I rode a smaller/lesser workout on Tue, and haven't done anything since! I'm "tapering" for my big bike weekend starting tomorrow. I expect to get about 200 miles over 4 days down in TX Hill Country, lots of FTP and VO2 work to be done down there, especially with my heavier-than-I'd-like-right-now frame.
Wahoo!!!! For some sick reason I loved doing the 9 x 2:00 intervals!!! I enjoyed them and even managed to post a faster average time then what I have been posting. I am super excited about it! Then because the roads had been plowed and not iced over yet, I went ahead and did the 40:00 run from Tues. I moved this from Tuesday to today since we had crazy snow falling Tuesday.
Sorry to all in the midwest, south and eastern seaboard who got socked again this week. Last few days since I've been home, it's been raining at night, and sunny in the 50s during the day. I haven't been outside on my bike since mid-November. I used to bike commute to work, in all weather, but being retired and all ... well, today was my first outdoor ride in three months. One hour, 45 minutes, overall IF 0.78, 0.815 during the work portion of 1:15 (hardest 35 minutes @ 0.866), and a TSS of 106. Just about perfect for week 8 Thursday ride in week 8 of the OS: "MS: 40' @ 80-85%/Zone3/Mod-Hard. 60 minutes". I also did my first swim in 3 weeks, 40 minutes, main set 20 x 50 on 1:00.
Resolve: to ride outside from now on every chance I get, except for the VO2 intervals.
I figure if I want to shave my legs in the summer I have to earn that right. After today’s workout I’m one step closer. These VO2 workouts are tough. The further you progress into the workout the longer the VO2 interval feels and the shorter that rest interval feels.
The Tour de Shovelandria continues... I made a huge mistake in trying to do the bike workout this morning while the snow was still coming down at about 2" per hour. I even cut the intervals back to 90 sec and only did the main set. Awful day.
@doug, nice work adding on that extra 21' @ .89. and we're in agreement... these VO2 workouts are getting tough. that said, i'm less scared getting on the bike for the 9x2' wko compared to the 2x20s. looking at that 2x20' on the schedule terrifies me.
anyway, the 9x2'(2') went pretty well this AM. felt decent and was able to hit 5-10 watts higher than z5 on all. the last few really took it out of me though. added no volume at the end since i needed to get the brick run in pre-work (and my legs were pretty fried after the 9x2'..).
9x2'(2') @ z5
2'(2') -- NP 251 / IF 1.24 2'(2') -- NP 257 / IF 1.27 2'(2') -- NP 257 / IF 1.27 2'(2') -- NP 256 / IF 1.26 2'(2') -- NP 256 / IF 1.26 2'(2') -- NP 256 / IF 1.26 2'(2') -- NP 257 / IF 1.27 2'(2') -- NP 254 / IF 1.25 2'(2') -- NP 256 / IF 1.26
At Bill - way to go! I despise the bike test and will wait until wk 8 for it.
Tonight - 9 x 2 mins alternating 280 and 270 watts. I didn't feel particularly up for the workout but made it through fine.
Total 1 hr 36 mins with TSS = 113. I am going to bail on next weeks VO2 so I can take 2 easy days before my 15K. Or maybe I will just do Spinervals Suffer O Rama Thu morning since it is only 50 mins.
Feeling good about the workout today. I missed the jump from 7x1.5' with an illness and then travel ,so 9x1.5' seemed pretty intimidating, but alls well that ends well.
I felt decent today for the 7x2'(2') VO2 workout, but my calf started cramping up so I truncated the last 3 intervals to ward it off. It worked for a while and then about a minute and a half into the 13' z3 "remainder time" it cramped up and I had to stop and work it out. But then I finished out the last 11.5' in the aerobars with excellent power. It was a good ride even though technically a fail on the intervals and HR seemed a bit high for the power compared to the similar workout last week.
I'm happy to report I survived the INT vo2 wo today! Trainer road was being very janky starting and stopping on its own and dropping power. I restarted once, then just used my garmin 500 head unit as my whip! I didn't add the extra wu, just did the TR 12' and my legs didn't care for the first couple intervals, but I got stronger each one till the end. My ss portion was spot on for watts.
Then I did a quick brick outside for 25' as I didn't brick on Tuesday. Oy. It was much warmer when I was running errands than at 5:30 pm! ended up running a little faster than planned to stay warm!
Yesterday's bike wko this morning due to work, not sure why, but I prefer the VO2 wko over the FTP. Think I can wrap my mind around 90 seconds of suffering better than 20 minutes of suffering! 9 x 1.5 at; 232w, 238w, 243w, 240w, 242w, 242w, 245w, 249w, 247w
Question: What do you ride during the recovery? I thought I read in the wiki to shoot for Z1 pace, but honestly, for the last 3-4 I'm usually soft pedaling around 50-60w trying not to vomit!
@ Steve, there are different approaches to the recovery. The overarching principal (which I'm sure Al will tell you), is that the recovery should be sufficient to allow you to complete the next interval. That said, I do try to hit z1 wattage in the recoveries...in practice it is usually 30 sec of low watts then 1:15 of z1 wattage then 15sec of ramping up to the next interval -- all of which averages out to z1 or very slightly below.
RnP used to be very specific about the recovery intervals, stating that doing them @ 0.6 IF was important to "not allow a full recovery" and thus get the most benefit from the work intervals. Then this year, the instructions read: "Recoveries are at whatever intensity (very easy) that allows you to repeat your effort on the next interval. Finally, your efforts should be consistent across all intervals. " So I started doing the recoveries by going totally easy for for as long as I wanted, which in practice has meant starting @ about 0.25 and building to 0.6 by the end, for an average for the 90 sec of 0.45-5. Like Matt says, whatever works for you is what you do, so that you can do the last interval @ the same power as the first . It should feel a whole later harder on that last one than the first, of course.
I'm with you, Steve, mentally I find the VO2 intervals easier to deal with than the FTP ones. I just use that as a motivator to finish those 2x20s, though, figuring I'm getting some mental six pack benefits.
I usually drop to a EZ spin for 30 sec....keeps me from dropping to near stopping....then slow ramp up based on HR recovery till about 15 sec out then I get RPMs up prior to shifting into big front ring and up to VO2 PWR. If I miss Hitting proper power at start time I "penalize myself" by making up for it in holding for that duration into next RI (keeps me from spending 1/2 the work interval building up to goal)
My understanding is that the amount of recovery is dependent on goal of workout ...Ie are you specifically trying to develop tolerance for LA? then you should have incomplete recoveries either too short for HR to come down or to high of RI effort to allow full recovery. On the other hand if the goal is to maximize development of speed and "pure"VO2 level of power production adaptations, then one should allow for Hr to reach "recovery rate" -at least briefly. During these types of sets Maximum effort is put into the work interval every time...recover then repeat until unable to maintain consistent effort or unable to reach recovery hr in appropriate time.
These OS WKOs are more designed as the former than the latter. I made that mistake in first time out with pushing to >300w vs using my 260w test watts ...I couldn't recover in between and had to extend RIs and lost power in last few.
I still want to see my HR drop to 120-130s during RIs and it does so quickly after first few so I put more power out during these RIs ~120w where as by the 6+ interval I need to EZ spin at 60-70w for a while to get HR <140 during RI. If these where true MAX efforts Id want longer and easier RIs so I could put out a real max effort each and every time (not an endurance test).</p>
Since David brought up HR, I went back and checked what happens to mine during the recovery intervals. I base my recovery efforts purely on RPE, not on watts or HR. I'm doing 90 second intervals, My HR Is getting into the recovery zone within 45-60 seconds, and stays there until I start up again. During work intervals, my HR barely gets into Z4 but never into Z5; my max HR during FTP intervals is higher than my max HR during VO2 intervals.
So looking back at the last couple of VO2 wkos, I typically recover at around .85IF during the first 3-4, then slip down to around .65IF for a few, and then finish around .45IF for the last 2-3. I'm with you Al, I base the recovery effort strickly on RPE and my thought process, especially during VO2 work, is whatever recovery I need to make sure I can hit the watts during the work. Plus I typically push harder during the last few intervals...my last 2-3 are usually my highest watts.
Thanks for the input, may play around with some different recovery efforts and see what happens!
Still on the VO2 intervals.... Because these are so short HR is a poor gauge of "real effort" and youa'll are right about RPE and its mental effects going into next work interval. I look at it as sorta a gauge for trending the set. (Like watching stocks LOL)
When out too hard w/o enough recovery the HR peaks(highest) are sharper with a rapid climb in baseline (lowest)[zig zag looks like stairs vs waves on a rising tide]..... not so much something I track while doing, but helpful in review -or to note when not "feeling it" (HR to high and not returning = dehydrated/over training effect etc).
My HR zones are set more conservatively {matches my RPE and respiratory changes} on my Garmin and I set it to alarm at Z5 (165 vs EN TEST 172) and I expect it to start going off once the first 3 intervals are done and after about 1 min in. These done at EN VO2 TEST Power 260w DO seem just at Z5a and although I CAN do 300-400w for 90 sec I would need a full 2-3 x work interval time to recover enough for repeated efforts at SAME power on next efforts.
The trick is finding the balance of Work interval output that is high enough to equate to that 110-120% of FT with enough RI to repeat for enough repetitions to stimulate a training stress w/o "burning out" too early. I doubt even just 50w spin for the 90 sec will have any detrimental effect IF work sets are done at a consistent hard effort (One should not feel ready for more/longer intervals!) If, however HR never does get up to within 5-10bpm of Z5 Hr even after last couple intervals then work intervals likely set too low-not that too much resting in the short RI.
I geek on this because back in my track/CC days (80's) intervals where done with "walk back across the field" as the RI (usually with the coach yelling for you to hurry back) and pace was "as fast as you can for the distance-don't slack I have your numbers!" ....reps where till ya passed out/puked or was getting dark/coach was hungry. Trying to be a bit more efficient/effective now.
Got me thinking.... Back many moons ago ...when running Cross Country in college I was only a marginal athlete...and suffered lack of confidence etc....anyway.... there would come a point somewhere along 8k in that I'd feel overmatched. My body would be screaming and my will would just pull the plug. That was it....I lost count of how many times I was just off the lead pack until that point then drop to a walk...then jog in with some sorta excuse about my bad knee....
THAT point of a race or hard WKO still comes. But now... Now I get pissed off. Right when my power drifts down and that little bit of conscious effort to pull it up isn't enough..."damn it...its still falling...." I stand and give 4-6 hard angry cranks then back into aero -that's usually enough and I'm back to tired - struggling (but not angry) self....if that isn't enough... then I really get animal (knocking old ladies outa the way intensity) .....usually pushing too high of numbers then .... so this is saved for those last seconds-minutes of important sets/races.
And yes is there times when you really don't have any gas left in the tank...of course.
But using the power of the dark side can be powerful
Bike done. Legs felt a bit sluggish at the start, but I'm ascribing that to poor nutrition yesterday (mixed salad for lunch and then again for dinner … too much ruffage, not enough 'oomph'!). Nailed all the interval sets, and felt strong towards the end. On to week 7!
I had a crazy week (caught in snow storm in NYC, 4 different flights cancelled, scrambling for a hotel in which to ride out the storm), but I did get 3 rides done. I was still a little stiff from the 10k I raced last Sunday so on Tuesday I did 2 x 13' (4') @260 watts. On Thursday, I rode for an hour on the hotel bike. No watt meter so I just pushed hard for 30'. today I did 2 x12' (3') 265 watts + 1 x 6'(3') @275w + 30' @ 230 watts.
Tomorrow I'm doing an indoor tri @ Lifetime Fitness. Swim 10', ride spin bike for 30', run on treadmill for 20'....see how far you go in the allotted time. Just something different to do to break up the winter monotony. Will run 6 more miles post race.
I felt really good on the bike today and got the full ride in a prescribed:
2x10 @ 1.05 and 1.04 1x6 @ 1.04
Full 30min @ 0.83
This workout definitely knocked me out. My 20 nap just turned into an afternoon in bed watching the Olympics. Hopefully we don't get too much snow so I can run outside tomorrow.
Due to travel for work (TDY to Ft.Worth), I had to do the VO2 ride when I got home on Friday. Not too bad, but not too good either....however the weather was good enough to go outdoors on my "Hour and a Half Route". The numbers were:
IntervalIF / HRavg / HRmax
11.17 / 150 / 159
21.14 / 149 / 162
31.17 / 153 / 164
41.12 / 154 / 163
51.18 / 155 / 167
61.12 / 149 / 163
71.18 / 155 / 166
81.02 / 150 / 160 <---------power totally faded here...thought I might have to cruise it in</li>
91.18 / 154 / 166 <---------amazing what the body can do when it knows this is the last interval</li>
ABP 10'.821 / 142 / 156
ABP 10'.882 / 138 / 160
As part of the EN President's challenge, I added some extra time to today FTP ride so as to get 1 point for "60min of EZ/Zone1 riding." Two hours later (on the trainer) this is what I had:
12min FTP1.015 / 158 / 165
12min FTP1.035 / 163 / 169
6min FTP1.045 / 163 / 170
10.5min ABP0.816 / 149 / 156
10.5min ABP0.851 / 153 / 162
then 30min Z1.........(call the Gov'ner, tell him I said, "Ouch")
Did the intervals this morning, but I was pretty dead by the end. 2 x 10' @ 1.02, 1 x 6' @ 1.01, including extra time, total = 90 min @ 0.87, TSS 111.2, 804 kJ.
+1 on the wasting of the day afterwards, except for the 2 hour massage to work some of the lactate out. It'll still be too slick outside for outdoor running tomorrow (and I had to bag the run today), so I'm ever so looking forward to the TM tomorrow...
Great ride yesterday and what great timing as we started with about <5 mins left in regulation of the U.S. vs. Russia game! I had great power, HR totally in control and stayed aero for all the z4. After the 2x15' of z3 there was 2' of time remaining so I went hard and did it at z5 to see what I could muster after 90'. Note I did 7' "recovery" between the z4 intervals…the baby woke up so I had to get of the bike and get her up so there was a break in the action. It's really great the Olympic hockey doesn't have TV timeouts, but man once they switched to the Skeleton event it seems NBC was trying to catch up for lost revenue. I did my z3 sitting up so I could watch but went into the aerobars during the commercials. There were 2/5-3' of ads for every 3.5-4' of programming during the skeleton. Yikes!!!</span></p>
Sorry to all in the midwest, south and eastern seaboard who got socked again this week. Last few days since I've been home, it's been raining at night, and sunny in the 50s during the day. I haven't been outside on my bike since mid-November. I used to bike commute to work, in all weather, but being retired and all ... well, today was my first outdoor ride in three months. One hour, 45 minutes, overall IF 0.78, 0.815 during the work portion of 1:15 (hardest 35 minutes @ 0.866), and a TSS of 106. Just about perfect for week 8 Thursday ride in week 8 of the OS: "MS: 40' @ 80-85%/Zone3/Mod-Hard. 60 minutes". I also did my first swim in 3 weeks, 40 minutes, main set 20 x 50 on 1:00.
Resolve: to ride outside from now on every chance I get, except for the VO2 intervals.
I figure if I want to shave my legs in the summer I have to earn that right. After today’s workout I’m one step closer. These VO2 workouts are tough. The further you progress into the workout the longer the VO2 interval feels and the shorter that rest interval feels.
9 X 2(2) @ 1.25, 1.27, 1.24, 1.23, 1.24, 1.24, 1.26, 1.27, 1.26
21’ @ .89
Entire workout (226 watts):
Duration: 1:20:39
Work: 1093 kJ
TSS: 117.2 (intensity factor 0.936)
Norm Power: 270
VI: 1.19
Min Max Avg
Power: 0 615 226 watts
Heart Rate: 68 175 148 bpm
Cadence: 16 137 76 rpm
The Tour de Shovelandria continues... I made a huge mistake in trying to do the bike workout this morning while the snow was still coming down at about 2" per hour. I even cut the intervals back to 90 sec and only did the main set. Awful day.
anyway, the 9x2'(2') went pretty well this AM. felt decent and was able to hit 5-10 watts higher than z5 on all. the last few really took it out of me though. added no volume at the end since i needed to get the brick run in pre-work (and my legs were pretty fried after the 9x2'..).
9x2'(2') @ z5
2'(2') -- NP 251 / IF 1.24
2'(2') -- NP 257 / IF 1.27
2'(2') -- NP 257 / IF 1.27
2'(2') -- NP 256 / IF 1.26
2'(2') -- NP 256 / IF 1.26
2'(2') -- NP 256 / IF 1.26
2'(2') -- NP 257 / IF 1.27
2'(2') -- NP 254 / IF 1.25
2'(2') -- NP 256 / IF 1.26
53' Total TSS of 84.5
Tonight - 9 x 2 mins alternating 280 and 270 watts. I didn't feel particularly up for the workout but made it through fine.
Total 1 hr 36 mins with TSS = 113. I am going to bail on next weeks VO2 so I can take 2 easy days before my 15K. Or maybe I will just do Spinervals Suffer O Rama Thu morning since it is only 50 mins.
against a target of 224
Overall 60' @ NP 234 (IF 0.955), HR avg 160 / max 193 (still very high but not 197 like last week). http://connect.garmin.com/activity/444883441
Intervals (NP / IF / HRavg / HRmax)
2' intervals:
304 / 1.240 / 170 / 181
301 / 1.230 / 175 / 186
304 / 1.239 / 180 / 189
303 / 1.235 / 184 / 192
1' intervals:
300 / 1.223 / 181 / 187
310 / 1.267 / 181 / 190
308 / 1.259 / 179 / 187
1.5' @z3+ – NP 226, IF 0.922, HR avg 174 / HR max 180
[1' break to work out a cramp]
11.5' @z3+ – NP 223, IF 0.911, HR avg 181 / HR max 185
So... WU with full 3' standing (usually had to sit for a moment till today
) and 12' @162w/128hr
9x 1.5/1.5RI (I used 156 as goal Watts)
255w/141hrAve/147hr max
coughing fit 1 added min to RI
TSS 98 (Garmin actually -6 min so likely 100TSS)
Felt OK except the difficulty getting full breaths w/o cough....
I'm happy to report I survived the INT vo2 wo today!
Then I did a quick brick outside for 25' as I didn't brick on Tuesday. Oy. It was much warmer when I was running errands than at 5:30 pm! ended up running a little faster than planned to stay warm!
Yesterday's bike wko this morning due to work, not sure why, but I prefer the VO2 wko over the FTP. Think I can wrap my mind around 90 seconds of suffering better than 20 minutes of suffering! 9 x 1.5 at; 232w, 238w, 243w, 240w, 242w, 242w, 245w, 249w, 247w
Question: What do you ride during the recovery? I thought I read in the wiki to shoot for Z1 pace, but honestly, for the last 3-4 I'm usually soft pedaling around 50-60w trying not to vomit!
RnP used to be very specific about the recovery intervals, stating that doing them @ 0.6 IF was important to "not allow a full recovery" and thus get the most benefit from the work intervals. Then this year, the instructions read: "Recoveries are at whatever intensity (very easy) that allows you to repeat your effort on the next interval. Finally, your efforts should be consistent across all intervals. " So I started doing the recoveries by going totally easy for for as long as I wanted, which in practice has meant starting @ about 0.25 and building to 0.6 by the end, for an average for the 90 sec of 0.45-5. Like Matt says, whatever works for you is what you do, so that you can do the last interval @ the same power as the first . It should feel a whole later harder on that last one than the first, of course.
I'm with you, Steve, mentally I find the VO2 intervals easier to deal with than the FTP ones. I just use that as a motivator to finish those 2x20s, though, figuring I'm getting some mental six pack benefits.
I usually drop to a EZ spin for 30 sec....keeps me from dropping to near stopping....then slow ramp up based on HR recovery till about 15 sec out then I get RPMs up prior to shifting into big front ring and up to VO2 PWR. If I miss Hitting proper power at start time I "penalize myself" by making up for it in holding for that duration into next RI (keeps me from spending 1/2 the work interval building up to goal)
My understanding is that the amount of recovery is dependent on goal of workout ...Ie are you specifically trying to develop tolerance for LA? then you should have incomplete recoveries either too short for HR to come down or to high of RI effort to allow full recovery. On the other hand if the goal is to maximize development of speed and "pure"VO2 level of power production adaptations, then one should allow for Hr to reach "recovery rate" -at least briefly. During these types of sets Maximum effort is put into the work interval every time...recover then repeat until unable to maintain consistent effort or unable to reach recovery hr in appropriate time.
These OS WKOs are more designed as the former than the latter. I made that mistake in first time out with pushing to >300w vs using my 260w test watts ...I couldn't recover in between and had to extend RIs and lost power in last few.
I still want to see my HR drop to 120-130s during RIs and it does so quickly after first few so I put more power out during these RIs ~120w where as by the 6+ interval I need to EZ spin at 60-70w for a while to get HR <140 during RI. If these where true MAX efforts Id want longer and easier RIs so I could put out a real max effort each and every time (not an endurance test).</p>
@ Matt, Al, and David,
So looking back at the last couple of VO2 wkos, I typically recover at around .85IF during the first 3-4, then slip down to around .65IF for a few, and then finish around .45IF for the last 2-3. I'm with you Al, I base the recovery effort strickly on RPE and my thought process, especially during VO2 work, is whatever recovery I need to make sure I can hit the watts during the work. Plus I typically push harder during the last few intervals...my last 2-3 are usually my highest watts.
Thanks for the input, may play around with some different recovery efforts and see what happens!
Still on the VO2 intervals.... Because these are so short HR is a poor gauge of "real effort" and youa'll are right about RPE and its mental effects going into next work interval. I look at it as sorta a gauge for trending the set. (Like watching stocks LOL)
When out too hard w/o enough recovery the HR peaks(highest) are sharper with a rapid climb in baseline (lowest)[zig zag looks like stairs vs waves on a rising tide]..... not so much something I track while doing, but helpful in review -or to note when not "feeling it" (HR to high and not returning = dehydrated/over training effect etc).
My HR zones are set more conservatively {matches my RPE and respiratory changes} on my Garmin and I set it to alarm at Z5 (165 vs EN TEST 172) and I expect it to start going off once the first 3 intervals are done and after about 1 min in. These done at EN VO2 TEST Power 260w DO seem just at Z5a and although I CAN do 300-400w for 90 sec I would need a full 2-3 x work interval time to recover enough for repeated efforts at SAME power on next efforts.
The trick is finding the balance of Work interval output that is high enough to equate to that 110-120% of FT with enough RI to repeat for enough repetitions to stimulate a training stress w/o "burning out" too early. I doubt even just 50w spin for the 90 sec will have any detrimental effect IF work sets are done at a consistent hard effort (One should not feel ready for more/longer intervals!) If, however HR never does get up to within 5-10bpm of Z5 Hr even after last couple intervals then work intervals likely set too low-not that too much resting in the short RI.
I geek on this because back in my track/CC days (80's) intervals where done with "walk back across the field" as the RI (usually with the coach yelling for you to hurry back) and pace was "as fast as you can for the distance-don't slack I have your numbers!" ....reps where till ya passed out/puked or was getting dark/coach was hungry. Trying to be a bit more efficient/effective now.
@Peter RE:"When do you folks get "the signal"? "
Got me thinking.... Back many moons ago ...when running Cross Country in college I was only a marginal athlete...and suffered lack of confidence etc....anyway.... there would come a point somewhere along 8k in that I'd feel overmatched. My body would be screaming and my will would just pull the plug. That was it....I lost count of how many times I was just off the lead pack until that point then drop to a walk...then jog in with some sorta excuse about my bad knee....
THAT point of a race or hard WKO still comes. But now... Now I get pissed off. Right when my power drifts down and that little bit of conscious effort to pull it up isn't enough..."damn it...its still falling...." I stand and give 4-6 hard angry cranks then back into aero -that's usually enough and I'm back to tired - struggling (but not angry) self....if that isn't enough... then I really get animal (knocking old ladies outa the way intensity) .....usually pushing too high of numbers then
.... so this is saved for those last seconds-minutes of important sets/races.
And yes is there times when you really don't have any gas left in the tank...of course.
But using the power of the dark side can be powerful
2 X 15(4) @ 1.03, 1.03
1 X 10(5) @ 1.03
1 X 30 @ .87
Entire workout (241 watts):
Duration: 1:43:33
Work: 1499 kJ
TSS: 142.2 (intensity factor 0.91)
Norm Power: 262
VI: 1.09
Min Max Avg
Power: 0 572 241 watts
Heart Rate: 58 173 152 bpm
Cadence: 23 151 81 rpm
Gonna grab something to eat, take a nap and then hit the run! Have fun everyone, enjoy the long weekend!
Did the Ride outside today and while went a little further than prescribed (lost track of time) it felt good! Hit the intervals and overall WKO...
Total WKO 2:05 , Avg 210 Watts, TSS 192.1 , Target for Intervals 229 Watts, Interval 1 240, Interval 2 231.....
Good work everyone!!! Keep going.
I had a crazy week (caught in snow storm in NYC, 4 different flights cancelled, scrambling for a hotel in which to ride out the storm), but I did get 3 rides done. I was still a little stiff from the 10k I raced last Sunday so on Tuesday I did 2 x 13' (4') @260 watts. On Thursday, I rode for an hour on the hotel bike. No watt meter so I just pushed hard for 30'. today I did 2 x12' (3') 265 watts + 1 x 6'(3') @275w + 30' @ 230 watts.
Tomorrow I'm doing an indoor tri @ Lifetime Fitness. Swim 10', ride spin bike for 30', run on treadmill for 20'....see how far you go in the allotted time. Just something different to do to break up the winter monotony. Will run 6 more miles post race.
2x10 @ 1.05 and 1.04
1x6 @ 1.04
Full 30min @ 0.83
This workout definitely knocked me out. My 20 nap just turned into an afternoon in bed watching the Olympics. Hopefully we don't get too much snow so I can run outside tomorrow.
Due to travel for work (TDY to Ft.Worth), I had to do the VO2 ride when I got home on Friday. Not too bad, but not too good either....however the weather was good enough to go outdoors on my "Hour and a Half Route". The numbers were:
As part of the EN President's challenge, I added some extra time to today FTP ride so as to get 1 point for "60min of EZ/Zone1 riding." Two hours later (on the trainer) this is what I had:
+1 on the wasting of the day afterwards, except for the 2 hour massage to work some of the lactate out. It'll still be too slick outside for outdoor running tomorrow (and I had to bag the run today), so I'm ever so looking forward to the TM tomorrow...
Got the planned ride in -actually rested Friday too. felt good....had to hold myself back.
WU (did all 3' standing @ 190-200w) 12' @ 165w HR 125ave
10'@ 196w 138ave climbing to 149
10'@196w 143-150
6'@ 199 142-150
(only 3' RI) then 19'@163 hr steady @ 138 ave. (stopped when women's OLY athletes finished their bike......finally getting to watch the whole thing)
TSS 105 813kj NP for whole ride 167 including WU and CD total time 1:39
Got the planned ride in -actually rested Friday too. felt good....had to hold myself back.
WU (did all 3' standing @ 190-200w) 12' @ 165w HR 125ave
10'@ 196w 138ave climbing to 149
10'@196w 143-150
6'@ 199 142-150
(only 3' RI) then 19'@163 hr steady @ 138 ave. (stopped when women's OLY athletes finished their bike......finally getting to watch the whole thing)
TSS 105 813kj NP for whole ride 167 including WU and CD total time 1:39
Great ride yesterday and what great timing as we started with about <5 mins left in regulation of the U.S. vs. Russia game! I had great power, HR totally in control and stayed aero for all the z4. After the 2x15' of z3 there was 2' of time remaining so I went hard and did it at z5 to see what I could muster after 90'. Note I did 7' "recovery" between the z4 intervals…the baby woke up so I had to get of the bike and get her up so there was a break in the action. It's really great the Olympic hockey doesn't have TV timeouts, but man once they switched to the Skeleton event it seems NBC was trying to catch up for lost revenue. I did my z3 sitting up so I could watch but went into the aerobars during the commercials. There were 2/5-3' of ads for every 3.5-4' of programming during the skeleton. Yikes!!!</span></p>
Overall 90' @ NP 231 (IF 0.943), HR avg 162 / max 192. http://connect.garmin.com/activity/445687998
12'(7') @z4 – NP 255, IF 1.040, HR 172 / 178, cad 92
12'(4') @z4 – NP 264, IF 1.076, HR 177 / 185, cad 94
15'(2') @z3 – NP 235, IF 0.958, HR 174 / 180, cad 95
15'(2') @z3 – NP 239, IF 0.974, HR 175 / 180, cad 96
2' @z5 – NP 311, IF 1.268, HR 181 / 192, cad 100