughtered gorilla t-shirt (a present Mike W gave me for my B'day!)
@Joe - Yes, I should have typed them out as %, rather than the way I did. Just used to that, I guess. The big bump in VO2 makes up for the 127 FTP at the start of the NOS to the 128 yesterday.
I elected not to bike today and get a swim in to allow the legs to taper some more for Saturday's HM. Took 2 min off last weeks 1000m time so I'm pleased about that.
20 Minute Test #1 --> Test#2 - 9% increase
Test #2 --> Test #3 - 6% increase
Total - 15%
5 Minute Test #1 --> Test #2 - 11% increase
Test #2 -- Test#3 - 6 % increase
Total 17%
After the redeye back from Las Vegas I could not manage to work out in the morning yesterday so I did my test late last night after work. I had been feeling the effects of a cold all week so I was not sure how the test would go for me. While the test felt hard, I was disappointed in myself when I got off the bike as I simply did not feel as though I gave it my all and definitely left some watts on the table.
Here are my results from the 3 OS bike tests:
Test 1 - VO2: 233, FTP: 197, w/kg: 2.06 (fat and lazy from taking a year off shows)
Test 2 - VO2: 256, FTP: 230, w/kg: 2.47 (still fat but not quite as lazy)
Test 3 - VO2: 298, FTP: 237, w/kg: 2.68 (need to drop the last 10 lbs but should not be an issue by the time get to my first race in May)
I did every OS bike ride on my trainer or at a hotel gym (the joys of having to travel a lot these past 3 months!). Overall, happy with the results of the OS bike. Curious to see how the run test goes.
@Larry - your increase of 65W on your VO2 is just insane!
@Gonzalo -- shirt looks great. you've got a menacing look on your face too -- Gorilla Hunter!
Great to see all the results coming in.
I'm coming off a crazy week - 3 days of skiing bleeding into 4 days of non-stop business travel led to a tough week of keeping to the schedule, but I was able to get some runs in and the bike test in today.
Last Test - FTP 255 WT 228 - 2.46 w/kg
Today - FTP 259 WT 220 - 2.59 w/kg
Beginning -FTP 250 WT 228 - 2.42 w/Kg
Overall - a 5% improvement of w/kg since the last test on 12/19 and a overall improvement of 7% since the beginning of the OS
I'll take it
Looking forward to the ride tomorrow with the new numbers and, of course, swim camp ( how do you swim again? )
@Michael. Great job. Not sure I would be walking after three days of skiing. Wonderful improvement in NOS.
Joe Did you do this test outside? Awesome numbers.
Thanks @Ray - I don't think you have any obstacles anywhere :-)
Keep up the good work and inspiring performances.
@Ray - on my trainer. I have not trained outside since before the OS and have never trained with power outdoors! I am looking forward to getting out after a short break! My local club sponsors a monthly 40K TT that starts 1 March. I plan to do it and see out my "real FTP" is!
BTW - did your wife get that job here is San Antonio with USAA?
I may not have commented much on others, and I read every post. They really made a difference as I pushed on and grew throughout the OS. Thank you.
I've really enjoyed reading all your posts lately and I'm sorry that I haven't had time to comment on them, but you're all doing awesome and the work is really showing this week.
Since I finished with the OS last week I've been doing swim camp this week. I've done 2 swims and I'm surprised at how good it's going. The first swim I did 1900 yards and the second swim I did 2200 before my form started breaking down. My first rule of swimming is that if my form starts to break down I rest or get out of the water. I don't want my muscles learning how to do things the wrong way especially when it comes to swimming. I was supposed to do a swim today but I was jealous of all the bike mojo I've been reading about and my legs were feeling a little twitchy since I've only had a couple of short runs this week so I hopped on the bike this afternoon to try out my shiny new numbers.
The workout for tomorrow was 10X1' (1') Z5 (hard). The notes said: "Coach Note: short and sweet Vo2 set to maintain the sharpness in your legs". 1 minute is short, 10X1 not so much and the new Z5 is anything but sweet. Before the ride I was updating my computrainer software with my new numbers and realized that my new Z3 is just one watt below my NOS beginning FTP. I feel like a frog that's been put into a pot of water and it's been getting hotter for a couple of months now. If I had done this 14 weeks ago I probably would have hopped out, but I guess RnP know what they're doing and it shows.
So my new Vo2 is 310 so that's what I was shooting for in the intervals.
1 - 306
2 - 309
3-7 - 310
8 - 313
9 - 312
10 - 313
So I felt like my legs were going to come off during the last one and then I felt like I was going to die after it was over. Good thing I was on the tri-bike so I could collapse on the aerobars are catch my breath.
Happy run test (if you're doing one this weekend). I waxed up the skis this evening and I'm heading to the cross country trails tomorrow.
Go Hawks!
Holy smokes batman. That test was tough. Held on for dear life for the last 5 minutes of the 20 min interval, it wasn't beautiful, pretty, or perfect by any stretch of the imagination but I got the job done.
Wk 1 : VO2 257 20 Min NP 227 HR 158 FTP 216 wt 65kg Wt/Kg = 3.32
Wk 8 : VO2 257 20 Min NP 240 HR 155 FTP 228 wt 65kg Wt/Kg = 3.5
Wk 14: VO2 268 20 Min NP 254 HR 158 FTP 241 wt 65kg Wt/Kg = 3.7
I had done some math prior to the testing session and had a ballpark for what I was hoping for. Honestly, I probably overshot just a little as the last 5 minutes were BRUTAL and my legs could barely hold on, couldn't have been happier when the test was over for a whole host of reasons.
Recap of the past 14 weeks- I have been very consistent with training, missing one week for a ski trip, and another couple of days at the beginning of week 14 for travel. Luckily, I was able to get in nearly all of the bike workouts. Definitely missed some, but tried to stay as consistent as I could be. Weight stayed the same throughout the entire OS. This falls in line with my general plan. I had no intention of losing any weight at this stage of the game, just really trying to not gain any weight with the holidays which I achieved. Apparently this polar vortex and the activation of the "brown fat" to help with metabolism must be working (half tongue in cheek...)
The FTP I earned today is a lifetime high and I am both excited and scared at the same time. Overall, a 10% gain for the off season this year and a big bump in the wt/kg. BOOM!!! Getting into the 4 wt/kg club might take a fair amount of time and another 20 watts or so, loosing a couple of pounds (which will happen as I get closer to race season) still won't get me there.
So, now as I exit the OS, my goal is to continue to cement this FTP and then looking forward to the speed and endurance it will afford me when races come around this summer.
Happy testing everyone, congrats on all of your gains.
Maybe I'll retest tomorrow evening - I'll see how my legs and overall body is feeling. Currently I don't feel like I want to test ever again.
Don't really want to talk about a lot of details but my HR and RPE was way too high especially after about 5' in the FTP segment and I couldn't get that stabilized. I had to pull the plug after only about 13'. There was no way in the world I could sustain that effort for another 7'.
3 x 12' @ .92IF, .93IF and .96IF.
At that moment, I was happy my FTP had only increased 3 watts!!
Last 2014 OS Saturday ride in the books. 3 x 12 @ 1.00, 1.01 & 1.01 + 12 @ .85.
While I was riding the last 12 min interval (sweetspot) I noticed that my after this last test my "sweetspot" numbers are almost what my FTP was at the start of the OS.
Anybody else moving into the bike focus plan?
I will NOT retest tomorrow - my body and much more my mind is screaming for some time off ... I think the massive amount of training-stress, work-stress, snow shoveling, having a sick junior @ home is paying off right now so it just doesn't make sense to retest.
I'll add 5W to my last tested FTP from mid of December and let this one guide me ... I'm pretty sure this is not far off (2-3W doesn't make any difference here).
Now it's time for having a few cold ones after snow/water shoveling for a 1-2hours (yes it's now raining here after getting 32inch of snow yesterday)...
Got my German cousins coming from Marktoberdorf in April to be with us for Easter and they asked, "will it snow in Texas in April?" I told them it'll be about 40 degrees centigrade. Haven't heard back from them in about a week.