So I was at my chiropractor today and we started talking about fueling workouts. He is an athlete and avid cyclist. He was saying that he stays away from all the surgery drinks like perform and GU's and uses Endura. Anyone every hear of it or try it before??? Just curious.
If he doesn't use a product fueled with sugar, what is it fueled with? How long are his rides? IMLP is tough and you're going to need really good fuel. I use Infinit. I picked it up right before IMLP last year. Its all I used on the bike, seven bottles. I was not as well prepared on the run. I had a Nathan water belt filled with Infinit Jet fuel and used two of those. I would does some research between the labels. With the Infinit, I really didn't need much more. I will most likely bring along some e-gel to add a few more calories. Liquid is the only way to fuel and I feel that Infinit has a great product.
I did IMWI all on Gatorade and Powergels and felt great. One way does not always fit everyone. If I can say anything, that is what your race rehearsals are for. Start reading, experimenting and then when you start to ride outside, try to practice what you think you will be doing on race day.
Most sports drinks main ingredients are some form of maltodextrin, fructose, sucrose, dextrose , glucose , starch or super starch ETC.... IOW sugar carbohydrates....
They all claim to have a special formula for the best hydration , absorption , electrolytes , etc..... They are all trying to re-invent the wheel....
Boils down to 3 things.
1. what works for you --- practice using on long days to see if it works...
2. what is served on the course and how important that is to you--- nice to
3. cost..... I only mention cost because some of these special forumal's get to be ridiculous $2-3 per serving and you should train with what you plan to race with ... A lot of bikers use straight maltodextrin which can be purchased in bulk for pennies... That is what carbopro is...
I like perform.
Thanks for the feedback everyone!!! I appreciate it. I should have mentioned that there is 2 Endura's out there. They are basically the same formula but one is US based and the other is from Australia. Basically the US company Metagenics, partnered with Endura in Australia. I have used Metagenics products before with great success, however they do cost more. I think I may try it out as Robert pointed out it has more electrolytes...but I will absolutely take everyone's advice and try it out to see what works for me!! Only thing I do know is that Gatorade gives me awful acid reflux
Thanks again for your input.