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Training on spin bikes

I think I have totally pulled a rookie move. I spent my October OS doing my bike workouts in the spin room, on a spin bike. I had a rude awakening, when I actually rode my Tri bike last weekend, and there were muscles that were hurting, that I hadn't felt before. Of course, I started freaking out because I feel like I just wasted my OS bike workouts by having done them on the spin bike.

From now on I will ride outdoors whenever possible or use my trainer. My question is... How badly have I screwed myself over and not reaped the true benefits of the OS? I am currently in the HIM week 13 plan and have 2 more wks before jumping to wk 9 of IM training in preparation for IMTX. Just need some reassurance. Really bummed out about it.


  • @ Linda, To quote the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, "Don't Panic!" It may not have been the optimum move to do all your workouts on a spinner, but I don't think you could have done all the world without training the major muscles that you use on you tri bike. What you're probably feeling is the difference in the way the tri bike fits you as opposed to the spinner (unless the spinner was set up exactly like your tri bike. Your muscles have a memory of the sooner and now you've changed the way their working, even if slightly, and they'll have to get used to it. The fitness you developed is still there you just have to get used to the tri bike now. Good luck.
  • @Mark, thanks for your reassurance. That makes me feel better. image
  • I agree with Mark, besides, what is done is done. Do not use one more bit of energy looking back. You can not do anything about that but change it for next season. What you need to do now is focus on looking ahead. What can you do to make the rest of your training the best that it can be? You mentioned biking outside or on the trainer = great. Not missing any workouts, do the full workouts not just the MS etc... are all goals you can attain to meet and work towards. Work on body comp and fueling yourself properly, before, during and after workouts. You see where I am going with this right Linda? Look forward......
  • You're fine, you've built the fitness, what you're describing is common when people switch from road bike to tri bike, or from mtn bike to road bike, etc. Different joint angles.

    The lesson is that if you have the ability to put a real bike on a trainer, do that vs riding on a spin bike, as it much more closely replicates you riding outside on a real bike. 

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