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Team Update: February 25, 2014



  Welcome to Your EN Weekly Update!

From the Coaches

Coach Chats: New and Improved!

Base on your feedback from our Annual Survey (complete debrief coming soon) we will be making significant improvements to the weekly Coach Chat:

  • Chats will now be conducted on Wednesdays at 9pm EST / 6pm PST.
  • The coach on deck will present, via webcam video, on a specific topic for about 15'.
  • During this time attendees will watch the video and cue up their questions in the chat window. The coach will answer these questions after the formal presentation is over.
  • The video will be archived on the website and pushed out to the Team via this Weekly Update.

Coach Chat Topic for Wednesday, Feb 26: Indoors vs Outdoors Power Training and Testing, with Coach Rich. Join the session in the Chatroom at 6pm PST.

EN is Hiring!

We are looking for a part-time Content / Website Guru to help us manage our growing empire of triathlon-related work.We know that you know the right person, so please read more about the position and help spread the good word, thanks!

From the Race Director

Did you signup for the Kona Lottery?

Please complete this survey so EN can rack up mo' points toward the TriClub Championship! Deadline is February 27th 

Race Support Series and Race Groups

We have created all of the Race Groups for the 2014 season. So head on over there, join your Group, and our Race Support Series emails will be sent to you automagically.


We are entering week 4 of the 5-20 Challenge. Things are getting hard. Find out how the challengers are feeling by visiting the Challenge Forum here.

NEW and Hot Content


Blog: A Treadmill Love Story: How to Embrace the Treadmill in the OutSeason

Sponsor Update

Running Warehouse is our newest Team sponsor!! Save 15% off all shoes...learn more on the Team Discounts page.

This Week's Power Users Tip

Take your workout with you anywhere (how to access EN Mobile). Video here.

Thanks again for choosing Endurance Nation!

Rich and Patrick

Your Endurance Nation Coaches

PS - Remember, we're here to help you 24/7 via our
support email service. Don't be shy!


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