Dave James Micro Thread
Coach P - I'm a new member that has not been able to take much advantage yet of the forums due to some work issues going on, but I've been trying to get the OS plan going and I've got a few questions for you, but first a little background;
I've completed two Ironman races with the last one being in 2011. I've done some shorter races in 2012 (2 half ironman races) and no triathlons in 2013. For 2013, I did Los Angeles Marathon (4:15) and a 40 mile Mountain Bike endurance race (7.5 hours, 8K climbing) in the early part of the year. When I did my training in 2013, I had a very difficult time with speed for both running and biking and as the year went on after the events, my speed seemed like it continued to decrease. I've been consistent in working out, but with no races, I just ran to stay in shape, and rode both mountain and road for staying in shape and having fun. However, while having "fun", I felt very overexerted and it got to the point, where I questioned my doctor at my annual physical to see if there was anything wrong. He did blood tests and a heart stress test and nothing came up. While I am 10 pounds above my triathlon weight, it is very frustrating while running for example, that an 8 minute mile even right now is tough. In addition, while I am doing the OS plan, I go riding with a buddy who only rides once a week and he kicks my ass on most rides while climbing. I am working out almost 5 days a week with running and riding and I still can't keep up with most friends or riding groups. My times on Strava also are off from 1 - 2 years ago.
One of the reasons for joining the team, has been to help push myself, use more resources, and have access to coaches and peers for insight. If you have any thoughts on what I should be doing or if there are other "tests" I should do that'd be great. Here's some general questions:
1) When I did my run test for the OS plan, I did it on a treadmill and could barely keep an 8 minute pace. Since getting into the OS plan more, I feel like I am slightly improving, but when I am doing my mile repeats, I am still at an +/- 8 min pace and it's still not easy Noting that the plan calls for 3 repeats, I'm not trying to kill myself so I can last, but if I am feeling exerted at that pace, should I continue to push into getting outside of the comfort zone or back-off somewhat. My HR at that pace for the mile is around Z3 to the low Z4. It just seems crazy that I am pushing into Z4 at only a 8 min. pace?
2) I don't have my road bike right now, I'm hoping to get it shortly. I have been doing my rides on a mountian bike either on dirt or road. Again, my perceived exertion is higher than my actual as my HR is in Z1 and Z2 most often. I live in CA and try to get on the road/trails as much as I can, but for mid-week traiining, should I use a stationary bike to see if I can push the pace better? I am questioning this b/c my buddy who literally rides 1x a week, beats me uphill, very frustrating!
3) When I explained what was going on with my doctor, I advised that perceived extertion for riding and running was tough (This was in July 2013). I also advised that I thought I had excessive sweating and was having trouble with completing a 4 mile run with the legs feeling burned out most of the time and tight hip flexors. My riding at the time was 15 - 20 miles mountain biking and 30 - 40 miles road biking. My wife and riding buddies thinki I am overtrained, but most of the guys I ride with ride way more than me, or way less. I am just wondering if I should "test" for anything else, see a physical therapist (hip/groin muscles are tight), check oxygen intake (VO2), see a chirpractor, etc...(I just started using a HR monitor again and it has been very insightful). I know you are not a doctor, but I have been feeling and still feel very flat. Any ideas to get out of a funk or check to see with a doctor who is more intune with endurance athletes if there are other issues?
4) Lastly, and I am sure you get this a lot; if I miss a bike or run workout during the week, do I just skip it or move it a day earlier or a day later to make-up the ride or run?
Re the tests, I am not kidding when I tell you that 30% of our members are doctors, surgeons, nurses, or other really smart people in the medical field. If you aren't shy, I suggest you post this to the Off-Topic Forum; you will get some real genuine, well-thought out feedback. Totally up to you. Would be curious to hear about (A) testosterone levels and (B) if you have something like sleep apnea that's really interfering with your daily life. Note if/when you do post, please put your age in there too….
1) Re the run test…the HR is what it is. Follow the pace you can…from an effort standpoint, I want #1 and #2 to be hard but not too hard…the last half of the final interval should really be challenging you….
2) Yes a controlled environment (road bike on trainer, road bike on same route, etc) is a much better laboratory for fitness gains. That said, your friend could be doping (kidding!!!) or just a freak of nature…please consider your fitness improvements -- or lack thereof -- vs your own baselines. We want you fast on race day…not on Feb 4th. So for now I would do the stationary bike (a spin bike is better than a generic stationary bike, if possible).
3) I suggest heading to the forums, per the ^above^ as I noted, the generic across the board fatigue and skewed PE has be thinking it's something more systemic, such as Testosterone or Sleep Apnea. But hell you could be anemic? Despite my dashing looks and charming wit, I am NOT a doctor. Talk to the Team!
4) 9 times out of 10, we just skip it an move on….the other 10% is if you are within the final 8 weeks to your "A" race when the workouts really are related to your performance. That said, if you have a consistent problem with your schedule, as in "can't ever ride on Thursday, ever" then post that here and I can recommend some changes!
Hope this all helps…and please keep me updated on the medical investigation….