Deb Livernois Micro Thread
Hey Coach!
Man, I am LOVING the JOS! I am riding with power for the first time and so I admit that when I took the test to start, I really didn't know what to expect so made sure I could maintain my power during the two 8-minute sessions. As a result, my FTP is 155. As I am riding over these last 4 weeks, I notice that the rides cause my HR to be REALLY low, like below Z1. Today's ride (Wk 4, Sat Beg) during the 155 FTB sessions (8', 10', 8') my HR averaged Z1. During the 10' session, I decided to bump it up and see if I could sustain 165 FTP which I did easily and HR just bumped Z2. Should I change my FTP setting for the next 4 weeks or just wait until the test week 8? I love the workouts, but since I'll be jumping to a HIM plan with only 8 weeks before my race, I want to get as much as possible out of every workout. Thanks!