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Week 6 of 20 IMTX

Happy post Superbowl Monday all!

Use this forum to post this week's work and share with the team no matter if you are in Swim Camp, Get faster or other.  We are all focused on the same goal and should post when possible to drive the mojo on this team to the focal point!

Aqua / run for me this morning:

Run: http://www.strava.com/activities/110922957

Swim: http://www.strava.com/athletes/1052687

Good luck this week PEEPS!



  • Hit the pool. More or less the GF monday swim. 100's and 200's on short rest with the last 50 going hard. The swim really does come back pretty quick. I know that yall told me this but after my first session back a few weeks ago I was seriously doubting you.
  • Figured out my schedule going forward last night.  Will be different days the the EN plan but this is the best for my schedule:

    Monday:  Bike + T Run

    Tuesday: Swim + Core 15'

    Wednesday: Bike +T Run

    Thursday:  Swim + Core 15'

    Friday:  Moderate length Run + Core 60' with trainer

    Saturday:  Long Bike

    Sunday:  Long Run

    Only two run days because of my knee and may cut one of them into 1/2 treadmill and 1/2 outside.  

    Only two swims also.  But they will be quality swims.  1:20 +  

    Today I did:

    Sufferfest "There is No Try" and "Extra Shot".

    Overall time: 1:18

    IF = .88

    NP = 203

    Plus 20' T Run at Z2 pace

    NP is based on my OUTSIDE 237 FTP.  I struggled . . . . as should be the case with new FT bump.

  • @ John - good looking modified schedule accommodating work/life!  That long run is going to feel LONG day after that long bike but "What doesn't kill you.............."   Way to suck it up, set the FTP straight and move forward!!
  • @John, you mentioned that you expect your 237 FTP to rise into the 270s or so as you go through the IM portion of the plan leading to race time mid-May. I, on the other hand, was thinking the 30% FTP gain I got this OS was a dream come true and it would stabilize as we enter IM phase or even go down a tad. Is it typical to see gains, stability or slump in FTP during the IM-specific training portion? If I thought that I could get another 20-30 FTP points during IM phase, I would remove 4w/kg from the same category as unicorns and yetis.
  • @SS way to keep us moving along

    @Jimmy yep time to get swimming

    @JS Personally I like the longrun day after the longbike day.

    @Mike R..... I think what your FTP does between end of OS and end of your IM build depends on where you have come from , where your at now , and where you have been. It also depends on balancing the training and fatigue. Building the far on top of fast will most certainly maintain what you have ,if done right and could quite possibly add a small % as well. Sounds like you plucked a lot of low hanging fruit during your OS and I would expect you to drift up a few more watts FTP thru your IM build but don't expect too much. My experience in 1st year EN was about 25% gain in OS and then maybe another 2-3% during the IM build , 2nd year OS was maybe 2-3% gain and ZERO % in the IM build , 3rd year OS was another 2-3% gain and then a loss of 2-3% during the IM build.... This year I'll be happy to reach last years highs heck I'm hoping for even a gain of 1-2 watts.... Even though FTP gains are becoming smaller and smaller by building the far on top of fast season after season I am also adding to the % of that FTP I am capable of riding for an IM bike leg... There are plenty of people that may have a 4.0 w/kg ratio but they can't ride .75 for an IM..... Sometimes I think we should talk in terms of w/kg for your bike split! Thats a real number from a real ride instead of a estimated 1hr power from a 20min ride. Make sense? Bottomline is your in good shape to build that far on top of fast!
  • All that babbling and I forgot to login my wko's of the day.... 1/2 recovery spin on the trainer , and 1hr in the pool with paddles , PB , fins......
  • @Tim, great insight. Along the lines of what I was thinking, with real-world context. Much appreciated. Mike
  • Mike - Tim made great points below.  Keep in mind that I did NOT do OS and I plan on extra biking/intervals during my IM plan because I won't be running as much.  So I have more headroom for FTP increase.  Lotsa a room for growth in my legs.  Will I reach 270's?  We shall see.

    With that said, I did start OS last time at 235, not IM plan.  So that was a mistake on my part.  Sorry about that.


  • Almost forgot . . . great comments on w/kg., Tim.  W/kg. is all that really matters.  All the talk about huge FT numbers really mean nothing if your w/kg. is 2.2.  Or even 2.51 like mine currently.  Time for me to lose more weight and increase my FT.    3.0 or bust!

  • Howdy all -- checking in on the IMTX wko forums for the first time. Had a solid NOS with big gains on the FTP front and consistency in hitting my intervals thanks to more focused rest and recovery vs. my first OS last year. Still need to do my run test to finish off the NOS, so will try to work a 5k or 10k into the next couple weeks of swim camp.

    Got to the pool late today and mostly focused on drills and swim golf. After 35', I noticed my form faltering, so I got out and did 12' of core work. These next 3 weeks will be a challenge with some crazy work and personal travel, so it's a nice time to transition from the OS before dropping into the IM plan in a few weeks.

    Looking forward to training, learning, and racing with you all!

    @SS -- thx for organizing these threads. they were invaluable during the NOS and it looks like there's a lot of positive energy already here. it can only grow as we approach May 17!
  • w/kg doesn't take into account aerodynamics. w/kg is a much better predictor for a steep hill climb where aerodynamics and rolling resistance do not factor in much. For us triathletes that race predominantly flatter courses, aerodynamics is a huge factor along with watts and weight.

    ...Which reminds me, it's time to do some stretching drills.
  • If it's not too early to train for the heat of IMTX, this morning's sweatfest of a run (77 degrees, 78% humidity) was a good start.
  • 30' run with strides this morning thru the snow. No heat training for me yet!
  • Some really good insights/commentary below....  Makes us all stronger/smarter for what is lurking ahead.  Keep the debate/commentary/questions/comments streaming........

    I did the Aqua / Run thing again today:

    Technique focused swim: http://www.strava.com/activities/111170198

    2 X 1 TM run @ 1%: http://www.strava.com/activities/111170193

    It is cold and wet in Dallas today and the rest of this week but that will change to heat/humidity very soon......

    Strong, consistent work all!


  • ran outside w/no jacet today! south texas weather is all over the place. Thursday long run will be in the 20's.
    But today was 1hr 6.75mi with 2x1 and 2x.5 Z4.

    The w/kg cpnversation is interesting. The kg part becomes a much bigger deal to me once I GET OFF of the bike and start running. In fact, one of my keys to breaking our of the 30% in my AG and getting in to the top quarter will be hauling a few less kg's around the run course. Thus my current boycott of ice cream.
  • Good work, everyone!

    I am missing my swim today.  My Webelos Cub Scouts are crossing over to BOY Scout tomorrow night and had to run a bunch of errands today to get ready.  I have had these boy with me for 5 years now.  Gonna miss being their leader.

    Will do my core work tonight.

  • Even though I dont post lots of daily workouts, I love to see what everyone is up too. Im in week 5 of the GF plan. 6x1.5 today on bike. Thanks for all the mojo...it really helps!!!!!!
  • Oh yeah some new names showing up.... IMTX is building..... Dont be strangers!

    todays bike 5 x 5' @108% ..... hard.... was supposed to be easier than last weeks 6 x 5' but ya know how that goes.....

    ran 3.75miles later in the day and could still feel that ride!
  • Swim last night was shortened due to my usual pool being "closed for maintenance"....looked like a swamp though. Sure wish that'd been posted in the locker room or somewhere besides the last door to the pool, cuz I already was ready to jump in....had to drive down the road a few miles to the next gym, only to find the aqua-aerobics class running late.  And, that pool (never used it before) was ~22yds long?  What the heck?  Squeezed in what I could (had to pick up kid from bball practice)....it is what it is!  

    Nice afternoon here in South Texas, so I got to ride outside on the road bike.  Skipped the 7x1.5'@Z5 on trainer, but picked all the hills I could find nearby and focused on solid VO2 efforts.  Felt great....hate the trainer!  1:18 at IF of 0.93.  As Jimmy and SS pointed out, the weather in Texas is all over the place.  But, at least as many good days as bad.  I don't know how the Yankees and Canadians do it....I'd blow my brains out.  

    Enjoying the mojo on Strava....if you're not on the IMTX "club", I'd encourage you to join.  It motivates me to see what Tim and SS and others are doing every day (especially when I don't feel like doing what I need to do).  



  • @ Jeff - way to keep fighting despite what life throws at you each day - motivating for all of us!

    Looked at Tim's 5 X 5s yesterday and decided to put on my big boy pants this morning for a dose of the same......from the Old School Joule and WKO+ files:


    Interval 1 Duration: 5:02, TSS: 10.3 (intensity factor 1.109), Norm Power: 326

    Interval 2 Duration: 5:01, TSS: 10.2 (intensity factor 1.103), Norm Power: 324

    Interval 3 Duration: 5:02, TSS: 10.5 (intensity factor 1.119), Norm Power: 329  (better song on playlist)

    Interval 4 Duration: 5:00, TSS: 10.4 (intensity factor 1.116), Norm Power: 328

    Interval 5 Duration: 5:02, TSS: 10.4 (intensity factor 1.110), Norm Power: 326

    Link to Strava IMTX Club Jeff mentioned below: http://www.strava.com/clubs/46766

    Happy Hump Day All!


  • @ Stark - glad to see you have your priorities right on the Scouts time.......Great Picture!  Keep Leading!!

    @ Jimmy - way to nail the 2X1s!  Always looks fairly straight forward on paper.....then there's the actual execution.

    Welcome Annie!!

  • @SS ---Glad I could provide a little motivation! I dont think you needed it nailing those at 110% + ........
  • This morning's run felt good for the first time in a couple weeks.  Whew!  Followed by a mediocre-at-best swim (6 x 400 @ 1:25 and 1:26 looks easier on paper than in the water; 1:32s and 33s is what actually transpired).  Dropped one of the kids at school, at work by 8:30.  I may be unusually quiet during my 2pm conference call this afternoon.
  • missed morning bike. Had to be in line @ 5am to get my kid a seat in a pre-k program. I figured if I can get up at 430 to train, I can sure as heck get up for that. So I will make it up tonight on the trainer. After all the talk about 5x5, sounds like that will be onthe menu. And now I have all day to get psyched for it.
    great work all. made the mistake of looking at my vol at this point in the train up for IMFL. It was higher. But then I was also summer time and I was biking outside. This is going to be a true test of the less vol/more intensity.

  • Posted By Shaughn Simmons on 05 Feb 2014 08:38 AM

    @ Stark - glad to see you have your priorities right on the Scouts time.......Great Picture!  Keep Leading!!

    Tonight is Crossover.  I am done.  All my boys move on to BOY Scouts.    5 years with these dudes.  Total fun.

    Now . . . . on to Philmont Scout Ranch in 2015.  104 mile multi-day backpacking trip at elevation.  Need to be fully self-contained.  I think I am more excited than my son.   

    Ok, now back to your regularly scheduled IMTX training chatter.

  • I bailed for now the Strava IMTX posting.  I upload everything to Training Peaks online and then also post in here.  Having a 3rd place to be "social" is a bit much right now.  Plus aren't we supposed to really focus in here?  Just curious.

    With that sed:

    Completed the new "Chrysalis" Sufferfest triathlon video.  Very fun to do 4x bike to run transitions and all the bike gear and effort changes.  Plus all the incline and pace changes on the dreadmill.  Made the 60' go by in a snap.  Now just need to figure out how to tally the data.  Forgot to hit the "lap" button on the Edge 510 a couple of times.  Plus no data from treadmill.

    Followed it up with a 3 mile Z2 T-run.  Legs felt GREAT!

  • @ Stark - can you put me in your backpack on your way to Phil Mont?  I would love that!  Have done that trip before......it is wonderful and a bonding experience for sure!  

    @ Mike - some solid run and swim splits there if you ask me.....nothing mediocre about it! 

    On the optional Strava link,  I think that is just there for others already using Strava much like the EN Strava club: http://www.strava.com/clubs/enduran...thlon-team

    Z2/Z3 run coming up this evening for me........

  • @JS--- I hear ya on the Strava/EN boards ... Felt that way when I saw some groups posting on FB... Either or Both are fine but Primary should definitely be EN IMTX boards for those that arent on Strava...... I download my wko's to Garmin.... Then I let tapiriik.com to transfer to TP and Strava ... If it weren't for that feature I would find it hard to want to download 3 places...

    3 wko's today.... Run was my focus and hard workout....
    Bike very easy but with 5 - 20sec sprints http://connect.garmin.com/activity/440903297#
    Run 8 x .25 V02 http://connect.garmin.com/activity/440979071
    Swim wu then 20 x 100 alternating fast/slow http://connect.garmin.com/activity/441064747
  • Wow - reading all the comments are quite inspiring... keep them rolling

    I started in the pool this week and it wasn't pretty. I will have faith that working on the drills will help me not drown during the races. I am sure it will be great. I have been very pleased with the OS. I was able to PR on my Half marathon on Sunday by about 2.5 minutes and had a blast during the race. I've been able to increase my FTP to new highs and hope to maintain fitness through the IM training. Very excited and look forward to the coming weeks...
  • I'm sure it's just me, but my Wednesday Z4 at 10', 15', then 10' on the trainer was absolutely miserable. Maybe even worse than the FTP test. I still can't really underdstand why riding the trainer is so much more dreadful than riding outside? Before riding with power and only using HR, I assumed the extra misery was because it was harder to increase my HR being inside and such, but that's obviously not the case.
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