19 days to a faster 5k
I'm contemplating racing the St Patty's Day "Dash down Greenville" here in Dallas on Sat 3/15/14, before turning the remainder of the day into my usual beerfest on the streets of Dallas.
I've lived here in Dallas for 12 years now and have never done this little VERY local (blocks away) race.
Question...while I've been 80%-ish been following the JOS program, running-wise, what's the best way to "train up" to really crush this little 5k in 19 days?!?
Just want to experiment and have some fun, but not hold back either.
Add ten strides to the end of every workout; and try doing these workouts instead of your run test this week and your 400s next week (I stole them from Coach P):
2 x 200, 4 x 400, 1 x 800 @ IP/Z5, with "full recoveries" between each (equal time for the 200s, equal time or distance for the 400s)
4 x 200, 2 x 800, 4 x 400 @ Z%.IP
Don;t do any hard intervals in the 4 days before the race.
@Al is right on the mark. Ya goat think like a middle distance runner 2ml Track and 5K Cross Country. 19 days is short but doing fast intervals will get you the best bang for a buck. Any variations of Fartleks, Ladders etc will do. Do you have a current 5k time...and a goal?
I used to hate doing-love the results of Ladders. Basic: 200,400,600,800,800,600,400,200 with 200 in between each. Recovery is as long as it takes to get to a recovery
For variation you could start back at "bottom and work back "up" to 800 after reaching the first 800. (evil)
For real mix up do Fartlics with random distances and short jog recoveries ie down to HR IN Z1. Mix up distances 100 to 800m and push the pace to Near max effort for distance -ie 200m will be faster than an 800m effort but both pushed "Very Hard". Write out on a card numbers to remind yourself ie- 1-4-6-2-3-1-8-4-2..... each representing x-100 meters etc total work distance of 2-3 miles. These are hard but the randomness keeps one from getting complacent or to frustrated and 3 miles of work gets over quickly.
Fartlics and other speed drills (20x 100m surges (speed up over 25m up to 95% max hold through middle then taper off last 25m) are best done NOW transitioning into ladders and intervals as Al mentioned in the next week-n a half.
The last few "hard WKO"s should be more race like such as 3-4 x 1 mile at GRP w/ full recovery (4 min minimum)
And yes taper - spins on bike good, also a few surges 2 days before good too. Lots of post run stretching/foam roller. likely be sore in Hams and anterior shins with the speedwork.
I'll be incorporating similar speedwork over a longer timeline prior to my Army 2 mile test run in about 6 weeks (now is ideal for running VO2 adaptations for speed work -not 19 days LOL! but you can get some quick speed improvement even if it is just practicing being fast)
Good Luck! let us know how it goes