Glenn Wiedenhoeft's advice-o-rama
Coach Patrick, I did a 5km run test on the Sat before beginning Week 1 of HIM Intermediate. i was a bit disappointed with the result shown below. the test was run on a treadmill at 1% incline. Result avg HRM = 139. I always use Scosche armband HR monitor and Digifit (not the machine HR monitor grips). 2 days later (today), i ran the workout specified (MS: 4x800 at z4, (2')) and really felt like pushing into the new z5 (ie., 142+) for all of the 4 intervals - except that i purposely held back to z4 on interval #2.
2 questions:
- Is the treadmill test that i did a good representation of my current fitness? OR,
- Did I run too fast/hard in the z4 intervals? i tend to think interval workouts mean "go as fast as you can for that period of time, as long as you can maintain it repeatedly"
Z1/LRP:90 - 108 | |
Z2/MP:108 - 124 | |
Z3/HMP:124 - 129 | |
Z4/TP:129 - 138 | |
Z5/IP:139 - 142 |
If you are indoors, then I would use the pace numbers from your test (via EN Calculator) vs your heart rate. The pace won't lie whereas HR can vary for tons of reasons not related to how hard you are working to run that fast.
As for the intervals, we want you to do the Maximum Sustainable Pace, aka the pace you can hold for all "X" intervals...4 x 800 as #1 is great but #4 is 30" slower....that is a total bust. So if you are going to exceed the pacing guidance, you need to do it consistently across that workout. If you _repeatedly_ are able to hold this number, then we consider adjusting your test numbers manually or having you retest!
I've had diarrhea for 6 days – finally getting it checked – and no work out, except for snow shoveling, for 5 days. Please help me get back on track. In this case, the G.I. disorder is not debilitating (no fever, fatigue, etc.), but obviously the ability to absorb nutrients is seriously impaired. Each day I didn't work out I THOUGHT would be the last!
Do I just jump into week 4 of HIM? Going to try bike trainer today To see how things go.
Hi Coach, I am wondering when/how I should cycle and run test this week (HIM wk5)! since GI problems kept me from testing wk4. It seems I am recovered from that. What can you tell me from the HR data on Friday's bike workout (View on I feel ready to test this week - I definitely want current FTP and LT data!
Various demands kept me away from a spin bike and from putting in the long bike hours on Saturdays; and this will be the case for the next several weeks. Long runs instead?
Here is Fridays 2/21/2014 bike workout as recorded by DIGIFIT (View on
EN HIM Backtrack
Make up work out while recovering from G.I. illness.
Actual work out:
WU: 10' @65-70%/Zone1
MS1: 2 x 12' (3') @ 95-100%/Zone5
MS2: 1 x 18' (2') @ 95-100%/Zone5
MS3: Remainder @ 70-75%/Zone2
StarTrac Spin bike, no Power, distance or cadence electronics.
Estm. dist = 20 miles
Estm. avg cadence = 97
I biked for 1:04:47
20.00 miles (estm)
803 calories burned
127 avg BPM
144 max BPM
Feb 21
View on
Thanks Coach - Sounds good, but I need to move that plan a day earlier (because of weekend plans, can't run Friday): I did an easy mile swim Monday, so I will do bike test Tues (today!) and run test Thurs. Best I can do on bike test for power, speed, cadence, distance data is one of those big-butt bike machines: I prop up the back end to get I little better seat geometry, but the (stupid) TV screen in front of me prevents a good aero position. Position on a "StarTrac" is better, but no instrumentation (except my own HR record).
I will report results ASAP!
Hi Coach, reporting week 7 HIM swim, run and bike test results :-)
Here is my Digifit HR readout for week 7 bike LTHR test.
<img src="/LinkClick.aspx?fileticket=Til98mjjRJE%3d" />
I know my avg power for the test (282 W), but don't know how to calculate "20-minute normalized power" for the 40min test – under "EN Bike & Run Calculators". On a PRECOR fat-seat machine, Avg power = 282 W. After 15' , it was steady decline from 310 W to 260 W. Avg RPM 89. Is this just a point of curiosity because I am training with HR? But wouldn't it be useful to get good power numbers, just to use on this indoor machine?
I updated my bike HR zones based on this, but not my bike power zones yet.
5km Run test was not good. :-( From my run of 3.19 miles at 28:39, your calculator says my vDOT is 33. Both my stomach and nasal passages slowed me that day, so I hope to test again soon when feeling better. WHEN?
I did NOT update my HR run zones because of this.
Swim T-test from "big training day" Sat: 1:50 sec/100yds.
Thank you!
Why have two 2700+ yard plus swimming days in a row? Why not spread it out and swim MWF?
Glenn, we can have you test next Tuesday…plan on Monday 3/31 off, then run test on Tuesday (instead of your regular workout).
We have the double swim days as there is minimal "cost" here physically speaking, and it allows us to keep our Hard Run / Hard Bike / Long Run pattern on Tues / Wed / Thurs respectively!
I'm on week 11 of intermediate HIM. 6hr Big training day for Sat conflicts with other commitments.
What do you think about this alternative?
1. Fri: long swim + 3 hour bike ride (was rest day)
2. Sat: rest, and do the other capital commitments.
3. Sun: ANOTHER long bike ride - say, 2 hours –, followed by the prescribed 1 hour run.(Was rest day)
I DO understand the strategy of the long workout reload to have to race hydration/nutrition etc simulation, but I can't juggle the hours this time.
PS. I also posted this in the "spring half Ironman " forum, because I thought other people could benefit and I didn't know if this was a "micro" question.
Week 20, intermediate HIM. Race day Aug 17, PIGMAN Long-course, Cedar Rapids, Iowa
Unfortunately, I had to miss the long bike workout at the end of wk 19 - both Sat and Sun were off; generally everything else on track. Should i skip/replace Monday's swim in order to do some kind of long bike workout, e.g., at least the intervals part of the 150 min ride?
Thank you.
By the way, this race replaces the HIM planned for June, which i could not do because of a broken leg April 16.
Racing against Alzheimer's:
In memory of Timothy Jenks
?A race: IMWI 2016. B race: tbd. June HIM in Wis or Minn
– Should I start "swim camp" or some other emphasis? Weather is no hindrance - a warm Spring in the Midwest.
Thanks for your help!
Glenn, the TSR I created for you is here. Please follow my guidance in that tool with regards to what plans to do when, etc. If your race plans are/will be changing, please submit a new TSR request, from that same link above, when you've solidified your plans. Good luck!
Coach Rich,
Thank you, I reviewed my new TSR, and was reminded that I am planning on a HIM in early August. According to other advise from EN, would a JUNE HIM be better? i.e., less disruption of the lead-up to IMWI?
Thank you!
A June HIM in prep for IMWI would be better than an August HIM, for sure.
Hello Coach and EN geniuses!
Thanks for the recommendations on timing of the HIM not so close to IMWI.
What is your opinion on the following two opportunities: #1, #2, or both?1. for June 18: I was about to sign up for TOUGHMAN WISCONSIN HIM, which also was my first HIM in 2013...
2. for June 10-11 (just 1 wk prior): I also have an early IMWI course training opportunity with Team World Vision (TWV; fundraising!) as follows:
The most valuable part of #2 is Saturday. There will be other opportunities to swim/bike/run the IM course in Madison with EN and TWV, but I like the earliness of this exposure... (ahem, but not the exposure to Lake Mendota temperature). And of course I don't know if those later, to-be-announced training days will be quite as available on my calendar.
Thanks for all your awesome input!
Thanks for checking in. I guess we just need to be mindful of your life / SAU costs of these options...I really only see the value of #2 with world vision (vs fri/Sat/Sun)...always good to get that recon in early as later on life can get crazy at the worst times. I like the idea of the Half...nice to go back to a course you know, and if you only do #2 in Madison from the prior week you should be fine.
Let me know what you think!
~ Patrick
Coach Patrick,
It looks like I should do the HIM as an A race (well, OK, it's my B race, really) Sat, June 18. So I am NOT racing in August. We will see how the SAUs stack up for the training day June 11 in Madison!
Do I stick with week 2 of Swim Camp? Do I load up an EN HIM plan? Or stick with IMWI schedule?
Since I am changing B race HIM to June instead of August, I submitted changes for a new/revised Season Roadmap. Starting to train w power on bike 3rd week of April, so June 18 TOUGHMAN will be my first race using power. Looking forward to this new level of knowledge - but whoa, will need help making sense of the piles of data! I think Wm Jenks may pitch in here
#1. 1 or 2 weeks of swim camp? I think it's really how you feel Post OS + How You Feel @ Your Swim. If you are rested up after 1 week and you are okay about your current swim fitness, then let's do it. If you are still a bit tired / worried about the swim, let's give it another week. I'd rather you be rested for the full season vs getting too excited too early. Trust me on that one.
#2. You would load the HIM that through June 18..then a transition week before doing the IM plan through IMWI.
#3. Tons to learn re power...but you do need to ride it a lot just to get used to do THAT while you aggregate the data....then head over to the Power/Pace forum to see what folks are talking about, and over to the Bike section of the Wiki as well:
Sat 4/23, I loaded "2016 EN*Half, Minimalist, 12 Weeks, Intermediate" plan, to prepare for June 19 TOUGHMAN WIS. I did that AFTER the end of swim camp Vo2max bike workout. Discovery: I see yesterday (Saturday) would have been pretty big training time (i.e., race sim) had I already been on HIM plan (wk 4) prior to this. So my recent sequence, in part due to the recent decision to race in June instead of August, was/is:
Today (Sunday) the split long run went ok - the splits separated only by 30min of rest/fuel/legs up. Second split @TRP I felt "constant" as directed in coaching notes.
Overall I think you are in a great place and ready for the push...let's do this!
Overall I think you are in a great place and ready for the push...let's do this!