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Week 7 of 20



  • Mike- nice ride. that sounds like fun!
    I was able to get a couple of hours in outside with 2x20. NP on those was 200 with NP for the ride at 183. This was the first ride outside on the try bike of the year. Sadly, I have a ways to go to get back to form. It was hard to spend time in aero as I am having some neck pain but I am confident that it will settle down over the next month or two as I spend time looking up the road.
  • @SS love the revenge ride

    @MR good hard ride is a good hard ride.... this far out no worries.... Specially if your already possess the skills to ride a low VI .... I know Coach R is a big fan of just hammering every ride!

    @Jimmy.... the neck muscles come back fast but I'm with ya on those first couple wow! Not to mention the undercarriage..

    I did an ABP ride on Mt. Lemmon today... 1hr at .85ish and then once I got up over 6000' the air started to get thin and did 55min at .80ish... Good ride....
  • First (completed) workout of the week for me today.  Wasn't sure I could manage to avoid a coughing fit and almost didn't even try to ride (had to abort a run Thursday night due to unrelenting coughing), but gave it a shot.  A few coughing fits early when I tried to push hard, so I just backed off the rest of the ride and took it easier than planned.  2hr30min at IF of 0.84, so not a complete waste of time.  I still don't think I'm recovered, because RPE was harder than usual for power numbers I was seeing.  Beautiful day though. Blew some huge snot rockets...that was worth it in itself!  Hope I can run (breathe) tomorrow...90mins with 4mi at TP on the schedule.  I'll have to just see if those TP miles will be tolerated by my currently "irritable" lungs.  

    Supposed to test next week (8 of 8 of GF plan).  Assuming I'm firing on all cylinders, plan to take the TT bike out for 20/2/20 (my favorite..err...least hated) FTP test format on Tuesday.  

    One question (which has been asked before!) re FTP testing:  I've previously stayed in aero bars for all 20mins or 2 x 20mins....but, I know others don't do that (I think Tim C. is one that doesn't?).  What are all your opinions/rationale?  

    I've previously thought:  I'm going to be riding an IM in aerobars 99% of of the time (esp a flat course like TX), so I should test in that position.  But, riding at an IF of 0.7 vs. 1.0 means two completely different things regarding blood flow to legs, respiratory compromise, etc. (ie....I can ride at 0.8 or probably even 0.9 for a long time without a problem in aero, but not at 0.95 or 1.0).  So, I now think that FTP should be whatever position I want!....dangit!  Agree?


  • @Jeff, my plan is to test outdoors in aero whenever I can so I can eventually find my 75% aero IF number, which can be validated/modified in my aero RRs. As far as executing on race day, advice that's worked for me is to break up the IM bike into 15-minute segments (set Garmin alert every 15) and, during each segment, focus on a few very simple things - yours may be power, NP, IF, HR, cadence, etc. My brain doesn't do complicated after 60-70 miles, so for me on a course like this, I will focus almost all my energy on nailing a validated, low-VI 75% while being 100% aero each segment, drinking and stretching at every alert, adding food + salt every other one, repeating until someone takes my bike from me. Speed, wind, road conditions, draft trains, etc. are just distractions. Of course, I'm always looking to improve on execution, so I look forward to reading other thoughts.
  • holy flatness batman!
    ran 40min w 2x.5mi z4. It was a struggle! Then had to put bike back on the trainer because I forgot to grab my helmet. Plan was to do 4x5min on 5 min recover. But I couldn't hold power for 5 min at a time so it became 2x5min on 5 recover then 10x 1min on 1min recover.
    I am really flat from yesterday's ride. Tomorrow is a holiday and temps are supposed to get up to 80. But I might need to just get in a swim and rest the legs. Too early to go digging holes.
    Tim - do you winter in AZ? After the race in May, You gotta sit me down and explain how you retired at age 50.
  • All, fatigued here trying wrap up this week!  .....but you all pulled me through....

    Z1-Z4 run: http://www.strava.com/activities/113710188 

    ABP ride: http://www.strava.com/activities/113869231  20 mph sustained winds = not fun!

    Testing next week before we all converge on Week 9.............moving forward!!


  • @Jeff L.... When I test I will do what ever it takes to get the highest numbers possible.... Period... I dont care about terrain or position... Power is power... Now obviously there is some good theory about testing in aero bars and it makes a lot of sense... But what I get from my tests only dictate my training zones.... My race day power for various distances is arrived at riding those distance in practice in the aero bars... I usually dont have a problem hitting my FTP number outside in aero position....

    @Jimmy ..... My first winter in Tucson... Pretty nice here.... I can see coming back next year.... I retired from 21 years of Air Traffic Control at the young age of 51.... Was a good job, good pay , and benefits.... What sucked was I was at the bottom of the seniority list my entire 21 years and worked nights, weekends, midnight shifts, and holidays in a dark unheathly environment and usually had tues/weds or weds/thurs off... But my biggest secret to early retirement is NO kids!

    @SS nice run and bike... Test next week cant wait.... YOurs not mine I tested last week LOL!

    @MR yeah a low VI is pretty easy in TExas

    Raced a 4 miler today.. with the 1.5 mile wu that made for a whopping 5.5 miles of running....Was a tough course but had great results... I planned to add a few miles later in the day but bagged it... Tired, worked, some sore throat thing I have had for a few days...So easy dog walk and rest... Swim only day tomorrow for a bit more rest!
  • So, after being sick for the past 8-9 days, I thought I was getting better.  Rode 2.5hrs yesterday, didn't feel great, but not awful.  

    Today...very bad day.  Body/joint aches this AM.  Took a nap this afternoon, no way I could do the 90min run.  Woke up with chills....Temp of 102.5....again.  Same thing as Tuesday evening.  WTH?  Maybe I have Malaria?  I get the flu vaccine every year....and then get the flu every year.  

    Not sure if I'll be able to test this week or if I can manage, that my results will be true.  This sucks.  I can't remember being sick this long in my life.  

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