It was a really tough workout today but I have a feeling it might be partly because I didn't plan to do the workout until the evening then my schedule got screwed up so I hadn't eaten much and was running home from a client in the suburbs and squeezing this in before heading off to something else.
In any case I hit the numbers and my HR seems to be coming back into a normal range…thank goodness!! Although it might also have been because the room was so bloody cold (so cold I had no fan going).
I just realize i miss-reported the Thursday IF: the first one was 1.17 and the rest 1.21-1.23 Doing the calculation in my head I used the target as the demoninator and not FTP
Killed the bike yesterday - First I did the 8x1.5' VO2 workout at a little higher watts than Z5; Then for the fun/challenge of it, I added 2x45" (45") at Zone: Super Hard (Z6). First time tracking anything over 300W with a 306W Normalized Avg Watts for the 2x45"
Sorry that i have not posted in a while. I have been "Slacking" on my workouts. When i say slacking, i am doing the workouts a day or two late. So yesterday was off, but i will do Thursday's workout on Friday. Why? I actually have no clue.
Today, I did my first bike "workout" in 2 weeks. I put a trainer tire on the mountain bike I keep stashed here in Colorado, and spent 5 minutes figuring out how to operate the TACX trainer I have here. Hopefully, I won't have lost much from skiing bumps and powder for 2 weeks when I re-start next Tuesday after I get home.
Posted By Al Truscott on 07 Feb 2014 02:10 PM Today, I did my first bike "workout" in 2 weeks. I put a trainer tire on the mountain bike I keep stashed here in Colorado, and spent 5 minutes figuring out how to operate the TACX trainer I have here. Hopefully, I won't have lost much from skiing bumps and powder for 2 weeks when I re-start next Tuesday after I get home.
Ok, I missed my first workout day of the offseason. Work got crazy this week and I simply didn't have time to hit the bike yesterday. I hate when work gets in the way of life! Although I now need to work all weekend and be out of town all next week for a deposition and a hearing, I hope to get my weekend work in.
Here is the question for the hardcore people -- I will be driving out of town on Sunday and likely won't be back until next Saturday. I could load my bike and trainer in the car to squeeze wrokouts in when I'm not working, although I anticipate working 12-14 hours per day for the next week. What are the thoughts on bringing the bike (I already checked and the hotel has treadmills)? Sure, my colleagues may think I'm a bit strange if they see me carrying a bike and trainer into the hotel, but I don't care! Thoughts???
My vote: do all the week's runs while away (eg, find a way to do Sat and Sun runs during the week) and do a VO2 bike workout when you get home on Sat, then the Sat bike wko on Sunday. Path of least resistence, IMO.
If taking the bike and trainer are optional, then I would take it. I've taken mine many places during my years in the military. Having it in your room motivates you to get it done. Remember, it's all about the main set, not volume.
Due to some schedule issues I had to do the Saturday ride tonight. I wasn't deeling too bad despite yesterday's VO2 intervals and it was a pretty good workout. My HR is back to normal and I'm feeling like my fitness is coming back nicely. My power was good although not stellar. It was a hard ride but I'm starting to feel more like I'm getting back into good riding shape. I'm still back in week #2 since my re-start so it was 2x10'(4') then 2x15'(2') then I added 6' to finish. On the z4 I did the first at high cadence then on the second went with a higher gear for more watts.
It's been a bit of a long and exhausting week, but the Force was with me today: I nailed the bike and run, and threw in a swim and some core exercises/stretches which I'd been neglecting. Now for a bowl of spaghetti, followed by a well-deserved nap
I swam 2000 meters this am. Went to Masters swim class & I was the only person who showed up. Benefit: got a private lesson from swim coach. Worked on my technique, especially my rt arm catch. Then did 12 x 50 meter sprints. Ouch!! I wasn't planning on that when I went to the pool but I held the first 10 @ 51". did 52" for last 2 sprints as I fatigued a little.
Then did 75 ' on trainer. 2 x15' (5') @ 255/100W + 1 x 10' @ 215W. then ran 2 very EZ miles on the mill. 8:55 pace @ 1% incline.
Tomorrow I'm racing the Cupid's Dash 10k in Highland Park, but the weather isn't looking good. 5-10* F and 2 inches of fresh snow. Probably not a day for a PR or Vdot bump. Will be cautious since I don't want to slip and fall.
Am almost back from cold/flu and infection......Hit all intervals in bike wko today. Flying tonight for business to Spain, plan to get in run wko's during week per @Al's and trainer not good on plane anyway
Rode at my clubs computrainer lab this am and had do much fun suffering with friends! . Haven't pulled apart my data yet but pretty sure I overachieved. Got 30 miles in in 1:45, my longest ride this out season. Brick was good too. Then did a few planks and push-ups for good measure! Feels good to work hard!
I traveled to my parents this weekend to visit my brother and his family who are in town from Maine. Lots of unhealthy food and screaming kids running around so I wasn't sure how it was going to go down today. I extended the ride a little bit because I knew I wouldn't get the run in. I did some hill repeats on the sledding hill instead! The bike ended up going pretty well.
2 X 15(4) @ 1.02 & 1.03 1 X 10 @ 1.03 1 X 30 @ .861
Abbreviated bike workout today. I got in the warmup and one of the 12' FTP intervals before life got in the way. I guess it was better than nothing, but disappointing nonetheless.
Thanks all for the advice on traveling with the bike. As much as I want to bring it, I think I'm going to have to go with Al's advice. Looks like a week of hotel treadmill fun for me!
I've been kinda quiet around here but I'm still with you all. I ripped the bike workout today and I think it was because of two things. I got a new Ultegra 12-23 cassette for the trainer wheel and now it is so much easier to find the right gear and cadence situation whenever I want it. Much smoother power traces. Me like having 12-13-14-15-16-17-18-19 all in a row. Plus it's only a 2 tooth jump with the 19-21-23 section.
The other reason might be due to what I've been doing this week. I've been on The Tour de Shovelandria. NJ got hit pretty good with two storms this past week and I got out there and shoveled people out, over and over again. Every single day. A few of those days involved almost 7 hours of shoveling heavy wet snow, or the subsequent heavily iced snow. I've only done one run this week but I've kept up with the bike workouts and I think the heavy core work has paid off a bit. Looking forward to my next bike test.
@Peter - It's been a tough winter. I'm hoping the Tour ends soon...
Great brick wko for me yesterday. Exhausting, but felt good to complete. My the high end of my z4 is 205 watts, but I decided to go for 210 since my legs felt strong following the rest day. I hit 210+ for all, which served as a good confidence boost. Made the 50' run more challenging, but I managed to hit times on that as well.
Ride was 86' Total with TSS of 116.1
15'(4')@z4 --- NP 210, IF 1.034 15'(4')@z4 --- NP 212, IF 1.044 5'(5')@z4 --- NP 212, IF 1.044 15'(8')@z3 --- NP 177, IF 0.872
Today was the second race in the local Time Trial series. Very happy to report that I took 2nd overall (a whippersnapper 20+ years my junior beat me by 6 seconds!), and 1st in Age Group. I could feel the effects of yesterdays FTP ride, but still pleased with my numbers.
Well figure skating isn’t exactly the programming I was thinking of when I was looking forward to watching Olympics coverage during workouts on the bike. But that was what was on this morning, so that was what I got. Adding the fourth ride I think is helping my fitness get back although there is no way it is offsetting all these lost runs. In any case, it was a good one today and despite the intervals being 30' long instead of 22.5', my power was better and HR was lower. Great stuff!!
After flip - flopping the week-end bike and run wkos, rather than hit the trainer for Saturdays bike, I took advantage of it being nice enough to ride outside and got in a solid 2 hours with a couple buddies. Threw in some uphill sprints for good measure. Enjoy the rest day tomorrow!
Late posting, but chose to do SufferFest Rubber Glove last night instead of intervals. It looks like at least a 11 W FTP increase already. I just wanted to make sure that for the next couple of weeks I'm getting in all of the work I deserve.
Today was the second race in the local Time Trial series. Very happy to report that I took 2nd overall (a whippersnapper 20+ years my junior beat me by 6 seconds!), and 1st in Age Group. I could feel the effects of yesterdays FTP ride, but still pleased with my numbers.
My saturday am bike was a little off. I am a avid paleo dieter and recently listened to a few lectures on ketogenic diet and benefits for endurance athletes and how even Ben Greenfield is ketogenic. So since I eat no gluten or grains, I went two days with a 60-10-30 ratio F/C/P. I wasn't in ketosis per my test strips but tried the saturday am who without my usual applesauce, so…. didn't go well. I struggled on the first 15' at .97. Got off the bike shaking and guzzled 20 gm of IM perform, then did OK, second 15' and the 5' at 1.01. Then 15 min at .85. The BRIC was ok, achieving z3-4 paces on the way back. I then guzzled a 2 scoop infinite recovery drink and legs felt torched the rest of the day, which isn't usually the case.
Ketogenic diet is a topic for the nutrition forums I suppose but bottom line is they say it takes about 3 weeks to achieve ketotic state and be fat burning and probably can't do a heavy who during that period. Will definitely be reading more about it but will stick to the core diet plan for now
In any case I hit the numbers and my HR seems to be coming back into a normal range…thank goodness!! Although it might also have been because the room was so bloody cold (so cold I had no fan going).
Overall 60' @ NP 234 (IF 0.955), HR avg 160 / max 193 (still very high but not 197 like last week).
Intervals (NP / IF / HRavg / HRmax)
306 / 1.251 / 169 / 179
307 / 1.254 / 173 / 183
297 / 1.214 / 175 / 184
306 / 1.247 / 179 / 189
302 / 1.233 / 181 / 191
308 / 1.257 / 184 / 193
14' @z3+ – NP 234, IF 0.956, HR avg 179 / HR max 184
Killed the bike yesterday - First I did the 8x1.5' VO2 workout at a little higher watts than Z5; Then for the fun/challenge of it, I added 2x45" (45") at Zone: Super Hard (Z6). First time tracking anything over 300W with a 306W Normalized Avg Watts for the 2x45"
Mentally, this is huge ... Boom!
8x1.5' (1.5') VO2
2x45" (45") VO2
Today hurt. I had to do Sats workout today following Thursday suffer fest. Today I paid the price and it showed in the numbers and pic.
Today hurt....FTP's only hit at .92, .91, and .94. Sweet spot hit at 1.03.Overall IF hit at .83 so I will take it. Now to the gym to run and swim
Run done and it hurt too. 6.25 miles in 50 minutes. Just feel really ass tired today and glad tomorrow is a rest and stretch day.
Al, you will do great!
Here is the question for the hardcore people -- I will be driving out of town on Sunday and likely won't be back until next Saturday. I could load my bike and trainer in the car to squeeze wrokouts in when I'm not working, although I anticipate working 12-14 hours per day for the next week. What are the thoughts on bringing the bike (I already checked and the hotel has treadmills)? Sure, my colleagues may think I'm a bit strange if they see me carrying a bike and trainer into the hotel, but I don't care! Thoughts???
If you have a small fan, I recommend you take it as well (in that vein, I highly recommend this one as it moves a plethora of air -- )
Your own bike is infinitely better than a hotel POS in the fitness room.
Overall 90' @ NP 219 (IF 0.893), HR avg 158 / max 184.
10'(4') @z4 – NP 251, IF 1.026, HR 166 / 175, cad 94
10'(4') @z4 – NP 259, IF 1.057, HR 175 / 184, cad 90
15'(2') @z3 – NP 223, IF 0.911, HR 172 / 177, cad 90
15'(2') @z3 – NP 225, IF 0.917, HR 172 / 180, cad 90
6' @z3 – NP 229, IF 0.934, HR 170 / 176, cad 91
Did an easy 21 miles on the drainer followed by a steady 5K run. Nothing too hard today since I hope to blow the carbon out in tomorrow's duathlon.
Good luck Paul...have fun.
I swam 2000 meters this am. Went to Masters swim class & I was the only person who showed up. Benefit: got a private lesson from swim coach. Worked on my technique, especially my rt arm catch. Then did 12 x 50 meter sprints. Ouch!! I wasn't planning on that when I went to the pool but I held the first 10 @ 51". did 52" for last 2 sprints as I fatigued a little.
Then did 75 ' on trainer. 2 x15' (5') @ 255/100W + 1 x 10' @ 215W. then ran 2 very EZ miles on the mill. 8:55 pace @ 1% incline.
Tomorrow I'm racing the Cupid's Dash 10k in Highland Park, but the weather isn't looking good. 5-10* F and 2 inches of fresh snow. Probably not a day for a PR or Vdot bump. Will be cautious since I don't want to slip and fall.
Am almost back from cold/flu and infection......Hit all intervals in bike wko today. Flying tonight for business to Spain, plan to get in run wko's during week per @Al's and trainer not good on plane anyway
Had a pretty decent ride today. I have decided for now to go with the 10ez/3x3(1)@Z3 warmup. Intervals were:
Interval IF / HRavg / HRmax
I forewent the extra Z3 work since I am doing Time Trial #2 for our local series tomorrow morning. 6 miles at VO2 efforts...Woot! Woot!
Rode at my clubs computrainer lab this am and had do much fun suffering with friends!
2 X 15(4) @ 1.02 & 1.03
1 X 10 @ 1.03
1 X 30 @ .861
Entire workout (239 watts):
Duration: 1:43:36
Work: 1482 kJ
TSS: 140 (intensity factor 0.902)
Norm Power: 260
VI: 1.09
Min Max Avg
Power: 0 546 239 watts
Heart Rate: 78 173 152 bpm
Cadence: 23 135 81 rpm
Thanks all for the advice on traveling with the bike. As much as I want to bring it, I think I'm going to have to go with Al's advice. Looks like a week of hotel treadmill fun for me!
I've been kinda quiet around here but I'm still with you all. I ripped the bike workout today and I think it was because of two things. I got a new Ultegra 12-23 cassette for the trainer wheel and now it is so much easier to find the right gear and cadence situation whenever I want it. Much smoother power traces. Me like having 12-13-14-15-16-17-18-19 all in a row. Plus it's only a 2 tooth jump with the 19-21-23 section.
The other reason might be due to what I've been doing this week. I've been on The Tour de Shovelandria. NJ got hit pretty good with two storms this past week and I got out there and shoveled people out, over and over again. Every single day. A few of those days involved almost 7 hours of shoveling heavy wet snow, or the subsequent heavily iced snow. I've only done one run this week but I've kept up with the bike workouts and I think the heavy core work has paid off a bit. Looking forward to my next bike test.
Great brick wko for me yesterday. Exhausting, but felt good to complete. My the high end of my z4 is 205 watts, but I decided to go for 210 since my legs felt strong following the rest day. I hit 210+ for all, which served as a good confidence boost. Made the 50' run more challenging, but I managed to hit times on that as well.
Ride was 86' Total with TSS of 116.1
15'(4')@z4 --- NP 210, IF 1.034
15'(4')@z4 --- NP 212, IF 1.044
5'(5')@z4 --- NP 212, IF 1.044
15'(8')@z3 --- NP 177, IF 0.872
Today was the second race in the local Time Trial series. Very happy to report that I took 2nd overall (a whippersnapper 20+ years my junior beat me by 6 seconds!), and 1st in Age Group. I could feel the effects of yesterdays FTP ride, but still pleased with my numbers.
Now to work on honey-dos....
Overall 75' @ NP 221 (IF 0.900), avg cad 89, HR avg 152 / HR max 176.
30'(2') @z3+ – NP: 222 (IF 0.905), VI 1.00, HR 157/165, cad 93
30' @z3+/z4 – NP: 238 (IF 0.973), VI 1.00, HR 168/176, cad 91
I did the first 30' totally in the bars at a higher cadence, then for the second I went one gear up and was sitting.
After flip - flopping the week-end bike and run wkos, rather than hit the trainer for Saturdays bike, I took advantage of it being nice enough to ride outside and got in a solid 2 hours with a couple buddies. Threw in some uphill sprints for good measure. Enjoy the rest day tomorrow!
Awesome stuff Joe. Flying out there.
Ketogenic diet is a topic for the nutrition forums I suppose but bottom line is they say it takes about 3 weeks to achieve ketotic state and be fat burning and probably can't do a heavy who during that period. Will definitely be reading more about it but will stick to the core diet plan for now