Linda's micro forum
I'm on week 1 of IMTX plan. I did my 1hr sweat test during the last hour of my 4hr trainer ride (it's been pouring out.). I read the instructions on the Wiki and it seems I might have gained 0.4oz in that last hour.
My pre-test weight was 127.2, my post test weight 127.6. It says to deduct the post weight from the pre weight, which in my case it's an increase of 0.4.
I asked my fellow EN peeps from IMTX thread, and one person suggested that I needed to also deduct the 24oz of fluid I took during that last hour of testing. My understanding was that after I had the amount lost in lbs, then I'd multiply by 16 and then 24, and then... Add the 24 oz I consumed.
I am weird like that and sweat very little. I did the 3hr trainer ride this morning and consumed 24oz/per hr. Towards the last hour I noticed some burping and then of course a little regurgitation followed. LOL. Now I know I need to dial it down next time.
Could you please clarify for me and tell me what my range should be for cool vs hot days?
I'm on week 1 of IMTX plan. I did my 1hr sweat test during the last hour of my 4hr trainer ride (it's been pouring out.). I read the instructions on the Wiki and it seems I might have gained 0.4oz in that last hour.
My pre-test weight was 127.2, my post test weight 127.6. It says to deduct the post weight from the pre weight, which in my case it's an increase of 0.4.
I asked my fellow EN peeps from IMTX thread, and one person suggested that I needed to also deduct the 24oz of fluid I took during that last hour of testing. My understanding was that after I had the amount lost in lbs, then I'd multiply by 16 and then 24, and then... Add the 24 oz I consumed.
I am weird like that and sweat very little. I did the 3hr trainer ride this morning and consumed 24oz/per hr. Towards the last hour I noticed some burping and then of course a little regurgitation followed. LOL. Now I know I need to dial it down next time.
Could you please clarify for me and tell me what my range should be for cool vs hot days?
So lets assume you didn't gain/lose any weight. 0lbs * 16oz = 0, and 0lbs * 24pz = 0. Then do that number (aka, "0") we add what you your case, 24 oz.
So it sounds like the 24 oz is pretty close to what you need. That said, I need more info:
* What is IN your bottles? Sounds like there could be something funky there.
* What is your height & weight....
* Do you eat any foods during your long rides?
Let's get to the bottom of this!
Thanks for getting back to me. I know, something funky has got to be in my nutrition.
To answer your question, I'm 5'4", 126 lbs. I've used Infinit Nutrition Customized Blend for the past 2 yrs. (Hopefully the image I attached will go through.) I've tried to consume 350 cal/hr and 24oz/hr in the past. I did Vineman Full and IMLT, and both times I had HORRIBLE GI issues, the type that make you want to crawl under a bush. Both times they started 3/4 of the way on the bike, and by the time I hit mile 6 of the run, it's just damage control. They continue on/off until I cross the finish line. It's always my stomach that's in pain. It's frustrating because I know physically I'm able to run faster, but the GI issues hold me back.
During the run on both races, I couldn't tolerate any more Infinit. For IMLT I started taking chicken broth which helped a lot, and Pepto Bismol half way through, that helped a TON.
I asked the IMTX EN group, and they all seem to like Ironman perform that is offered on the course. I'm thinking of making the switch all together. I cringe at the idea of having any more GI issues on race day.
When I did my 3hr trainer day last week, it was 64F in my house and I took in 24oz of Infinit/per hour, so I know that I will need more under the IMTX heat. Although, I've never raced under such humid/hot conditions before.:blink:
I try to get the 350calories/hr through Infinit nutrition and supplement the rest with bonk breakers, bananas, and small Hawaiian rolls with peanut butter that I've brought with me in the past.
If you could figure this out for me... It would be HUGE!!!!! I have an Olympic distance Tri in 2 wks, and then a 70.3 two wks after that.
Thanks Patrick!!!:)
Also, what's with the 3.5 g of protein -- that's most likely your stomach culprit...very few folks need ANY protein in their race fuel, and if you have gastric distress that should be the first thing go be reduced.
Your formula also has 441 mg of sodium per hour (if you do use 2 scoops / 215 cals) which is not enough...we'd like to see 750mgs to 1000 mgs.
Comparing to IM Perform, your formula is close. IM Perform is 210 cals per 24 oz, has 570 mg of sodium, 0 protein, and 51 g of sugar. I don't think it would be that hard of a switch...but I need to hear more about the actual calories you are taking in!
At the very least, please head over to the store to order some IM perform ( see IM Perform in the first item, and we can use it for a future test. Looking forward to hearing from you!
Yes, I'm using 2scoops of Infinit in a 24oz bottle to come up with 215 calories. The remainder 135calories/hr are coming from a banana, bonk breakers, or small Hawaiian rolls with peanut butter. Actually, on race day I use my Speedfil and that only holds 40 oz instead of the ideal 48oz. I still have been treating it as 2 bottles and put in 4 scoops of Infinit in my Speedfil.
During training, however, I only use the 215 calories from Infinit if the training calls for anything under 90 mins. I don't take anything during a swim, other than a yogurt for breakfast, and chocolate milk for after all my workouts.
What's with the Protein in my Infinit? I customized the gauges for my nutrition based upon the answers to their short questionnaire. I'm glad you think that could be the culprit for my GI Issues, as that would be an easy fix.
That also brings us back to the original question of... What's up with me having lost 0.4lbs during my sweat test? I consumed 350 calories for the first 3 hours I did on my trainer, and for the 4th hour when I did the sweat test I only took in 215 calories from Infinit w/24 oz, although I did intend to eat a Bonk Breaker but didn't get to it.
As I meantioned, I' don't sweat very much. Would you still recommend the 750mg-1000mg sodium/per hr. I hear people talk about salt tabs, salt pills,etc. Is that the best option to supplement the remainder of the sodium that's not in my nutrition? How do they seem affected by the heat on race day or if it's sitting on my Special needs bag?
Since I'll probably have to discard the protein filled Infinit I have right now (half a bag), would you encourage me to switch/try out Ironman Perform? I like it that it's readily accessible on race day.
You don't want to eat bonk breakers or hawaiian rolls with peanut butter unless (A) bonk breakers are only food left on earth and (B) hawaiia rolls with PB will save you from going insane. Otherwise please switch to a powergel or 1/2 a power bar.
I think you were over doing it on the hydration / calorie side of things…so the test wasn't really accurate. I recommend going to the Perform (if it doesn't work, then we can go back to infinIT with no protein please). I would plan on one bottle of perform an hour (swap in a smaller bottle to speedfil if it's the A2) plus a powergel or 1/2 a powerboat and see how that goes in your next test!
I'm doing Sat's 4hr bike ride tomorrow, so it will be a perfect opportunity to test out the Perform I purchased this morning. You mentioned to eat 1/2 a power bar per hr. I was looking at the nutritional label on some of them and they can easily pack 10-12g of protein, which could be 5-6g of protein per hour. Will I then be in the same boat as I was with Infinit with the "protein=GI issues"? Are there any gels/powerbars you'd recommend? I'll give it a try tomorrow. Would you recommend the Perform recovery drink in lieu of my organic chocolate milk (that I love)?
How much sodium do you want me to take in and in which form? I've never used salt pills/sticks.
All the protein talk is making me having to reconsider the "smoothie" I have been consuming for breakfast on my "long training rides" and on "race day."
It consists of:
-OJ and water
- a banana
-frozen berries
-frozen cheeries
-plain Greek yogurt
-1 tbsp peanut butter
-hemp hearts
-chia seeds
-sunflower seeds
-*1 scoop of whey protein loaded with 27g of protein*
Perhaps I'll have a yogurt, banana and oatmeal tomorrow before my long ride instead and see how that works out. Wish me luck! I'm completely revamping my whole nutrition overnight. LOL
When eating it during exercise, it has to be "just right" and the powerbars are -- sodium, carbs, etc. I am thinking Performance Energy here:
let me know how it goes!!
Total caloric intake was 295/hr, with 20 oz of liquid/hr. During training it seemed fine, other than the strong lime flavor.
When I got home, I was not hungry as I usually am after a hard ride. I took my chocolate milk as a recovery drink and some water. I took a couple of bites of a turkey sandwich and my body had a total aversion at the thought of eating anything. My stomach started feeling very sensitive, uneasy, queasy. 2 1/2 hours after my ride I had horrible stomach cramps, like the kind I get on race day during my run. :-(. The rest of the day I had a food aversion that lasted over 24hrs. I felt jittery and wondered if there was caffeine in the nutrition, but there wasn't any.
I have a 3 hr ABP ride scheduled for early Sun morning. What do you want to try on this guinea pig?
I did my ABP 3 hr ride on Sun and wanted to see if I could tweek my nutrition after we texted back and forth. Weather-wise, it was 50F at the beginning of my ride and was in the low 70's by the end with strong Santa Ana winds the second half of the bike. Rode 51.80 mi, and 1,478 elev gain.
I consumed 540 calories and 36 oz of fluid for the whole 3 hr ride. That breaks down to 180 calories/hr and 12oz of fluid/hr. My stomach was sooo much happier this time around. It did give me 2 warning signals, one on the way there, and the other on the way back... via the burping. I even regurgitated a little. (I know it's TMI, but you probably want to know that.) I peed maybe 1-2oz halfway through. I returned home and had my normal appetite that I have after a ride. NO stomach distress AT ALL.
I know in paper it seems like very little intake in calories/fluid. Just want to make sure I'm doing digging a hole for myself when it comes to the Texas heat/humidity. What are your thoughts? I think it's at least headed in the right direction. The burping and regurg surprised me a little since I dialed it down A LOT from my previous 4 hr ride. I wonder if it's also my body adapting to the new nutrition.