Good morning @ll - just read all the new posts here and I think I've to share this:
For the "Remainder at Z3" part of the saturday bike ride - I did never ever do that in one large piece! I always cut this one down into smaller chunks that are much easier to digest for your mind. Lets say instead of doing 1x45' I'm doing something like 3x12'(3').
Another reminder for today's workout: Feed yourself properly before you start! Have a nice large breakfast but give yourself at least 1 hour between your last big meal and your workout! Have a gel/bar or other easy to digest sugar 10-15' before you start (I used to eat a small pudding
WOW that was hard again! Plan called out for 2x20' + 7x2'(2') but even before the first Z5 part I decided to do 1'(1') instead ... well I was almost crying on the last 4 reps and my legs were burning like hell!! As last week I only added a few minutes of Z3 to save some legs for tomorrows run but even though this ride really kicks ass!! I remember last year I wasn't even able to do that 1'(1') so that's a step in right direction
Here are some metrics: Total duration: 2:07 Total work: 1957kJ / NP 279 / IF 0.89 / TSS 165
Felt great on the bike today, except for some "saddle dancing". Switching to the beg. GF plan seems to have been the right call for me, for now at least, esp as I ramp up run mileage for my half Mary in 3 weeks. Longest bike in a long time! I broke up the Z3 like Stefan reco'd and that was good, mentally. Also, had a little more time after bfast before I started and had a little Infinit/Gatorade concoction which seemed to help.
2 x 12' @ 1.00IF & .986IF 8 x 1' @ 1.19-1.21IF 15' @ .81IF 23' @ .81IF
Total of 25mi, 1:40, .864IF
Very pleased with that. Not the 2:30 in the plan but I'm getting there.
Going to be a nice toasty 30 here today, and tomorrow maybe even 34!
Did my long run today to add in a local 10k. I ran 2 miles there, then did the race, and ran home. Some rough spots due to snow/ice made it tough, but all in all, I had a good 3 miles and a less good 3 miles. I have had a tough time lately of pushing through in races and embracing the suck, so I'm going to try to do a bunch of races this spring to practice the mental toughness and hopefully get that back! Also, gatorade in slushy form due to the temperature is delicious! Now time to rest up to do the epic bike ride tomorrow. Good work kids!
Holy Moly that was hard! Finished the 2 x 15 with IF .97, but I think my VO2's were inputted too low when I created the workout. I put in 110%, but my IF for the 7 x 1.5 mins were between 1.06 and 1.04 even though I hit the targets I had created. What do you guys put for a percentage when creating VO2 work? @Stefan - Thanks for the note about breaking up your Z3 into blocks, but I read it after I finished - I did 1 hour in Z3 and nearly cried. Next week I will know better!
Off to chase my kids on the cross country ski trails with whatever life is left in my legs. Nice work out there everyone!
Oh yes people. Had a good swim with the local Triclub then came home and got on the bike. Like the way I inputed the ride. It netted me my 2x15 at .97%, which is 1% up from last week and although I did not hit 120% on my 1.5`s I did manage to do all of them, not short any of them and come between 1.07 and 1.11. The 40 min of Z3 that followed was at .85%. I will get my 120%`s but probably in a couple of weeks.
Ah finally I found my old NOS group regrouped in here I am basically doing the GetFaster plan but instead of a long jog on Sunday or the long ride on Saturday I do some ski mountaineering. Let's see where this will get me. Looking forward to the first Tri races in 2014
Welcome back Sandro! As the SAT/SUN workouts are the "meat" of the GF-plan you could move at least the bike workout to another day were you could do it (Tuesday?). I guess your ski mountaineering is much a better replacement for the run than for the bike.
excuses, excuses, blah blah blah. didnt do the long bike, as i didnt have the time (worked a 12 hour shift today), but i did repeat thursdays bike today. i'm guessing the first interval for sundays workout is supposed to be 2x1mile (6')?
Brenda- I did 9miles too, but a heck of a lot slower
Until I get my trail back from the snow that is covering it, I have to run around my neighborhood which is super hilly, or the treadmill. Today I opted for the hood. I decided to just shoot for between Z1 and goal HM pace which is challenging enough with the terrain. (11:00-11:20). Avg pace 11:14 so guess that's a win! 781ft gain according to GArmin. Saw about 7 deer leaping across the road which was pretty cool. Had some leftover penne a la vodka from last night for recovery and now time to hit the shower and chill for a bit.
Nice work everyone! I had a great training weekend. Saturday was my long bike....and it was no picnic. I am really focusing on getting stronger on the bike. My husband walked in during one of my intervals.... dancing to the music thinking it was all fun....bad idea LOL poor guy, I couldn't speak but if looks could kill! LOL but I made it to the end and all intervals and time! Shorter run later that afternoon in the beautiful sunshine. Long run today! 9 miles outside. Felt so good to be outside!! New week begins tomorrow. Looking forward to it.
Got home 1:30am Sunday morning and got very little sleep as a result. Felt rundown and tired this morning so decided to run with my wife which ended up being a 1 hour/7 miles run at z1. Somewhat disappointed that today wasn't more productive for me, but in the end I was happy to get something done. Also, it made my wife happy that I ran with her
Happy to hear so many of you have had good weekends and got the work (or some of the work) done!
I wish I could report good results. Alas my social and work life got in the way and I wasn't able to even start,never mind finish a workout. I find it so hard to balance getting my training done while also maintaining my connection to friends and family. Hopefully next week will be better.
Worked 12 hours yesterday, didnt get the full 2.5 hour workout, but did do a repeat of thursdays workout for 70 minutes on the trainer. Another 12 hour shift today, but managed to get away during my lunch hour for the hour run. 56 minutes for 10k. I still cant believe the fact that my z2 is an 8:30 mile now - those are still tough for me, but I pulled it off.
I waited until the temp. got better in the afternoon and hit the road for the run. I was pleased to see that I hit the same times as last week for the 2 x 1 mile (6:52, 6:41) and felt good during the 2 x .5 miles, but slowed a bit in the second with an extended ice patch. Overall, I got in 9 and a bit miles over the 80 minutes, which is better than expected with the killer workout yesterday. Have fun this week coming up everyone - thirteen sleeps until I head to Tucson for some sun and outside riding!
Swim done this morning according to plan, although the whole T-Pace plus 3" (or T-pace minus xx), confuses me. Is T-Pace plus xx faster or slower than T-pace? In any case, I don't have too many speeds when it comes to swimming, but I was around my T-pace in today's intervals.
Like Brad, I had a little trouble guessing the pace, but I swam at a steady pace (1:38-1:40) and thrashed it out. Still feeling some good fatigue from the weekend run and bike, but it is a good reminder of speed entering the body. Finished the workout a bit early so I threw in a few laps with the pull buoy - total 2800m.
For the "Remainder at Z3" part of the saturday bike ride - I did never ever do that in one large piece! I always cut this one down into smaller chunks that are much easier to digest for your mind. Lets say instead of doing 1x45' I'm doing something like 3x12'(3').
Another reminder for today's workout:
Feed yourself properly before you start! Have a nice large breakfast but give yourself at least 1 hour between your last big meal and your workout!
Have a gel/bar or other easy to digest sugar 10-15' before you start (I used to eat a small pudding
Plan called out for 2x20' + 7x2'(2') but even before the first Z5 part I decided to do 1'(1') instead ... well I was almost crying on the last 4 reps and my legs were burning like hell!! As last week I only added a few minutes of Z3 to save some legs for tomorrows run but even though this ride really kicks ass!!
I remember last year I wasn't even able to do that 1'(1') so that's a step in right direction
Here are some metrics:
Total duration: 2:07
Total work: 1957kJ / NP 279 / IF 0.89 / TSS 165
Felt great on the bike today, except for some "saddle dancing". Switching to the beg. GF plan seems to have been the right call for me, for now at least, esp as I ramp up run mileage for my half Mary in 3 weeks. Longest bike in a long time! I broke up the Z3 like Stefan reco'd and that was good, mentally. Also, had a little more time after bfast before I started and had a little Infinit/Gatorade concoction which seemed to help.
2 x 12' @ 1.00IF & .986IF
8 x 1' @ 1.19-1.21IF
15' @ .81IF
23' @ .81IF
Total of 25mi, 1:40, .864IF
Very pleased with that. Not the 2:30 in the plan but I'm getting there.
Going to be a nice toasty 30 here today, and tomorrow maybe even 34!
@Stefan - Thanks for the note about breaking up your Z3 into blocks, but I read it after I finished - I did 1 hour in Z3 and nearly cried. Next week I will know better!
Off to chase my kids on the cross country ski trails with whatever life is left in my legs. Nice work out there everyone!
I am basically doing the GetFaster plan but instead of a long jog on Sunday or the long ride on Saturday I do some ski mountaineering.
Let's see where this will get me.
Looking forward to the first Tri races in 2014
As the SAT/SUN workouts are the "meat" of the GF-plan you could move at least the bike workout to another day were you could do it (Tuesday?). I guess your ski mountaineering is much a better replacement for the run than for the bike.
Couldn't believe I would be able to perform like that after yesterdays bike session ... work works
Brenda- I did 9miles too, but a heck of a lot slower
Until I get my trail back from the snow that is covering it, I have to run around my neighborhood which is super hilly, or the treadmill. Today I opted for the hood. I decided to just shoot for between Z1 and goal HM pace which is challenging enough with the terrain. (11:00-11:20). Avg pace 11:14 so guess that's a win! 781ft gain according to GArmin. Saw about 7 deer leaping across the road which was pretty cool. Had some leftover penne a la vodka from last night for recovery and now time to hit the shower and chill for a bit.
Enjoy the weekend everyone.
Nice work everyone! I had a great training weekend. Saturday was my long bike....and it was no picnic. I am really focusing on getting stronger on the bike. My husband walked in during one of my intervals.... dancing to the music thinking it was all fun....bad idea LOL poor guy, I couldn't speak but if looks could kill! LOL but I made it to the end and all intervals and time! Shorter run later that afternoon in the beautiful sunshine. Long run today! 9 miles outside. Felt so good to be outside!!
New week begins tomorrow. Looking forward to it.
I wish I could report good results. Alas my social and work life got in the way and I wasn't able to even start,never mind finish a workout. I find it so hard to balance getting my training done while also maintaining my connection to friends and family. Hopefully next week will be better.
Sleep well tonight folks!
Swim done this morning according to plan, although the whole T-Pace plus 3" (or T-pace minus xx), confuses me. Is T-Pace plus xx faster or slower than T-pace? In any case, I don't have too many speeds when it comes to swimming, but I was around my T-pace in today's intervals.
2300 yds total