Got it. I by no means an expert but I notice you have the little "S" motion with your hand while you pull. I think the preference is to pull straighter with your thumb almost brushing your hip at the end. Swim experts? Anyone?
by no means am i a fish in the water actually Coach rich would say i'm an average swimmer at 1:20 Ironman swim but i did notice that your holding your breath a lot which will definitely affect your stamina and exertion level get to breathing bilateral and every 3rd stroke just my 2 cents worth also look at exit from water could be higher elbow for the recovery stroke
thx all. I just looked at the video again. Her eis what I see. My head is pretty much completely underwater. That can't be good. You also never see my butt / feet break the surface. In fact, You really only see my shoulders and arms. Which means that the rest of me is getting pulled along underwater. That can't be good.
I see good rotation, and good coordination between kicking and armstroke. If I were going to work on anything, it would be these things:
The catch. You are starting your stroke by pushing out to the side (what somebody above called "S stroke"). What should be playing in your head is trying to have your finger tips pointing down at the bottom of the pool, and your elbow up @ towards the level of your head as soon as possible. Then think of your elbow as fixed, and your forearm as flexing towards your chest - your hand + forearm should be where you are feeling pressure against the water.
Once your forearm is perpendicular in the water, your lats and triceps should be taking more and more of the workload.
Finish your stroke hard and fast. As a general rule, your hand should be constantly accelerating during the length of the stroke starting "slow", ending "fast" and hard.
Favor a faster stroke over a slower, more powerful one. Higher/faster turnover/rpm.
The faster and harder you kick, the higher your legs will be - that may not necessarily be your goal for triathlon swimming, especially when using a wetsuit, when you get free flotation from that.
@Jimmy, not gonna critique your swim because I could definitely use some tips to improve my swim as well, but what kind of camera do you record with underwater? I've been thinking about filming underater too, but was wondering what kind of cameras people use.
@ Jan....I recently took a series of lessons from a professional/coach. He filmed me at every session, above and below water, with his iphone. He told me that he has two underwater cameras, but that the iphone (and I suspect the android/etc.) cameras are so good that he gets better video with it. I believe that's how Jimmy did these as well. Don't know the exact cover to get though? Certainly cheaper than buying a water-resistant camera.
Yup. Iphone in a Watershot case. Trustworthy underwater. Has a spot to attatch lenses. Drawback is that once the case is on, you cant do anything else with the phone. You can take pictures, take video and that is it. But it works.
Great feedback all. Basics are really good. I'd like to see more rotation, as that will help you get set up for the proper catch. Per Swim eBook..easier to get catch position with arms at your sides (aka crucifixion pose) vs in front of you (aka zombie / sleep walking pose). I'd also like to see you reach down in the water aim for 4pm or 8pm on the it is now you are close to 3pm and 9pm but you aren't in a place to use that extra leverage...lower hand placement will help bring your body around without having to force it...
My head is pretty much completely underwater. That can't be good. You also never see my butt / feet break the surface. In fact, You really only see my shoulders and arms. Which means that the rest of me is getting pulled along underwater. That can't be good.
I see good rotation, and good coordination between kicking and armstroke. If I were going to work on anything, it would be these things:
The faster and harder you kick, the higher your legs will be - that may not necessarily be your goal for triathlon swimming, especially when using a wetsuit, when you get free flotation from that.
@Jimmy, not gonna critique your swim because I could definitely use some tips to improve my swim as well, but what kind of camera do you record with underwater? I've been thinking about filming underater too, but was wondering what kind of cameras people use.
@ Jan....I recently took a series of lessons from a professional/coach. He filmed me at every session, above and below water, with his iphone. He told me that he has two underwater cameras, but that the iphone (and I suspect the android/etc.) cameras are so good that he gets better video with it. I believe that's how Jimmy did these as well. Don't know the exact cover to get though? Certainly cheaper than buying a water-resistant camera.
Drawback is that once the case is on, you cant do anything else with the phone. You can take pictures, take video and that is it. But it works.